INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOT FIX 20ESRI01 ON WINDOWS BEFORE DOWNLOADING: The hot fix 20ESRI01 addresses the issue(s) in Version 1.0 of SAS Bridge for ESRI software on Windows as documented in the 20ESRI01 "Issue(s) Addressed" list on: IMPORTANT NOTE(S): 1. You must have Version 2.0 of SAS Bridge for ESRI installed on your system before applying this hot fix. 2. Microsoft.Net 2.0 Framework 3. Latest ArcGIS Desktop 9.2 Service pack currently Service Pack 1 3. Additional Manual Steps are required after hotfix download. Please follow all Installation steps below. INSTALLATION STEPS AFTER DOWNLOAD 1. The hot fix package downloaded is a self-extracting executable named 20ESRI01wn.exe. Launching the executable will initiate the install wizard which will guide you through the setup process. This will copy all of the hotfix dlls to the SAS Bridge install location as follows: !sasroot\SAS Bridge for ESRI (default location for !sasroot -- C:\Program Files\SAS) * ExportForms.dll * SASBridge.dll * SASBridgeServer.dll * SASExport.dll * SASMetaView.dll * Interop.SASIOMCommon.dll * Interop.SAS.dll * Interop.SHDocVw.dll * Interop.SASWorkspaceManager.dll * 20ESRI01wn.txt a copy of these installation instructions 2. Run the following commands from a DOS shell: NOTE: The command below will result in an error unless the PATH variable includes the .Net Framework 2.0 system location. You should choose perform one of the following - add the location for .Net Framework 2.0 to system PATH variable - Include the full path for regasm when running the command below 3.1 regasm sasexport.dll /tlb:sasexport.tlb /codebase 3.2 regasm sasbridge.dll /tlb:sasbridge.tlb /codebase 3.3 regasm sasmetaview.dll /tlb:sasmetaview.tlb /codebase 3. Run the ArcGIS Component Category Manager(categories.exe) from \bin to insure that the Bridge components have been registered correctly 4.1 ESRI MxCommands should contain SASExport.SASExport 4.2 ESRI MxExtensions should contain SASExport.SASExportExtension 4.3 ESRI GxTabViews should contain SASMetaView.SASMetaView This completes the installation of hot fix 20ESRI01 on Windows.