INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOT FIX 82BB67 ON SOLARIS BEFORE DOWNLOADING: The hot fix 82BB67 addresses the issue(s) in Release 8.2 (TS2M0) of Base SAS software on Solaris as documented in SAS Note(s): SN-010474 "Save as" does not work in the French version of 8.2 on Unix which may be reviewed at: The hot fix package that is downloaded is in compressed tar format. The name of the tar file is 82bb67s2.tar, and it contains the following files: * windcm.msg the replacement message file containing the hot fix * 82bb67s2.aud a hot fix identifier file that will allow Technical Support to determine which fixes have been applied to a system * 82bb67s2.txt a copy of these installation instructions; this file is installed in !SASROOT/hotfix/doc IMPORTANT NOTE(S): 1. You must have the French version of Release 8.2 (TS2M0) installed on your system before applying this hot fix. AFTER DOWNLOADING: The following instructions describe the steps for installing the files listed above. In this example, !SASROOT, the directory where Release 8.2 (TS2M0) is installed, is: /usr/lib/sas8 Assuming the tar file is downloaded to the user's HOME directory, follow these procedures to install the package. STEP 1: Create a back-up of the production version of the message file being replaced. $> cd /usr/lib/sas8 $> mv nls/fr/sasmsg/windcm.msg nls/fr/sasmsg/windcm.msg.ts2m0 STEP 2: Extract the contents of the tar file: $> uncompress -c $HOME/82bb67s2.tar | tar -xf - This completes the installation of hot fix 82BB67 on Solaris.