To install your new DataDirect Driver Manager and SQL Server driver: 1) Download and save the tar file 'xxx_sqlsvr.tar' (where xxx = platform) to the Unix box where SAS is installed. 2) Move the file to the directory where you want the driver to reside. It is recommended it be a different directory then where your current DataDirect install resides so you do not overwrite any existing information. 3) Run the following unix command (example is for SQL Server on Solaris): unix_prompt=> tar -xvf s64_sqlsvr.tar 4) This will create a couple of files and some subdirectories. You will need to update your libary path to point to the new "lib" subdirectory. 5) The environment variable LIBPATH(AIX), LD_LIBRARY_PATH(Solaris and Linux), or SHLIB_PATH(HP) will need to be exported to pick up the changes. For example, if you are currently on AIX your export command may look something like this: unix_prompt=> export LIBPATH=/usr/local/sql_server_dir/lib:$LIBPATH 6) Included in the tar file are sample files called 'odbc.ini.sample' and 'odbcinst.ini.sample' that can be copied to 'odbc.ini' and 'odbcinst.ini' respectively. These can be modified to add your DSN entries. 7) Export the environment variable 'ODBCINI' to point your 'odbc.ini' file. unix_prompt=> export ODBCINI=/usr/local/sql_server_dir/odbc.ini 8) Export the environment variable 'ODBCHOME' to point to your new directory. unix_prompt=> export ODBCHOME=/usr/local/sql_server_dir 9) It is recommended you use the 'sasenv_local' file for most environment variables needed by SAS. Adding 'LIBPATH'(AIX), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'(Solaris or Linux), or 'SHLIB_PATH'(HP) and 'ODBCINI' and 'ODBCHOME' environment variables to the !SASROOT/bin/sase nv_local will make these environment variables global to all users who run SAS. 10) For information on utilizing Operating System authentication please refer to the following SAS Notes: