Hot fix U51002 addresses the issue(s) in SAS Environment Manager Enablement Kit Server 2.1 on Linux for x64 as documented
in the Issue(s) Addressed section of the hot fix download page:
The hot fix downloaded,, contains the updated files required to address
the documented issues.
Do NOT extract the contents of The hot fix installation process will extract
the contents as needed.
After downloading, follow the instructions for applying hot fixes in the SAS Deployment Wizard and SAS Deployment Manager 9.4: User's Guide.
The content of this hot fix is listed in the hot fix manifest.
FROM: <SASHome>/SASEnvironmentManagerEnablementKitServer/2.1/core/SASMacros/
TO: <SASConfig>/LevX/Web/SASEnvironmentManager/emi-framework/SASMacros/
FROM: <SASHome>/SASEnvironmentManagerEnablementKitServer/2.1/core/SASJobs/
TO: <SASConfig>/LevX/Web/SASEnvironmentManager/emi-framework/SASJobs/
NOTE: If the platform resource (host) on which the SAS Environment Manager Service Architecture is deployed has a single-level hostname (i.e. �myServer� rather than ��), the following additional steps are required. If that is not the case, these steps should be skipped.
Change the following line (~line number 332), from this:if (!hq.api.resourceApi.getPlatformResourceByFqdn(platform, false, false)) {to this:if (!hq.api.resourceApi.getPlatformResourceByFqdn('', false, false)) {NOTE: The value shown above (��) is only an example. Replace this with the value of shown in the field "Fully Qualified Domain Name" on the Inventory tab of the platform-level resource corresponding to the host with a single-level hostname within the SAS Environment Manager web interface. Note that while this will often be the same as the platform�s IP address, it may not be. The important thing is to make sure this value matches what is shown in that field.
Change the following line (~line number 199), from this:
def platform = hq.api.resourceApi.getPlatformResourceByFqdn(platform , false, false).resourceto this:def platform = hq.api.resourceApi.getPlatformResourceByFqdn('' , false, false).resourceSee note above about the proper value to use.
Change the following line (~line number 109), from this:if (!hq.api.resourceApi.getPlatformResourceByFqdn(platform, false, false)) {to this:if (!hq.api.resourceApi.getPlatformResourceByFqdn('', false, false)) {See note above about the proper value to use.
Change the following line (~line number 125), from this:if (!hq.api.resourceApi.getPlatformResourceByFqdn(platform, false, false)) {to this:if (!hq.api.resourceApi.getPlatformResourceByFqdn('', false, false)) {See note above about the proper value to use.
For more information on the proper order for starting servers, go to SAS� 9.4 Intelligence Platform: System Administration Guide, Fourth Edition and review the section entitled "Starting, Stopping and Checking the Status of Servers".
This completes the installation of hot fix U51002 on Linux for x64.
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