SAS Anti-Money Laundering 2.1.1

Hot Fix Downloads

211AML01 was replaced by 211AML05

211AML02 was replaced by 211AML05

211AML03 was replaced by 211AML05

211AML04 was replaced by 211AML05

Issue(s) Addressed :Introduced:
SN-020657Russian translation updates are available for SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering211AML01
SN-030809The FIND_ALERT_NEAR_NEIGHBOR macro fails when BLTEMP=NO and an attempt is made to delete observations from the table, FSK_NN_PARTY211AML01
SN-020659Simplified Chinese translations are available for SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering 2.1.1211AML02
SN-020658Japanese translations are available for SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering 2.1.1211AML02
SN-030805ALERT - Saving a manual alert with an account number that is zero or less generates an invalid number error message211AML02
SN-019541The REPLICATETRANSACTION macro in SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering fails when the transaction key is larger than 8. format211AML03
SN-019544The alert generation process might have problems handling numeric formats that are not set to the BEST32. format 211AML03
SN-019850The FIND_ALERT_NEAR_NEIGHBOR.SAS macro now supports multibank applications211AML03
SN-039076Errors occur when you use the SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering macro FIND_ALERT_NEAR_NEIGHBORS211AML03
SN-033587Scenario SAS10009 might fail if the TRANSACTION_LIST_SIZE variable is not defined as global211AML03
SN-019849If the USER_FIELD_ID field is blank a sort order problem can occur in the OWNER_REPORT program211AML03
SN-033400The promote_scenarios macro might cause an integrity constraint violation211AML03
SN-019589PUT_AML_ERROR.SAS does not display hot fix information in error messages211AML03
SN-019600The version number in the SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering Help system and About page is not correct211AML03
SN-019555The Scenario Administrator in SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering 2.1 might fail to promote a large list of scenarios211AML03
SN-019848The GET_ENTITY_INFO macro in SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering fails on execution211AML03
SN-019670The program FIND_ALERT_NEAR_NEIGHBORS.SAS uses the incorrect schema to create the WORK.FSK_NN_PARTY table211AML03
SN-019672The SEND_ALERT_REMINDER macro generates an incorrect SYMBOLGEN message211AML03
SN-019673The BUILD_MATCH_CODES macro in SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering 2.1 is not building match codes for mailing addresses211AML03
SN-020025User interface advanced query generates a data type mismatch error211AML03
SN-019845Filtering occurs on an incorrect risk score in SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering 2.1211AML03
SN-020057The APPEND procedure fails when you run the ADD_HISTORIC_TARGET module211AML03
SN-034848A sort error might occur in the OWNER_REPORT macro when there is a blank USER_LONG_ID field211AML03
SN-019880Put the correct SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering version number in SASML.WAR's manifest file211AML03
SN-020027FIND_ALERT_NEAR_NEIGHBOR module might generate an error if 0 rows or 0 unsupressed alerts are returned from the input data set211AML03
SN-033274The Bayes reports do not display the source of the metrics used to generate the report211AML03
SN-034851ALERT - Invalid results might occur due to the GETRUNDATE macro not checking for negative values in the business_day_count field of the job calendar table211AML03
SN-033278Some scenarios might truncate party, account, or branch numbers when the sourced data contains blanks211AML03
SN-033532Using the replicateTransactions macro to specify which date key to use for table replication211AML03
SN-020671Risk factor scenarios SAS10023 and SAS10024 may produce incorrect results if the number of months parameter for the scenarios is greater than the number of months available in the profile data sets.211AML03
SN-033280Scenarios SAS10023 and SAS10024 calculate the wrong risk factors when the number of months requested is greater than number of profile months211AML03
SN-033287Scenario SAS10009 is filling up the transaction save area with duplicate triggering transactions211AML03
SN-033522Scenarios might generate erroneous alerts due to duplicates in the alert list211AML03
SN-033540Scenario SAS10015 incorrectly compares debit count to credit threshold211AML03
SN-033299Overlay of the axis labels might occur in the monthly and weekly trend reports 211AML03
SN-033586The daily aggregate total values for scenario SAS10020 are larger than expected211AML03
SN-034855Localization problems with the Anti-Money Laundering Active Alert Ownership and Activity report.211AML03
SN-033308Scenarios SAS10005 and SAS10007 are testing for Currency Transation Reports that are greater than, or equal, to $10,000 211AML03
SN-034517Pages are still available for viewing after logging out of the SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering Investigation client211AML03
SN-033475The RISKRANKING module might produce unexpected results if the any character other than 'Y' is entered for the RISKONLY parameter211AML03
SN-034565The party_watchlist_header code in SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering and SASŪ Money Laundering Detection might generate a character length-exceeded error211AML03
SN-035316DBCS characters in the SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering Investigation user interface are not translating correctly211AML04
SN-035317A NullPointerException error occurs in SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering query output windows when the number of rows per page is modified211AML04
SN-034454The SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering Investigation user interface might generate errors due to the missing SASAML.BROWSER.CACHE property211AML04
SN-035319In SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering, the Customer Names Query generates a duplicate window when the query is empty211AML04
SN-035321In SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering, the "more information about this alert" link on the Transaction Details page returns an empty result set211AML04
SN-035271The SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering alert count is displayed instead of the label "Total" in the Total Alerts By Month Report211AML05
SN-035276The scenario_id field in the investigation user interface of a SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering macro might be truncated211AML05
SN-039077The SASŪ Anti-Money Laundering macro FIND_ALERTS_NEAR_NEIGHBORS generates an error if the NN_ work tables do not contain any observations211AML05
Released: Aug 2010
Install Instructions: 211AML05wn.pdf
Download: 211AML05 for Windows   (file size: 53.1M)
ATTENTION: 211AML05 is also available for the following languages:
Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish
HPUX 64bit
Released: Aug 2010
Install Instructions: 211AML05h6.pdf
Download: 211AML05 for HPUX 64bit   (file size: 52.4M)
ATTENTION: 211AML05 is also available for the following languages:
Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish
Solaris 64bit
Released: Aug 2010
Install Instructions: 211AML05s6.pdf
Download: 211AML05 for Solaris 64bit   (file size: 52.4M)
ATTENTION: 211AML05 is also available for the following languages:
Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish
AIX 64bit
Released: Aug 2010
Install Instructions: 211AML05r6.pdf
Download: 211AML05 for AIX 64bit   (file size: 52.4M)
ATTENTION: 211AML05 is also available for the following languages:
Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish
Released: Aug 2010
Install Instructions: 211AML05lx.pdf
Download: 211AML05 for Linux   (file size: 52.3M)
ATTENTION: 211AML05 is also available for the following languages:
Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish
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