=============================================================================== Readme file for: IBM Platform Process Manager for SAS Product/Component Release: 9.1.0 SAS Update name: IBM Platform Process Manager Update Publication date: 10 Apr 2017 Last modified: 10 Apr 2017 APAR: P102179 This Fix enhances security when authorizing user credentials for the data stream between IBM Platform Process Manager Server and Clients. =============================================================================== ========================= CONTENTS ========================= 1. Abbreviations 2. About IBM Platform Process Manager 3. Supported operating systems 4. Products or components affected 5. Installation and Configuration 6. Copyright ========================= 1. Abbreviations ========================= N/A ========================= 2. About IBM Platform Process Manager ========================= IBM Platform Process Manager is a workload management tool that allows users to automate their business processes in UNIX and Windows environments. Process Manager provides flexible scheduling capabilities and load balancing in an extensible, robust execution environment. ========================= 3. Supported operating systems ========================= Windows 2008/2008 R2/7/8/2012/2012R2 ========================= 4. Products or components affected ========================= jfd.exe eauth.exe jobflow.jar jobflowui.jar lsfsecurity.jar floweditor.jar flowmanager.jar LSFCalEditor.jar jobflowcli.jar ========================= 5. Installation and Configuration ========================= Apply this Fix to all IBM Spectrum LSF Process Manager Servers and to all IBM Spectrum LSF Process Manager clients. 5.1 Install the Fix on the IBM Platform Process Manager Servers ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Log on to the IBM Platform Process Manager server as the Primary IBM Platform Process Manager administrator and shut down jfd with the command "jadmin stop". 2. Back up the following files in your existing installation: - %JS_SERVERDIR%\jfd.exe - %JS_SERVERDIR%\eauth.exe - %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\lib\java\jobflow.jar - %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\lib\java\jobflowui.jar - %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\lib\java\lsfsecurity.jar - %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\jobflowcli.jar 3. Copy files from the Fix directory to your current installation. - Copy jfd.exe in this Fix to %JS_SERVERDIR%\jfd.exe - Copy eauth.exe in this Fix to %JS_SERVERDIR%\eauth.exe - Copy jobflow.jar in this Fix to %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\lib\java\jobflow.jar - Copy jobflowui.jar in this Fix to %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\lib\java\jobflowui.jar - Copy lsfsecurity.jar in this Fix to %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\lib\java\lsfsecurity.jar - Copy jobflowcli.jar in this Fix to %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\jobflowcli.jar 4. If IBM Platform Process Manager clients are installed on the Process Manager server, update Process Manager client files. Otherwise, skip to step 5. a. Back up the following files in your existing installation: - %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\floweditor.jar - %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\flowmanager.jar - %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\LSFCalEditor.jar b. Copy files from the Fix directory to your current installation. - Copy floweditor.jar in this Fix to %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\floweditor.jar - Copy flowmanager.jar in this Fix to %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\flowmanager.jar - Copy LSFCalEditor.jar in this Fix to %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\LSFCalEditor.jar 5. Log on to the IBM Platform Process Manager server as the primary IBM Platform Process Manager administrator and start jfd with the command "jadmin start". 5.2 Install the Fix on the IBM Platform Process Manager clients ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Log on to the IBM Platform Process Manager client host and shut down all the IBM Platform Process Manager clients. 2. Back up the following files in your existing installation: - %JS_SERVERDIR%\eauth.exe - %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\lib\java\jobflow.jar - %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\lib\java\jobflowui.jar - %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\lib\java\lsfsecurity.jar - %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\floweditor.jar - %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\flowmanager.jar - %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\LSFCalEditor.jar - %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\jobflowcli.jar 3. Copy files from the Fix directory to your current installation. - Copy eauth.exe in this Fix to %JS_SERVERDIR%\eauth.exe - Copy jobflow.jar in this Fix to %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\lib\java\jobflow.jar - Copy jobflowui.jar in this Fix to %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\lib\java\jobflowui.jar - Copy lsfsecurity.jar in this Fix to %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\lib\java\lsfsecurity.jar - Copy floweditor.jar in this Fix to %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\floweditor.jar - Copy flowmanager.jar in this Fix to %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\flowmanager.jar - Copy LSFCalEditor.jar in this Fix to %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\LSFCalEditor.jar - Copy jobflowcli.jar in this Fix to %JS_HOME%\%JS_VERSION%\app\jobflowcli.jar 4. Log on to the Process Manager client host to start up IBM Platform Process Manager clients. ========================= 6. Copyright ========================= ©Copyright IBM Corporation 2017 U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. IBM®, the IBM logo and ibm.com®, are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at "Copyright and trademark information" at www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml.