M7Z007 |
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Google BigQuery 9.43 |
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: |
70326 | Tables are not listed when using the Google BigQuery LIBNAME option USE_INFORMATION_SCHEMA=YES |
M7Z001 |
70667 | The ability to turn on logging for the Go Layer was added to SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Google BigQuery |
M7Z002 |
71033 | Reading a Google BigQuery view based on an extremely large table might fail with "Error 403: Response too large to return error..." |
M7Z003 |
68634 | Trying to query a Google BigQuery view that is based on a partitioned table with WHERE clause being required might generate an error |
M7Z003 |
71025 | Querying a Google BigQuery view that requires a WHERE clause might result in an error due to the WHERE clause not being included in the query |
M7Z004 |
68312 | "CLI prepare error....unknown data type" occurs when you read a Google BigQuery table that contains a variable with the BIGNUMERIC data type |
M7Z005 |
71031 | Performance improvements to SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Google BigQuery |
M7Z005 |
70880 | SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Google BigQuery now supports threaded reads with READ_MODE=STORAGE |
M7Z006 |
70583 | Reading a Google BigQuery table might take longer than normal and result in a crash or an “ERROR: During read: processStream retries exhausted” |
M7Z007 |
NOTE: If you install this hot fix, refer to KB0037934 for more information about the required GOMEMLIMIT environment variable. |
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment. |