SAS Institute. The Power to Know

SAS Anti-Money Laundering 5.1

Hot Fix Downloads for Windows

* General Information about Hot Fixes

J74001 was replaced by J74004

J74002 was replaced by J74004

J74003 was replaced by J74004

J74004 for Windows
SAS Anti-Money Laundering 5.1_M1 hot fix for SAS Anti-Money Laundering 5.1
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
41375 Performance is slow when executing the Bayes Alert Report macro in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74001
46342 The ReplicateTransactions macro in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering might skip processing alerts if there are no party alerts J74001
47036 The country watch list for scenario SAS10018 truncates after 34 countries in the SAS® Anti-Money Laundering Scenario Administrator J74001
48576 The watch list parameter p10019_country_watch_list is truncated in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74001
48578 In SAS® Anti-Money Laundering, replace calls to get the system date and time with a new macro %aml_start_datetime in the alert generation process J74001
49734 SAS® Anti-Money Laundering users continue to get subsequent e-mail alert reminders after receiving the initial e-mail J74001
50770 The load_account_analysis and load_account_trade macros fail in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74001
51185 Two macros are available that enable you to display the current release and the latest applied hot fix for SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74001
48550 ALERT - Memory leaks occur when using graph objects on the Alert Details page in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74001
48555 In SAS® Anti-Money Laundering, you are unable to open downloaded documents with MIME type application or octet-stream in Microsoft Internet Explorer J74001
48713 The date filter is not working in the My Alerts and Available Alerts windows of the SAS® Anti-Money Laundering Investigation UI J74001
48741 Specifying the starting day of the week in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering UI calendars J74001
48749 In SAS® Anti-Money Laundering, you cannot create a case from an alert after type SCDII changes occur in the PRIMARY_ENTITY_KEY column J74001
48750 CSV files contain split columns when you download data using the Export to CSV option in the SAS® Anti-Money Laundering Investigation user interface J74001
48758 You might experience slow performance when you click the "All Available" transaction tab in the SAS® Anti-Money Laundering Alert Details window J74001
49376 The alert sorting function in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering incorrectly sorts alerts J74001
49716 You cannot sort available alerts and risk assessments by availability and scenario name in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74001
49721 Queries in the SAS® Anti-Money Laundering user interface do not support non-Latin characters J74001
49722 Null values in FSK_ACCOUNT_PROFILE_ALERT currency columns in the SAS® Anti-Money Laundering user interface cause exceptions when sending e-mail alerts J74001
50768 Related entities queries might return incorrect results in the SAS® Anti-Money Laundering UI J74001
50779 Clicking the Clear button does not clear all fields in the Filter Alerts window of the SAS® Anti-Money Laundering UI J74001
51159 In SAS® Anti-Money Laundering 5.1, the close reasons and routing list are not displayed when closing or routing a case or risk assessment J74001
51163 In SAS® Anti-Money Laundering, the option "Convert string values in SQL to uppercase" in SAS® Management Console does not work as expected J74001
51230 The "About SAS Anti-Money Laundering" button now returns the current release and latest applied hot fix or maintenance release J74001
55015 Hot fix J74001 for SAS® Anti-Money Laundering might require new configuration settings in SAS Management Console J74001
48626 The macro %aml_get_observation_count generates an error when counting table observations J74002
54858 The SAS® Anti-Money Laundering FCF_ROUTE.SAS macro might generate duplicate alert records when AUTOROUTE2CURRENTINVESTIGATOR is set to "true" J74002
55162 An error occurs when you run the risk assessment (FCF_RAP) process with Microsoft SQL Server in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74002
55743 The SAS® Anti-Money Laundering alert generation process ends prematurely if no alerts are generated J74002
55746 The risk assessment process fails with an execute error when you update an assessment date in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74002
55747 The risk assessment process fails when you update an assessment date in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74002
55748 A Watch List Query performed in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering might fail with an "insufficient memory" error J74002
55754 Sending an email reminder in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering fails and returns "AML: Unable to determine number of observations in WORK.FSK_CASE_REMINDER" J74002
55726 You might not be able to add a suspect to a case in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74002
55727 You might encounter an error when you remove an alert from a case with SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74002
55728 In SAS® Anti-Money Laundering, you might see that attachments are out of order on the Risk Assessment Documents page J74002
55738 SAS® Anti-Money Laundering might not enable you to route a case or a risk assessment J74002
55741 You might not be able to set a goal date for a task in the case task list in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74002
55745 The multi-column sorting options on the Available Risk Assessments tab in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering might not sort correctly J74002
55751 SAS® Anti-Money Laundering might only partially display account details when accessing from the alert details page J74002
55758 Subject drop-down list values in the Filter Alerts dialog box are displayed in English for non-English locales in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74002
55759 You are unable to view or to create task list entries for a case in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74002
55761 Case or Risk Assessment query pages take a long time to render J74002
55762 SAS® Anti-Money Laundering might show an incorrect list of reasons for closing a case J74002
55763 The Query tab in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering might be slow to render J74002
55770 Duplicate transaction records are displayed when viewing customer transactions in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74002
55773 When an owned alert, case, or risk assessment is checked in or out, non-English locales of SAS® Anti-Money Laundering display errors in English J74002
57208 You see the error "ORA-02291: integrity constraint" when adding an attachment or comment to a case or a risk assessment in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74003
57238 You encounter an error when you try to filter closed alerts by scenario name in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74003
57240 You encounter an error when you try to filter suppressed alerts by scenario name in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering J74003
57241 You encounter slow performance in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering when you use the SAS® Enterprise Case Management REST service to retrieve data J74003
57947 The Funds Tracker in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering displays an incorrect association of currency symbol with amount J74004
57948 The Funds Tracker node details in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering are not based on the age of data configured for the funds tracker graph J74004
57952 The Funds Tracker in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering sorts transactions by date incorrectly J74004
57953 The Funds Tracker network in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering does not display all links with nodes J74004
59117 Funds Tracker in SAS® Anti-Money Laundering ignores transactions for some accounts J74004
59125 In the SAS® Anti-Money Laundering Funds Tracker, no network is displayed and you receive the error "Exceeds expansion limit..." J74004
59126 SAS® Anti-Money Laundering Funds Tracker incorrectly identifies the transaction flow J74004
Released: October 13, 2016     Documentation: J74004wn.html D       Download:  
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment.
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