SAS 9.1.3 (9.1 TS1M3)

BASE SAS Hot Fix Information for Linux

Fixes NOT included in the BASE SAS Hot Fix Bundle:Introduced:
SN-039321 ALERT - PROC MEANS, SUMMARY, or TABULATE might report incorrect _FREQ_ values when the THREADS and NOTRAP options are specified E9BD27
SN-040136 PROC TABULATE might give incorrect frequency statistics when only the N statistic is requested and memory is constrained E9BD34
SN-036254 SAS® 9.1.3 elssrv and jproxy processes not exiting correctly on Solaris zones E9BD02
SN-040188 CALL IS8601_CONVERT generates error messages if a null argument is passed to the routine E9BD36
SN-038401 MDX queries using totals in SAS® Web reports are not optimized by the SAS® OLAP Server E9BD21
SN-038374 An error related to AVL trees might be returned by OLAP queries E9BD23
SN-038652 Performance problems might occur on SAS® OLAP Servers that are running multiple requests E9BD24
SN-038708 "Internal server exception: access violation" and _pthread_body errors received during an OLAP query E9BD24
SN-040398 The SAS® OLAP Server might fail on Microsoft Windows Server installations E9BD38
SN-040559 VVALUE function causes segmentation violation in some cases in SAS® 9.1.3 E9BD39
SN-040528 Slow performance of DBCS SAS® when UPCASE() function is used E9BD40
SN-035117 ANYDTDTE informat incorrectly interprets invalid date value as a SAS date E9BC86
SN-040951 Arithemetic performed on DATA and TIME data types is not passed to the underlying DBMS in SAS/ACCESS® 9.1.3 software E9BC93
SN-038698 SAS® Enterprise Guide® becomes unresponsive and the SAS® Workspace Server log grows extremely large E9BD22
SN-040558 Invoking nested autocall macros using des= option causes error E9BD42
SN-039997 A database error can occur when you submit an SQL query with a LIBNAME statement that uses the MULTI_DATASRC_OPT=IN_CLAUSE option E9BD33
SN-041748 Using the LIBNAME option MULTI_DATASRC_OPT=IN_CLAUSE can result in an error E9BD46
SN-042030 Oracle PREPARE error issued when SAS table is empty and no keys are in the WHERE clause E9BD48
SN-042092 MINGUO format does not handle 3-digit year properly for widths 7 and 9 E9BD49
SN-038292 Libname X not available for use error when password for WebDAV library is more than nine characters E9BD19
SN-039550 A Read access violation occurs when you use the METALIB procedure to import or register database tables into the SAS® Metadata Repository E9BD28
SN-042180 Support for implicit pass-through facility with SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server when using the META engine on the LIBNAME statement E9BD50
SN-042334 ALERT - Extra rows are returned in resulting data sets when you use the syntax SELECT * rather than SELECT A, B, C in SAS® Warranty Analysis E9BD52
SN-032805 Trusted Peer Connections between a SAS® process in a Windows environment and a Metadata Server in a z/OS environment run as public user connections E9BB40
SN-040494 ALERT - A SAS/SHARE® server fails or does not respond when it is run as a Microsoft Windows service E9BD37
SN-042456 You cannot access files on a SAS/SHARE® server E9BD51
SN-036130 Running large SQL queries in the AIX operating environment can generate results with missing values E9BC60
SN-034651 Using a Japanese or DBCS character in a pathname may cause truncation of file name E9BC67
SN-040822 Specifying the SAS® system option OPLIST may cause a segmentation violation error in the UNIX environment E9BD41
SN-041361 Modification datetime stamp is changed on existing version of a SAS® data set when you create a new data set with same name E9BD44
SN-040951 Arithemetic performed on DATA and TIME data types is not passed to the underlying DBMS in SAS/ACCESS® 9.1.3 software E9BD20
SN-038458 SQLPLAN internal errors might occur when you reference a view in a query that has variables that are defined with the the LENGTH= column modifier E9BD20
SN-040492 Incorrect textualization of SQL Implicit Pass-Through queries occurs when you combine multiple inner joins with the UNION operator E9BD20
SN-038519 Specifying both the DBSLICPARM= and the MULTI_DATASRC_OPT= options might generate incorrect results E9BD26
SN-039304 SQL views of DBMS tables may not return aliased column names E9BD26
SN-039129 Formatting a newly created, missing numeric variable might result in a "Format not found" error E9BD32
SN-039125 An SQLPLAN error might occur when you use a new column variable in a correlated subquery E9BD32
SN-039271 ALERT - Outer join condition may not appear on WHERE clause when performing query against Oracle E9BD32
SN-039984 An SQL procedure view does not return any rows when it is used in DATA step or a PRINT procedure E9BD43
SN-041785 Read Access Violation errors occur when creating a long macro variable with the PROC SQL / INTO: macro interface E9BD43
SN-042030 Oracle PREPARE error issued when SAS table is empty and no keys are in the WHERE clause E9BD47
SN-044069 Performance might be affected if your query joins multiple tables or views in which variables are being renamed E9BD61

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