Installation Instructions for Hot Fix T04010

Solaris for x64

Hot fix T04010 addresses the issue(s) in SAS Enterprise GRC 6.1 as documented in the Issue(s) Addressed section of the hot fix download page:

T04010 is a "container" hot fix that contains the following "member" hot fixes which will update the software components as needed.

T10011  updates  SAS Enterprise GRC Administrative Tools 6.1
T11010  updates  SAS Enterprise GRC Mid-Tier 6.1
Y02003  updates  SAS Enterprise GRC Server 6.1

See What is a container hot fix? in the Hot Fix FAQ for more information about container hot fixes.

Before applying this hot fix, follow the instructions in SAS Note 35968 to generate a SAS Deployment Registry report, then verify that the appropriate product releases are installed on your system. The release number information in the Registry report should match the 'member' release number information provided above for the software components installed on each machine in your deployment.

The hot fix downloaded,, includes the updates required for all components listed above on all applicable operating systems. To apply this hot fix on multiple machines, you can either save on each machine or save it in a network location that is accessible to all machines.

Do NOT extract the contents of The hot fix installation process will extract the contents as needed.


  1. Files delivered in this hot fix will be backed up during the installation process. However, it is good general practice to back up your system before applying updates to software.

  2. You must have Administrator Privileges on your CLIENT or SERVER machine.

  3. All currently active SAS sessions, daemons, spawners and servers must be terminated before applying this hot fix.

  4. This hot fix should be installed using the same userid who performed the initial software installation.

  5. CONFIGURATION: No automatic configuration scripting is included for this hot fix. If you have previously configured software installed, the SAS Deployment Manager may present a screen where you will see "Apply SAS Hot Fixes" and "Configure SAS Hot Fixes" options. On this screen, you must ensure that the "Configure SAS Hot Fix" option is *not* selected. If this option is automatically selected, please de-select it prior to proceeding with the SAS Deployment Manager Screens. Failure to do so could have unintended consequences when applying this hot fix.


Hot Fix T04010 must be installed on each machine where the updated components of the product, listed above, are installed. During the installation process you may see references to all operating systems for which updates are provided in the hot fix. The installation process will determine the operating system and which component(s) of SAS Enterprise GRC 6.1 require updating on the machine. See SAS Note 44810 for more details.

The hot fix will be applied using the SAS Deployment Manager. By default, the SAS Deployment Manager will search in the <SASHOME>/InstallMisc/HotFixes/New directory for hot fixes to be applied, but will also prompt for a location if you have downloaded hot fixes to a different directory.

After downloading, follow the instructions for applying hot fixes in the SAS Deployment Wizard and SAS Deployment Manager 9.4: User's Guide.

Please review the CONFIGURATION Important Note above concerning proper selection of the "Configure SAS Hot Fix" option in the SAS Deployment Manager.

The hot fix installation process generates the log file

for example, IT_2011-10-31-13.18.21.log. Each attempt to apply a hot fix results in the creation of a new log file giving detailed information regarding the installation process.

Postexec log files are created after the installation is completed and identifies the files that were added, backed up, changed and removed. These log files include the ‘member’ hot fix id in the name of the file and are also written to the <!SASHOME>/InstallMisc/InstallLogs directory. There is one postexec log for each ‘member’ hot fix applied (member hot fixes are listed at the top of these instructions).

The content of this hot fix is listed in the hot fix manifest.


For each product installed, click the link to be redirected to post-installation instructions.

T10011  updates  SAS Enterprise GRC Administrative Tools 6.1
T11010  updates  SAS Enterprise GRC Mid-Tier 6.1
Y02003  updates  SAS Enterprise GRC Server 6.1

T10011  updates  SAS Enterprise GRC Administrative Tools 6.1

Perform the following steps to ensure the administrative tools are running with the latest updates.

  1. Make a backup of the file “picklist” under <SASCONFIGDIR>>/Applications/SASEnterpriseGRCAdminTools/6.1/dbscripts

  2. Copy the new “picklist” from <SASHOME>/SASEnterpriseGRCAdministrativeTools/6.1/dbscripts/picklist


    <SASCONFIGDIR>/Applications/ SASEnterpriseGRCAdminTools/6.1/dbscripts/picklist

    and overwrite the current contents.

T11010  updates  SAS Enterprise GRC Mid-Tier 6.1

  1. A new configdata option has been added.

    When this option is set to "true", the measure columns in Controls screen in FBA will be sorted. The default is false.

Re-build and Re-deploy Web Application

This hot fix requires that the WebApp be rebuilt and redeployed. Use the following steps to perform this post-installation task:

Step 1: Re-build Web Application

In order for this step to execute correctly, the Metadata Server must be running.

1.1 Invoke the SAS Deployment Manager 9.4

From the SASDeploymentManager directory launch
SAS Deployment Manager is installed in the following default location: <SASHOME>/SASDeploymentManager/9.4

1.2 Select a language in the Choose Language box

1.3 Select Rebuild Web Applications

1.4 Select Configuration Directory or Enter the Configuration Directory and Level that needs to be updated

1.5 Specify Connection Information, including the sasadm User ID and Password

1.6 Select Enterprise GRC MidTier 6.1 as the Web Application to Rebuild

1.7 Verify the information on the Summary screen and select Start

1.8 Select Finish when the deployment is complete

This process will update the Enterprise GRC MidTier 6.1 ear in <SASCONFIGDIR>/Web/Staging.
A backup of the original ear file will be placed in the directory below:


Step 2: Re-deploy Web Applications

Re-deploy the web applications based on the instructions for the web application server you are using.

Clean up the Application Server cache. Please contact your Administrator for detail steps specific to your application server.

Post-Config Step:
  1. Update the to include these lines:
    #{0}nodename to move an existing node {0} so that it will be a child of itself.

  2. A new configuration option has been added.
    The following behavior changes would happen only when this option is set to "true".
    The default is false.

  3. A new configdata option has been added.
    When this option is set to "true", customer can unload a fully validated observation, or delete an observation request with fully validated observation, so they can add a new observation request for the same period.
    The default is false.

  4. An additional new feature is added to the Test Definition screen definition file.
    A new parameter "globalTester" is added to the "LinkedControlTable" component in Test Definition CPB XML, TestDefinition.xml
    <field type="component" component-name="LinkedControlTable" name="linkedControl" required="true">
          <param name="statusFilter">APPROVED</param>
          <param name="globalTester" value="'ADDALL'" />
    There are 3 acceptable values for the new globalTester parameter: "ADDALL", "FORCE" and "EMPTYONLY". Once this parameter is set in TestDefinition.xml, and the configdata.properies option: "monitor.controlTesting.newTestsLocation" is set to "useTestDef", a new User chooser is available on the Controls table in Test Definition to select a Tester for all associated Controls to the current Test Definition.

    The 3 options have different behaviors concerning how to add the selected Tester to the Controls, and customer can choose which one is best for their business use cases.

    "ADDALL": the selected Tester will be added to all the Controls currently associated to the Test Definition, in addition to any testers previously assigned to those Controls. So assuming there are 2 Controls: Control A and Control B, with Control A alreadyhas tester userA previously assigned to it, select tester userB with make Control A has 2 potential testers: userA and userB, which Control B will have only 1 potential tester: userB.

    "FORCE": the selected Tester will be the potential tester of all the Controls currently associated to the Test Definition. All the testers previously assigned to the Controls are overwritten. Using previous example, assuming there are 2 Controls: Controland Control B, with Control A already has tester userA previously assigned to it, select tester userB with make both Control A and Control B have only 1 potential tester: userB.

    "EMPTYONLY": the selected Tester will be assigned as potential tester to only the Controls that have not assign a potential tester yet. Using previous example, assuming there are 2 Controls: Control A and Control B, with Control A already has tester userA previously assigned to it, select tester userB with make Control A remains with only userA as its potential tester, and Control B is now has userB as its potential tester.

  5. As part of a security fix, an additional configuration option has been added to control what content can be embedded into the product. To control new configuration option is listed below:
    # List of acceptable embedded urls.
    # If urls start with / the context root is prefixed before checking
    # Otherwise an exact match is used.
    IMPORTANT: This option is enabled by default with the values shown above, even though it may not be shown in After installing the HF, you must check your menu XML for any menu items with embed="true", append them to the default property values. For example:
    monitor.embed.whitelist=/CPBDocumentation?docType=COMPONENTS&topLevel=true, /CPBDocumentation?docType=FUNCTIONS&topLevel=true,/CPBDocumentation?docType=DIRECTIVES&topLevel=true, /CPBDocumentation?docType=PROPERTIES&topLevel=true,<menu-option1>,<menu-option2>
    Although not recommended, this option may be disabled altogether by setting monitor.embed.whitelist=OFF
  6. This hotfix contains a performance optimization for object permission checks, which may improve performance for large operational areas. To enable the optimization, set the following property in

    By default, the optimization is off (false).

  7. This hotfix contains a performance optimization for loading recent tests for a test definition. This option must be used in conjunction with the option “monitor.cloneTestDefnitions=false”, which disables cloning of the test definition when tests are created. To enable the optimization, set the following property in

    By default, the optimization is off (false).

  8. This hotfix contains a performance optimization for loading recent test results. To enable the optimization set the following property in

    By default, the optimization is off (false).

Y02003  updates  SAS Enterprise GRC Server 6.1

The post install instructions in this document are needed if you want to install and configure the new GRC sample Visual Analytics report. If you do not wish to install the new Visual Analytics report, you may skip Section 2 of the post install instructions.

Section 1: Installation and Configuration of the GRC_Dashboards SAS Visual Analytics report

NOTE: If you are using SAS Visual Analytics reports as part of your EGRC reporting toolset, please proceed with this section in order to get the new sample report for your environment.

1) Copy hotfix ucmacro files from <SASHOME> to <SASCONFIGDIR>:

The following files have been updated as part of the hotfix but are not directly copied to the <SASCONFIGDIR>.

Copy the files below from:



NOTE: Once all files have been copied, rename all file extensions from ".sas.orig" to ".sas" by dropping the ".orig" file extension.

2) Replace ucmacros tokens w/ directory paths: Using a text editor, open the following files and replace the token in each file with the path listed below. File List:


3) Backup existing /misc/control *.txt files:

Rename the existing files below to add a ".bk" to the end of the file name. We'll be replacing theses files in in step #4 so, we need to backup the original files before overlaying the current version.

Rename List:

4) Copy hotfix control files from <SASHOME> to <SASCONFIGDIR>:

Copy the updated control files into the following <SASCONFIGDIR> location:

Copy the files below from:
<SASHOME>/SASFoundation/9.4/misc/ormonitormva/control/reporting_parameters.txt <SASHOME>/SASFoundation/9.4/misc/ormonitormva/control/features.txt

5) Update opcntl *.txt files:

Compare the files in step #3 and #4 to see what changes need to be manually merged. The changes you will see in the new version of these files are listed below.

A) reporting_parameters.txt changes (Line#'s 3,4,7):
RISK,Numeric Assessment Measures,"'SEV','RES_RSK','DEMOEXPVAL','DEMOSEV'",The value column for this parameter should contain the numeric assessment measures required for reporting.

RISK,Dropdown Assessment Measures,"'IND_1','LIKE_RSK','SEV_RSK','EXP_RSK','DEMOCUST','DEMOEMP','DEMOEXPSCALE','DEMOOVERALL','DEMOREG','DEMOSUPP','DEMOREP'",The value column for this parameter should contain the drop-down assessment measures required for reporting.

CONTROL,Dropdown Assessment Measures,"'ADE', 'EFF', 'EFFECTIVE_CNTL','DEMOCONTROL_DESIGN','DEMOCONTROL_EFFECTIVE'",The value column for this parameter should contain the drop-down assessment measures required for reporting.
B) features.txt changes (Line# 30):

6) Update opcntl datasets: A) Once Step 5 is complete, open a SAS session, open the file from the directory listed below and run the following code:


B) Navigate to the opcntl library in SAS and delete the opcntl.cntl_report_parms dataset. We're going to rebuild the dataset to pick up the changes.

C) Once the file has executed, run the following code to rebuild the datasets in the opcntl directory to pickup the changes you made in Step # 5.

Copy & Paste this into your SAS session where you ran the '' above and run the code:

7) Load additional sample users:

Copy the updated sample users program into the following <SASCONFIGDIR> location:

Copy the file below from:

A) Using a text editor, open the file in <SASCONFIGDIR> above and replace the three tokens in the file with the value listed below.

      Enterprise GRC Users

B) Open a SAS session, open the file from the directory listed below and run the following code:

C) Open the program listed below in the SAS session where you ran the '' (in B above) and run the code:

8) Synchronize Users with SAS Metadata:

Login to the EGRC web application. Go to the Administration --> Users tab in the menu. Click on "Synchronize Users with SAS Metadata" to pull in the users from step #7 into the EGRC database.

9) Open the following file in a text editor: <SASHOME>/SASEnterpriseGRCMidTier/6.1/Config/Deployment/Content/Preload/Config/
In this file, you will see two new entries on line #46 like the following:
# Issue Custom Field for GRC_Dashboard report
issue.field.x_issue_days_pastdue.displayName.txt=# of Days Pastdue
issue.field.x_issue_type_cd.displayName.txt=Issue Category
In order to access and modify this file in your environment, see the following instructions for accessing the file:

A) Launch the SAS DAVTree utility from the SAS-configuration-directory/Web Utilities directory.
B) In the WebDAV repository, navigate to the sasdav/Products/SASEnterpriseGRC/EnterpriseGRCMidTier6.1/Config directory.
C) Edit the file.
D) Add the following entries to the bottom of your file:
      # Issue Custom Field for GRC_Dashboard report
      issue.field.x_issue_days_pastdue.displayName.txt=# of Days Pastdue
      issue.field.x_issue_type_cd.displayName.txt=Issue Category
E) Upload the file to the SAS Content Server.
F) Repeat the preceding steps for any localized versions of for the language that is configured for use in your users’ web browsers (for example,

10) Copy the hotfix reporting XLS files from <SASHOME> to <SASCONFIGDIR>:

Copy all XLS files below from:


11) Load sample data for the new GRC_Dashboard report:

*NOTE: If you wish to load the sample data created for the GRC_Dashboard report, please proceed with this step to run the necessary data loaders. If you wish to use your own data, please skip this step.

For detailed instructions on how to use the "adddataxls" data loader, see page 6 (Data Management Commands) of the SAS Enterprise GRC 6.1 Administration and Customization Guide.

All of the sample data files are stored in <SASCONFIGDIR>/Applications/SASEnterpriseGRCAdminTools/6.1/dbscripts/data/reporting/*.xls. These files should be loaded in the following order:
A) Users.xls
B) Dimensions.xls
C) Positions.xls
D) CustFieldDefns.xls
E) NamedLists.xls
F) NamedListMappings.xls
G) NamedListTranslations.xls
H) Issues.xls
I) ActionPlans.xls
J) Measures.xls
K) ResponseScales.xls
L) Reference_Data.xls
M) KRIs.xls
N) ControlInstances.xls
O) TestDefinition.xls
P) TestPlans.xls
Q) TestResults.xls
R) Instances.xls
S) ObjectiveInstances.xls
T) OpRiskEvent.xls
U) FinancialImpact.xls
V) ImpactDetails.xls
W) FBA_Assessments.xls
X) IssueMappings.xls
Y) Policies.xls
Z) Audits.xls
AA) LinkInstances.xls

12) Update the SAS Localization Labels:

Open a SAS session, paste the following code into the SAS Editor and run the code.
      %SMD2DS(DIR=<SASHOME>/SASFoundation/9.4/smd/ormonitormva, BASENAME=ormonrpt, LOCALE=en, lib = SASHELP);

13) Import the EGRC_Load_Reload_Jobs.spk file
A) Open the SAS Management Console as a user account that is in the SAS Administrators Group.
B) Click on the Folders tab on the left side of the screen.
C) Right click on the "SAS Folders" Folder on the left side of the screen.
D) Click on "Import SAS Package".
E) For the "Enter the location of the input SAS Package file:", click on the browse button and navigate to the following directory and import the following file:
F) Leave the "Import Options" and "Select objects to import" to their default values. Click on the Next button.
G) On the "Select Objects to Import" screen, click the Next button.
H) On the "About Metadata Connections" screen, click on the Next button.
I) On the "SAS Application Servers" screen, validate the SAS Application Servers "Target" value is set to "SASApp". If it is not, please change it to "SASApp" by using the drop down to change the value. Click Next.
J) On the "Scheduling Servers" screen, validate the "Target Server Name" is set to your "Operating System Services" server. If it is not set, click the drop down and select the server. Click Next.
K) On the "Deployment Directories" screen, validate the "Target" is set to "Ucmacros Directory". If it is not, click the drop down and select the "Ucmacros Directory".
L) On the "File Paths" screen, validate the "Target" names map to the "Original" names. If the Original and Targets do not match, change the "Target" to the correct path. The files should be located in <SASCONFIGDIR>/Applications/SASEnterpriseGRCServerCfg/6.1/Source/ucmacros. Click Next.
M) On the "Summary" screen, review your selections to ensure you have made the correct selections. If not, you can use the "Back" button to make changes. If your selections appear to be correct, click the Next button to update metadata with your selections.
N) Once complete, click the Finish button to close the window.

14) The Visual Analytics data sources need to be refreshed in order to pick up the table structure and data changes. In this step, you should log onto the SAS Management Console (SMC) to run the "Load All Data" job under the Schedule Manger plug-in on the plug-ins tab. Once this job has completed, the data for the report should be ready.

15) Import the EGRC_VA_Dashboards.spk file
A) Open the SAS Management Console as a user account that is in the SAS Administrators Group.
B) Click on the Folders tab on the left side of the screen.
C) Right click on the "SAS Folders" Folder on the left side of the screen.
D) Click on "Import SAS Package".
E) For the "Enter the location of the input SAS Package file:", click on the browse button and navigate to the following directory and import the following file:
F) Leave the "Import Options" and "Select objects to import" to their default values. Click on the Next button.
G) On the "Select Objects to Import" screen, click the Next button.
H) On the "About Metadata Connections" screen, click on the Next button.
I) On the "Tables" screen, validate the "Original" and "Target" values match. If not, click "Cancel" to exit the import screen and go back to step #14 in order to run the "Load All Data" job in order to create the LASR data sources. If the two match, click Next.
J) On the "Summary" screen, review your selections to ensure you have made the correct selections. If not, you can use the "Back" button to make changes. If your selections appear to be correct, click the Next button to update metadata with your selections.
K) Once complete, click the Finish button to close the window.

16) Verify the new GRC_Dashboard report works properly:
A) Logon to SAS EGRC.
B) Navigate to the Reports menu.
C) Under the reports menu, drill down into the Dashboards folder.
D) In the Dashboards folder, you should see a report called GRC_Dashboards.
E) Double click on this report to open it in the right pane in order to see the report.

Section 2: Installation and Configuration of all other files (excludes the configuration of the GRC_Dashboards SAS Visual Analytics report)

NOTE: If you are not using SAS Visual Analytics reports as part of your EGRC reporting toolset, please proceed with this section in order to get all other file changes needed for this hotfix.

1) Copy hotfix ucmacro files from <SASHOME> to <SASCONFIGDIR>:

The following files have been updated as part of the hotfix but are not directly copied to the <SASCONFIGDIR>.

Copy the files below from:
NOTE: Once all files have been copied, rename all file extensions from ".sas.orig" to ".sas" by dropping the ".orig" file extension.

2) Replace ucmacros tokens w/ directory paths:

Using a text editor, open the following files and replace the token in each file with the path listed below.

File List:


3) Turning off the import of data into SAS Visual Analytics:

If you have turned off the SAS Visual Analytics solution in your environment, you will need to modify the files listed below to comment out the section of code that puts the data into the EGRC LASR server.
The section of code that would need to comment out to turn off the import of the data into SAS Visual Analytics would look like the following in the files listed above:

Change this section:

/* Load LASR Table and Authorizations into Metadata */


/* Load LASR Table and Authorizations into Metadata */
/* %orm_load_lasr_tbls(intblnm=XXXXXX,
feature=XXXXXX); */

This completes the installation of hot fix T04010 on Solaris for x64.

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