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SAS Revenue Optimization 5.2_M4

Hot Fix Downloads for Windows

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P20029 for Windows
SAS Revenue Optimization 5.2_M4
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
52844 The %TKMI_JOB_RO etl_end_service task might generate the error "Assertion failed: prod_geos_size>0..." P20001
52923 Category plan aggregation might be slow in SAS® Promotion Optimization P20001
53172 An exception might be generated when you attempt to open the Store Groups detail view or the Size Profiling Home view P20001
53221 ALERT - Optimization results exported to a PDF file might incorrectly not include style-colors that exist in a multi-color pack P20001
53535 The Get Purchase Order Export method might erroneously generate duplicate pack configuration information P20001
53959 ALERT - Optimization results for Pack Configurations might incorrectly display the same values for Product ID, Product Description, and Product Name P20001
53965 SAS® Pack Optimization might not generate packs that are specified on the Style-Color Pack setting for selected colors P20001
58939 ALERT - The error "ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource" might occur in SAS® Pack Optimization P20001
53051 ALERT - Optimization might fail after successful calibration P20002
53086 ALERT - The %TKMI_JOB_RO waitfor_est_service parameter generates the error " Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL..." P20002
52829 ALERT - Benefits tracking requires a custom catalog P20002
52841 %TKMI_JOB_RO benefits_track_highlvl_agg task generates "ERROR: The compiled stored macro catalog in libref DI_MACRO is currently ..." P20002
52947 Sales units, margin ($), margin (%), and promotion blend (%) might be incorrect in a category plan that has an overlapping single day promotion P20003
53153 ALERT - Aggregation or promotion metrics are rounded to the nearest integer P20003
52861 Actuals are not computed during aggregation for a category plan P20004
53131 An exception might be generated when you attempt to move a vehicle to a model vehicle in a promotion from the Promotion List view P20004
53180 An exception might be generated when you delete a vehicle group from a marketing calendar with total spots approved labels P20004
53216 An exception might be generated after you click the Competitor Price Count hyperlink in the Competitor Pricing view P20004
53248 ALERT - Optimization results exported to both an Adobe PDF file and a Microsoft Excel file might contain mismatched data P20004
53244 ALERT - A purchase order plan containing bulk packs might include discontinued SKUs in the pack recommendation P20004
53412 Style Pack settings might not override delivery level settings for bulk packs P20004
53688 Overrides specified in Style Pack settings for purchase order deliveries might not be honored P20004
53689 Style-color level pack settings might not override delivery level settings for selected packs P20004
52930 Optimization results in SAS® Regular Price Optimization might be incorrect when the plan contains competitive price rules P20004
53232 The DI_ETL_Geo_prod_purge_job runs long P20004
58724 SAS® Size Profiling might generate a large number of Imputation Added Sales Units when using Clustering (Cross-Store) Imputation Methods P20004
58904 You cannot set the CLOSING_DT to null in the DI_DM.GEOGRAPHY table in the SAS® Merchandise Intelligence Suite P20004
53581 Rules-only pricing does not provide metrics to indicate whether prices are acceptable P20005
53888 Sales forecasts might not match between a promotion and the sales forecast export�in SAS® Promotion Optimization P20005
53958 Expected Margin ($) and Expected Margin (%) calculations might be incorrect when a promotion contains a multi-vendor deal P20005
53881 An error status might be displayed incorrectly for a promotion in SAS® Promotion Optimization P20005
54004 Nonzero forecasts are generated incorrectly for events when you use system-generated DOW profiles in the SAS® Revenue Optimization Suite P20005
54088 The job generates the error "BY variables are not properly sorted on data set WORK.COMP_CONSTRAINTS" P20005
54023 Sales forecasts might not match between a promotion and the sales forecast export P20006
54139 Effective price might be incorrect P20006
54359 ALERT - Effective price might be incorrect for products that have a regular price override P20006
54119 The Overlapping Promotion column in the Promotion List view might not indicate promotions that overlap in scope P20006
54522 ALERT - Rules-only pricing plans might not show competitor metrics if the competitor prices are provided at a level different from the uniform pricing level P20007
54102 SAS® Regular Price Optimization becomes unresponsive after you approve price changes P20007
54402 The number of price changes are not displayed after you optimize a regular price plan using the Rules-Only Pricing goal P20007
54611 Cannot configure captain specific tuning parameters P20007
54355 ALERT - Duplicate ATTR_PROD_DM.PROD_HIER_SK values exist across partitions in the analytical product hierarchy P20007
54612 The SAS® Revenue Optimization job Load_STG2DM_Promotion_fact runs slowly P20007
54685 ALERT - Error "java.lang.NullPointerException" might be generated when attempting to view competitor prices in SAS® Regular Price Optimization P20008
54295 Sales forecasts might not match between a promotion and the sales forecast export P20009
54303 Baseline sales units might be different between a promotion, a regular price plan, and a category plan with the same scope P20009
54899 Expected Margin ($) and Expected Margin (%) might be incorrect in a promotion that contains a vendor deal P20009
54028 KPIs in the Benefit Tracking view might be incorrect P20010
54214 Forecast Accuracy Analysis fails with "Completed with Error" status in the Holdout Forecast Analysis view P20010
54775 ALERT - Optimization and aggregation might fail after you add threads for online optimization P20010
54847 ALERT - Optimization might fail for a regular price plan P20010
55095 Margin ($) and margin (%) might be incorrect in a category plan that has an overlapping single-day promotion P20010
55130 Category plan aggregation fails with "TKTException Code = 6 ( Access violation)..." P20010
55137 Estimation or model analysis might fail with "ERROR: TKTException code = 2 (Floating point divide by zero)" P20010
55159 Sales forecasts might not match between a category plan and the sales forecast export P20010
55184 Estimation fails with "ERROR: TKTException code = 6 (Access violation)..." P20010
55317 Sales forecasts might not match between a promotion and the sales forecast export P20010
55333 Sales forecasts might not match between a promotion and the sales forecast export P20010
55465 Pricing strategies might not be applied correctly to product groups P20010
53906 The Benefit Tracking view might not refresh correctly after extending the date range for the view P20010
53950 An exception might be generated when you attempt to export the Benefit Tracking table to Excel P20010
53955 An exception might be generated when you attempt to filter the product scope below the product partition level in the Benefit Tracking view P20010
54684 Performance might be slow in the Purchase Order Plan Buys page and the Purchase Order Plan Deliveries page for very large plans P20010
54737 An out-of-memory exception might be generated when you drill in the Targets and Metrics table in a category plan P20010
54856 A memory leak might occur in the Promotion List view after evaluating promotions from the context menu P20010
54943 "java.lang.StackTraceElement-java.lang.NullPointerException" might be generated due to null values in MPLN_ACTUAL_MTS table P20010
55280 The table in the Unused Spots tab in the Promotion Overview view does not contain a scroll bar P20010
55025 ALERT - Online optimization requests might be slow P20010
55080 Category plan aggregation might incorrectly have an error status with no hyperlink details P20010
53971 ALERT - A large number of Imputation Added Sales Units might be generated during imputation P20010
54332 Attr_hier_job generates "ERROR: There are xxx differences between the lowest level nodes of PRODUCT_HIER_ASSOC_DM and ATTR_PROD_HIER_ASSOC_DM" P20010
54738 Performance in SAS® Promotion Optimization might be slow when loading promotions that include vendor deals P20010
54965 %DI_UTIL_SUBSET_DATAMART with RPO_PLAN_SK option fails with "FATAL: Insufficient memory..." error P20010
55065 %DI_ETL_Geo_prod_purge_job might generate "ERROR: File LIBXXX.PRF_SALES_FACT.DATA does not exist." P20010
55258 Model group template does not apply correctly P20011
55445 The file system tree does not refresh properly in the Analysis Manager P20011
55488 An exception might be generated when you open the Benefit Tracking view in SAS® Regular Price Optimization P20011
55602 Time Series (TS) and Regression (REG) component model specification values do not persist correctly from a new model group template to a model group P20011
55699 Aggregated price ratio is incorrectly calculated P20012
56067 Sales forecasts might not match between a promotion and the sales forecast export P20012
56074 MPLN_PRICE_CHG_APPR.START_DT values might advance incorrectly over time for approved markdowns P20012
56144 ALERT - The FCST_COST_AMT values in the GEO_PROD_RPP table are incorrect P20012
56185 Promotions that fail during batch optimization might incorrectly have an Opt/Eval status of "Success" in SAS® Promotion Optimization P20012
55712 Approve to Budget functionality does not honor the location level approval filter P20012
55964 "This object has been deleted by another user and you can no longer work with it." might occur in the Markdown Approvals view P20012
55966 The Add Vehicles list incorrectly does not include vehicles that contain product-location scopes P20012
55926 Incorrect component-specific values are presented for various model specifications P20012
55901 ALERT - %DI_UTIL_SUBSET_DATAMART might generate "ERROR: The following columns were not found in the contributing tables: TABLE_NAME." P20012
56091 The Load_DM_Geo_prod_exception ETL job might generate "ERROR: No data in ..." P20012
55530 No effect estimates are generated for ITEM_BASED modeling P20013
55777 ALERT - Base sales (units) might be under-forecasted for products that are modeled with a DIRECT demand model P20013
56470 The %TKMI_JOB_RO etl_end_service task does not report an error in SAS® Markdown Optimization P20013
56485 Forecast Evaluation with Statistics of Fit output might not be generated when you run Forecasting Results Assessment scenario analysis P20013
56544 The KPIs generated when you specify the Minimize Price Rule Violations optimization goal might not be optimal P20013
56587 Results from batch optimization might not be correct for a promotion that contains products from multiple partitions P20013
55710 KPIs in the Benefit Tracking view might be incorrect for date ranges that cover multiple weeks P20013
56612 An exception might occur when you attempt to apply a pricing strategy P20013
56634 Optimization fails with "ERROR: TKTException code = 6 (Access violation)" in SAS® Markdown Optimization P20013
56668 "The price ending grid should generate multiple values..." message occurs in the Pricing Rules view when you create a price ending rule P20013
56694 The %TKMI_JOB_RO etl_end_service task does not report an error in SAS® Promotion Optimization P20013
56613 Parameter Boundary Analysis shows incorrect labels P20013
56804 %TKMI_JOB_RO benefits_track_highlvl_agg task runs out of SASWork space P20013
57081 The %TKMI_JOB_RO etl_end_service task generates "ERROR: (table=,column=,row=) detected a double value greater than (2^34)-1..." P20015
57215 The Promotion Blend (%) metric might be incorrectly reported as missing in calendar and category plans P20015
57438 Performance is slow when you approve promotions in SAS® Promotion Optimization P20015
57436 The %TKMI_JOB_RO waitfor_est_service task generates "ERROR: Assertion failed: pgl != NULL, file /sas/dev/mva-f4ro52/di/src/data_config.c, line 206" P20015
57534 The CPS_1, PS_1, and HOLIDAY_1 model specifications cannot be edited in the Model Group Details editor P20015
57637 ALERT - Optimization results might not be optimal when the current prices for plan members are really large in SAS® Regular Price Optimization P20016
57963 Baseline forecast demand units might be incorrect in the sales forecast export P20017
58156 The %TKMI_JOB_RO etl_end_service task has poor performance P20017
56081 Optimization/Evaluation fails with "ERROR: TKTException code = 6 (Access violation)..." P20017
57806 An exception might occur when you attempt to override inherited vendor deal support for a regional promotion P20017
58019 The currency metrics in the Plan Facts section in the Markdown Plans Summary view might be incorrectly converted to the global currency P20017
57926 The Monitoring Analysis Results table in the Forecast Monitoring view might contain results for model groups that have been previously deleted P20017
58065 The SKU count might be zero for a promotion that contains regional promotions P20017
57821 ALERT - The Load_STG2DM_Geo_prod_price_fact job might not load expected records into the partition PRICE_FACT_FUTURE table P20017
58070 An exception might occur when you open a promotion P20018
58200 Message generated when you export a vendor deal might be misleading P20019
58232 An exception might occur when you create a promotion from a vendor deal that includes a regular price override P20019
58229 An exception might occur when you drill into the Targets and Metrics table in the Category Plan Details view P20019
58309 An exception might occur when you create a promotion from a vendor deal that includes a regular price override P20020
58343 You cannot override vendor deal support to remove the support if the vendor deal is at the promotion level P20020
58344 The Assigned to list in the Owner section of the Vehicles Properties view is not sorted P20020
58392 An exception might occur when you copy the attribute value from the Attribute section of the Vehicle Group Properties page P20020
58349 No products are returned when you select products by attribute and the attribute value contains a comma P20020
57852 The %TKMI_JOB_RO rpo_alert task generates "ERROR: Insufficient space in file WORK.'SASTMP-...UTILITY" P20021
58322 Sales forecasts might not match between a promotion and the sales forecast export P20021
58373 ALERT - %TKMI_JOB_RO fcst_export task generates incorrect beg_inv_units P20021
58596 The %TKMI_JOB_RO waitfor_est_service fails to respond P20021
54022 The Size Name column might not sort correctly in SAS® Size Profiling P20021
58931 Product pricing relationship rules that contain attribute values that include a comma might not be created and displayed as expected P20021
52482 Some model groups might have a geography label displayed in the Product Node column instead of a product label P20021
58850 Holdout Forecast Accuracy scenarios might fail in a multi-captain environment P20021
56735 The %DI_JOB_SO geo_synch task generates "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist" P20021
58395 The %TKMI_JOB_RO fcst_export task generates an incomplete export file P20021
58910 The %DI_JOB_SO DERIVE_STOCKOUT_GP_STATUS task treats initial inventory records with zero available quantity as start of active period P20021
58844 Forecasts might not be available for products in regional promotions that were created from a copy P20022
58805 The Grid Execution Results dialog box might contain rows for partition IDs that do not contain data for the submitted model groups P20023
59926 Building base data completes with an error P20023
59202 The %TKMI_JOB_RO etl_end_service task generates "ERROR: TKTException code = 10 (Domain exception)" P20023
59763 The Load_STG2DM_Product_hier_assoc_dm job generates "ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: (, '.', AS, LIKE." P20023
60030 Selected products might not be displayed in the Relationship values section in the Pricing Rules view for product relationship rules P20024
59949 Number of units sold forecast adjustment defined for the master promotion might incorrectly be applied to regional promotions P20024
61156 Optimization fails with "ERROR: TKTException code = 6 (Access violation)" P20025
59794 A "java.util.ConcurrentModificationException" error might occur when you select the Project SKU Exclusions dialog box P20025
61378 Regular Price Grids might not be properly inherited at child nodes in the Pricing Rules view P20026
61422 Price Endings might not be properly applied during optimization P20026
55154 Optimization fails with "ERROR: TKTException code = 6 (Access violation)..." P20027
61331 Estimation or model analysis might fail with "ERROR: Assertion failed: reg_md_frame->ts_trend_offset != 0..." P20027
61162 The discount type might change from Price Point to Percentage Off after evaluation P20027
61721 You might be unable to change the description in existing product relationship rules P20027
61751 Incorrect inventory units might be displayed in the Product List P20027
60980 SAS Merchandise Intelligence Client generates error: 'java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "n,nn"' P20027
59200 The %TKMI_JOB_RO etl_end_service task generates "c_product_hier_assoc_dm: Error: (prod_hier_assoc_cd = 1) cannot find a product for sk ..." P20027
61018 generates "ERROR 23-7: Invalid value for the option." P20027
61308 SAS Merchandise Solutions Configuration Workbench generates 'ORA-12899: value to large for column "<SCHEMA>"."<TABLE>","CREATED_BY"...' P20027
62022 Markdown spend might not be reported in the correct week in the Plan Weekly Details view P20028
62026 Price and Effective Price in the Plan Weekly Details view might be different in a week with no promotions P20028
61714 The location filter in the Markdown Approvals view might not contain all necessary location levels P20028
62038 Metrics for Alternative plan data might be mislabeled as Active P20028
62061 Inv at Risk Reduction and Inv at Risk Reduction ($) are blank in the Markdown Approvals view P20028
62169 Price Grid rules might not be applied correctly P20029
62178 %TKMI_JOB_RO fcst_export generates 'ERROR: TKTException code = 6 (Access violation)' P20029
62243 The actual margin metrics might be incorrect in SAS® Markdown Optimization P20029
61649 The %DI_JOB_SO MODEL_GP_STATUS task might eliminate large amounts of sales data when sales occur in only one week P20029
62146 %TKMI_JOB_RO fcst_export generates "ERROR: Update/delete failed. The observation may have been changed or deleted since the time it was read." P20029
62156 The %TKMI_JOB_RO fcst_export task runs slowly P20029
Released: May 31, 2018     Documentation: P20029wn.html D       Download:  
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment.
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