Add-In for Microsoft Office 2.1

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21AMO11 was replaced by 21AMO14

21AMO12 was replaced by 21AMO14

21AMO13 was replaced by 21AMO14

Issue(s) Addressed :Introduced:
SN-018601User-defined libraries in the metadata server are not recognized when you use the 'Copy to SAS Server'21AMO01
SN-017538Updates to SASŪ Forecast Studio 1.221AMO01
SN-018447Grand Total data will be missing in Microsoft Excel 2000 for SAS OLAP cubes21AMO01
SN-018607Summary Statistics task might have invalid Proc SQL when using SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO01
SN-017684SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office cannot save data to metadata-defined libraries21AMO01
SN-018602System Format exceptions can occur when opening data sources from Metadata server with the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO01
SN-020319Libraries missing when attempting to Copy to SAS Server in the SASŪ Add-in for Microsoft Office21AMO01
SN-018606The Security tab is present for Repository folders and Stored Processes in the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO01
SN-018603Information Map Labels used in Tasks contain unusual information in the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO01
SN-018610SASŪ Enterprise GuideŪ custom tasks will not load in the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office client21AMO01
SN-018611Information Map custom formats are ignored when using the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO01
SN-018599Using the Journal style in the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office can cause Interop.COMException errors21AMO01
SN-018612The link to the "SASŪ 9.1 Integration Technologies Developer's Guide" does not work in the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO01
SN-018613System Security Policy exceptions can occur when installing the FM Solutions Add-In after installing the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO01
SN-017617Opening SASŪ data sets into Excel pivot table with the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office causes filtering failures21AMO01
SN-017604Tips for testing permissions of "sassrv" user account for the Stored Process Server on Windows21AMO01
SN-017954SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office experienced an error loading the "SAS Analysis Tools" toolbar21AMO01
SN-018609Using the 'Look In' drop-down list in the Open SASŪ Data Source dialog box can cause the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office to stall21AMO01
SN-017984SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office incorrectly prompts for the active data source when Microsoft Excel contains a blank column of data21AMO01
SN-018196The Japanese version of the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office fails to open information maps21AMO01
SN-018600Null reference exceptions can occur when you execute Favorites in the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO01
SN-018866Filtering on character variables with the $char format and informat may result in incorrect results21AMO02
SN-018967Using the Navigation tool in the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office creates a new Microsoft Excel worksheet21AMO02
SN-018889The SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office and front-end LDAP authentication21AMO03
SN-018604SQL errors and other errors can occur when you perform tasks on Excel data that has been stored in a metadata server21AMO03
SN-018865The "contains" filter clause may not appear in the SASŪ Add-in for Microsoft Office21AMO03
SN-018960Incorrect DNS Host name in the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO03
SN-018847Leading zeros might be truncated when you refresh results in the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO03
SN-018954Removing columns from result data from summary task causes error in the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO03
SN-018816Lowercase informat names are ignored by the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO04
SN-018937Customized Microsoft Excel chart templates cannot be saved after the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office is installed21AMO04
SN-019678Refreshing information map in a Microsoft Excel workbook might cause it to hang21AMO04
SN-020377Error opening information map in the SASŪ Add-in for Microsoft Office after applying the E9BX01 SAS bundle21AMO05
SN-020320Error retrieving valid XML while creating a Forecast Studio Table21AMO05
SN-019698SASMain not available as Default SAS Server in the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office server connections21AMO05
SN-020322Canceling open or modify into Microsoft Excel can lose the connection between the worksheet and the server21AMO05
SN-019892SAS Report type output fails to generate results in SAS client products such as SASŪ Enterprise GuideŪ and the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO05
SN-020315The SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office might return empty cells when filtering large tables21AMO05
SN-020626Microsoft Word, and the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office 2.121AMO06
SN-030580Long filter in the SASŪ Add-in for Microsoft Office might cause an exception after being edited21AMO07
SN-021138An unexpected exception error occurs when using an Analyze Data task in the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO07
SN-020992Problems opening an information map that contains an apostrophe in the SASŪ Add-in for Microsoft Office21AMO07
SN-030578Stored process might not be refreshable in the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office after moving the location of the stored process21AMO07
SN-030551Hidden worksheets that use SAS Stored Processes cause an exception when refreshed in the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO07
SN-032806A Microsoft Word template that adds menu items might conflict with the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office template21AMO08
SN-032807A Microsoft Word template might conflict with the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office template when using the ActiveX graph control21AMO08
SN-032784Unable to refresh on "File Open" when file is opened from the local computer using SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO09
SN-032777Refreshing data doesn't return the expected number of rows in Excel with the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO09
SN-032788SAS® Forecast Studio projects do not display in SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO09
SN-032783Microsoft Office 2007 will not display more than 65535 rows with SAS Add-In For Microsoft Office21AMO09
SN-032262Possible performance problems or credential prompting when browsing for a save location in Copy to SAS Server window21AMO09
SN-032787Exception errors when using SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office to create and open SASŪ Forecast Studio projects21AMO09
SN-032448Custom repository can return an exception when attempting to open a stored processes in the SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office21AMO10
SN-033894Excel returns an incorrect cell reference using the Analysis Toolpak21AMO11
SN-035185Operations in Microsoft Excel might be slowed by the SAS® Add-in for Microsoft Office21AMO11
SN-034787Data Link Properties dialog box appears in the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office when opening a data set into a pivot table21AMO11
SN-035118Stored processes with names that exceed 39 characters might cause Microsoft Word to stop responding when using the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO12
SN-036127Table names that have more than 26 characters might cause an exception when running a task in the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO12
SN-037862Selecting a cell with SASŪ data from an Excel 2007 spreadsheet in Excel 2003 might return an exception21AMO13
SN-040018Number of records to display does not persist in the SASŪ Add-In for Microsoft Office21AMO14
WindowsReleased: Aug 2010
Install Instructions: 21AMO14wn.txt
Download: 21AMO14 for Windows   (file size: 15.0M)
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