INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOT FIX 913IDP04 ON WINDOWS BEFORE DOWNLOADING: The hot fix 913IDP04 addresses the issue(s) in 9.1.3 of SAS Information Delivery Portal software on Windows as documented in the "Issue(s) Addressed" section of the hot fix download page: IMPORTANT NOTE(S): 1. You must have SAS Information Delivery Portal 9.1.3 installed on your system before applying this hot fix. SAS Service Pack 3 must also be applied. 2. Manual steps are necessary to complete the hotfix installation after the automated process completes. Therefore, it is important that you read the this file before launching 913IDP04wn.exe. AFTER DOWNLOADING: The hot fix package downloaded is a self extracting executable named 913IDP04wn.exe. Launching the executable will initiate a Java application which will guide you through extraction of the updated components. MANUAL POST-INSTALLATION STEPS: After the hotfix, 913IDP04, finishes execution, you should update the SAS Services application and rebuild / redeploy the Portal.war, SASStoredProcess.war, and SASPreferences.war files. ** Perform the following steps for SAS Information Delivery Portal: 1) Stop the servlet container and the SAS Services application. 2) Run the configure_wik utility to update the SAS Services application and create new Portal.war, SASStoredProcess.war, and SASPreferences.war files. You may find the configure_wik utility in a location such as C:\Program Files\SAS\Web\Portal2.0.1. 3) Start the SAS Services application. 4) Redeploy the following files to the servlet container on your portal Web application's Web server machine: Portal.war SASStoredProcess.war SASPreferences.war SASTheme_default.war For sample instructions on how to redeploy these war files for BEA Weblogic application server, see SAS Note SN-016656. 5) Start the servlet container. Note: This hotfix may include updates that impact custom auxiliary portal applications, such as web applications and remote portlets. If you included JAR files deployed from the Enterprise BI Server web applications, re-copy the JAR files to your applications after applying the hotfix. This completes the installation of hotfix 913IDP04.