INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOT FIX 21fos02 ON AIX BEFORE DOWNLOADING: The hot fix 21FOS02 addresses the issue(s) in 2.1 of SAS Forecast Studio software on AIX as documented in the "Issue(s) Addressed" section of the hot fix download page: IMPORTANT NOTE(S): 1. You must have SAS Forecast Studio 2.1 installed on your system before applying this hot fix. 2. You must have Administrator Privileges on your CLIENT or SERVER machine and all currently active SAS Forecast Studio 2.1 sessions must be terminated before applying this hot fix. Installationi Details: 1. Create the appropriate backups Technical Support strongly suggests that you back up the files being replaced by this hot fix. You should always try to include the current date in the name of the backup file created to distinguish between versions of backup files. By doing this you will maintain a history of the file, which will be helpful when multiple iterations of a hot fix have been applied to the same file. *** IMPORTANT NOTE: For the jar files, these backups must be created in a directory other than the directory that the original file resides in. For example, copy the file c:\foo\ to c:\foo_backup\ where 07012006 is the date when the hot fix is applied. The extension MUST be appended AFTER the .jar extension as it appears above. The files that should be backed up for the server component of this hot fix (21fos02srvrr6.tar and 21fos02mvar6.tar.Z) are: /SASAPCore/apps/Forecasting/lib/sas.forecasting-remote.jar /SASAPCore/apps/Forecasting/webstart/sas.forecasting-swing.jar /SASAPCore/apps/Forecasting/webstart/sas.forecasting-client.jar /sasautos/ /sasautos/ /sasautos/ /sasautos/ /sasautos/ /sasautos/ 2. Extract the two components of this hot fix: The hot fix package downloaded is a compressed tar file named 21fos02r6.tar. Download this file to the user's root directory. Uncompress the tar file with this command: $> cd ~ $> tar -xf 21fos02r6.tar This will extract two components to the user's 21fos02 subdirectory: 21fos02srvrr6.tar - contains updates to SAS Forecast Server 21fos02mvar6.tar.Z - contains updates to SAS Forecast Server Please note: This download is intended for customers running a AIX server. To install the Windows client updates, you must download the Windows version of this hot fix and install the appropriate client piece on your Windows system. 3. Install the individual components that apply to your system. Installing 21fos02srvrr6.tar ---------------------------- You must stop SAS Analytics Platform before applying this component of the hotfix. Run 21fos02srvrr6.tar on the machine where SAS Forecast Server is installed (this may require copying the file to the appropriate machine). Execute these commands to extract the contents of the 21fos02srvrr6 package: $> cd ~/21fos02 $> tar -xf 21fos02srvrr6.tar This will extract the following files into the user's 21fos02/r64 directory: media.inf setup.jar Setup_AIX_Power Change the permission of Setup_AIX_Power: $> cd r64 $> chmod +x Setup_AIX_Power Execute the file Setup_AIX_Power. Launching the installer will install the following files: /SASAPCore/apps/Forecasting/lib/sas.forecasting-remote.jar /SASAPCore/apps/Forecasting/webstart/sas.forecasting-swing.jar /SASAPCore/apps/Forecasting/webstart/sas.forecasting-client.jar where is the root directory of the SAS install. Installing 21fos02mvar6.tar.Z ----------------------------- You must stop SAS Analytics Platform before applying this component of the hotfix. Run 21fos02mvar6.tar.Z on the machine where the SAS Workspace Server (SAS Foundation) is installed. This may require copying the file to the appropriate machine. Execute these commands to extract the contents of the 21fos02mvar6 package: $> cd $> uncompress -c ~/21fos02/21fos02mvar6.tar | tar -xf - $> install/admin/hotfix/histupd_21fos02mva where is the location of SAS 9.1.3 (9.1 TS1M3) The following files will be installed: /sasautos/ /sasautos/ /sasautos/ /sasautos/ /sasautos/ /sasautos/ Post Processing --------------- After 21fos02srvrr6.tar and 21fos02mvar6.tar.Z have been successfully installed, create a symbolic link in /misc/base to /SASAPCore/apps/Forecasting/lib/sas.forecasting-remote.jar For example, from /misc/base, execute this command: ln -s /SASAPCore/apps/Forecasting/lib/sas.forecasting-remote.jar . Once this link is created, restart the SAS Analytics Platform. This completes the installation of hot fix 21fos02 on AIX.