INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOT FIX 13DLM01_B ON WINDOWS BEFORE DOWNLOADING: The Update 13dlm01_B_xx is an experimental update for SAS Download Manager 1.3 For Windows as documented on the following download page: IMPORTANT NOTE(S): 1. You must have SAS Download Manager 1.3 installed on your system before applying this hot fix. 2. All updates provided are considered experimental and are not production quality. They have not gone through the normal software testing process as those considered productions. Please backup all existing setup.jar files before proceeding. INSTALLATION: Step 1: Technical Support strongly suggests that you back up the files being replaced by this Update. You should always try to include the current date in the name of the backup file created to distinguish between versions of backup files. For example, Rename the current setup.jar in the SAS Download Manager install path which is normally C:\Program Files\SAS\SASDownloadManager\1.x where x may vary. Step 2: Launch the executable, 13dlm01_B.exe , which will copy the new setup.jar to C:\13dlm01_B for deployment. Please follow the steps below to complete the update process. Step 3: To verify the extraction of the updated file, confirm that the file(s) has been copied to the location below: C:\13dlm01_B\setup.jar Date: 10/27/08 Once you have renamed the current setup.jar as in step 1, copy the setup.jar from C:\13dlm01_B to the same location. This completes the installation of experimental updates for SAS Download Manager 1.3