Installation Instructions for Hot Fix M33004

64-bit Enabled AIX

Hot fix M33004 addresses the issue(s) in SAS Credit Risk Management for Banking 4.8 as documented in the Issue(s) Addressed section of the hot fix download page:

M33004 is a "container" hot fix that contains the following "member" hot fixes which will update the software components as needed.

M27004  updates  SAS Credit Risk Studio Mid-Tier 4.8
M28004  updates  SAS Credit Risk Management for Banking Server 4.8
M29003  updates  SAS Credit Risk Management for Banking Server Configuration 4.8
M31004  updates  SAS Risk Reporting Repository 2.2

See What is a container hot fix? in the Hot Fix FAQ for more information about container hot fixes.


If this is the first CRMB 4.8 hot fix you have applied, a REQUIRED update to the SAS Deployment Manager (SDM) is available which will allow this hot fix to be configured automatically after it is applied to your system. Please see Installation Note 52417 for information on downloading and applying this SDM update. If you have already applied the update referenced in Installation Note 52417, please continue with the M33004 hot fix.

Before applying this hot fix, follow the instructions in SAS Note 35968 to generate a SAS Deployment Registry report, then verify that the appropriate product releases are installed on your system. The release number information in the Registry report should match the 'member' release number information provided above for the software components installed on each machine in your deployment.

The hot fix downloaded,, includes the updates required for all components listed above on all applicable operating systems. To apply this hot fix on multiple machines, you can either save on each machine or save it in a network location that is accessible to all machines.

Do NOT extract the contents of The hot fix installation process will extract the contents as needed.


  1. Files delivered in this hot fix will be backed up during the installation process. However, it is good general practice to back up your system before applying updates to software.

  2. You must have Administrator Privileges on your CLIENT or SERVER machine.

  3. All currently active SAS sessions, daemons, spawners and servers must be terminated before applying this hot fix.

  4. This hot fix should be installed using the same userid who performed the initial software installation.

  5. CONFIGURATION: This hot fix requires scripting to automatically re-configure your SAS Credit Risk Management for Banking 4.8 software after the hot fix has been applied. In order to ensure that the configuration scripting is run, the "Configure SAS Hot Fix" option *must* be selected on the "Apply Hot Fixes" screen presented in the SAS Deployment Manager. If this option is not automatically selected, please select it prior to proceeding with the SAS Deployment Manager screens. Should the hot fix be applied without this option selected, you will need to rerun the SAS Deployment Manager and select the "Configure SAS Hot Fix" option, and de-select the "Apply SAS Hot Fix" option in order to fully deploy this hot fix.

  6. This hot fix should *not* be applied using the "-silenthotfix" command line option


Hot Fix M33004 must be installed on each machine where the updated components of the product, listed above, are installed. During the installation process you may see references to all operating systems for which updates are provided in the hot fix. The installation process will determine the operating system and which component(s) of SAS Credit Risk Management for Banking 4.8 require updating on the machine. See SAS Note 44810 for more details.

The hot fix will be applied using the SAS Deployment Manager (SDM). By default, the SDM will search in the <SASHOME>/InstallMisc/HotFixes/New directory for hot fixes to be applied, but will also prompt for a location if you have downloaded hot fixes to a different directory.

After downloading, follow the instructions for applying hot fixes in the SAS Deployment Wizard and SAS Deployment Manager 9.3: User�s Guide.

Please review the CONFIGURATION Important Note above concerning proper selection of the "Configure SAS Hot Fix" option in the SAS Deployment Manager.

The hot fix installation process generates the log file

for example, IT_2011-10-31-13.18.21.log. Each attempt to apply a hot fix results in the creation of a new log file giving detailed information regarding the installation process.

Postexec log files are created after the installation is completed and identifies the files that were added, backed up, changed and removed. These log files include the �member� hot fix id in the name of the file and are also written to the <!SASHOME>/InstallMisc/InstallLogs directory. There is one postexec log for each �member� hot fix applied (member hot fixes are listed at the top of these instructions).

The content of this hot fix is listed in the hot fix manifest.


For each product installed, click the link to be redirected to post-installation instructions.

M27004  updates  SAS Credit Risk Studio Mid-Tier 4.8
M28004  updates  SAS Credit Risk Management for Banking Server 4.8
M29003  updates  SAS Credit Risk Management for Banking Server Configuration 4.8
M31004  updates  SAS Risk Reporting Repository 2.2

M27004  updates  SAS Credit Risk Studio Mid-Tier 4.8

The WebApp will be automatically re-built and deployed as part of the hot fix installation. No steps are necessary.

M28004  updates  SAS Credit Risk Management for Banking Server 4.8

Note: If you have already installed CRMB 4.8 hot fix container M33001, skip to instructions for �Create/update CRMB SDM� below

Update to SAS Macro files:

Move the following files from <SASCONFIG>/Applications/SASCreditRiskMgmtBankSrvr4.8/ucmacros/common to <!SASROOT>/ucmacros/risk :

Create/update CRMB SDM:

Take a backup of your existing data mart

Run located in <SASCONFIG>/Applications/SASCreditRiskMgmtBankSrvr4.8/omr/data.
This will create the SDM tables as well as load sample data

If you already have existing business data, load it to the new data marts

Import the ETL Flows:

Complete the following tasks to manually import the ETL bridge component and create the metadata for the same.

  1. Go to the <SASCONFIG>/AppData/SASCreditRiskMgmtBankSrvr/4.8/ETL/packages directory.

  2. Use a SAS import utility (SAS Management Console 9.3 or the SAS Data Integration Studio ) to import the crmb_etl_bridge.spk package file located in the above folder.

    Note: These package files are dependent on the metadata of the SAS Detail Data Store for Banking 4.7 Hot Fix, which must be installed before you begin the import process. For more information about how to install and schedule the jobs, see the section on "ETL Job Deployment" in Chapter 4 of the SAS Credit Risk Management for Banking Server: Administrator's Guide.

Note: If you have already installed hot fix container M33002 and/or run, skip the section "Update to static data in CRMB SDM" below

Update to static data in CRMB SDM:

Update the folder path in the libname declaration below and execute the following code snippet:

Libname crmbstat �<path to static library>'; proc sql; insert into CRMBSTAT.REGULATORY_PARAMETER ( REGULATORY_PARAMETER_NM ,REGULATORY_PARAMETER_SET_ID ,PARAMETER_VALUE ,REGULATORY_PARAMETER_DESC ,APPROACH_TYPE_CD ,PARAMETER_CURRENCY_CD ) VALUES('SME_CPTY_LIMIT','CRD4',1500000,'The upper limit of aggregate exposure to one obligor or group of connected obligors to be eligible for SME capital dedution treatment (in Euros) : CRR Article 501(c)','ALL',''); update CRMBSTAT.REGULATORY_PARAMETER set REGULATORY_PARAMETER_DESC = 'The upper limit of aggregate exposure to an obligor or a group of connected obligors to be eligible in regulatory retail portfolio (in Euros) : CRR Article 123(c)' where REGULATORY_PARAMETER_NM = 'STD_RETAIL_CPTY_ABS_LIMIT' and REGULATORY_PARAMETER_SET_ID = 'CRD4' and APPROACH_TYPE_CD = 'STD'; quit; /*************************************************/

M29003  updates  SAS Credit Risk Management for Banking Server Configuration 4.8


M31004  updates  SAS Risk Reporting Repository 2.2

For RRR,

- Take a backup of your existing data mart
- Go to following folder:

Windows: \rskrptrpsbk\sasmisc\programs
Unix: /misc/rskrptrpsbk/programs
- Copy file to
- Edit the file and provide the path for RRR by replacing the token
(@..@) in the following statement:

libname rrr "@data.riskrpt.dir@"
(e.g. ("<SASCONFIG>/AppData/SASRiskReportingRepository/2.2/report mart")

- Run file to create RRR tables

If you already have existing business data, load it to the new data mart


The current/updated versions for the solution documents for SAS� Credit Risk Management for Banking 4.8 are available on the document site:

Document Site

Changes to the User Guide are available at
CRMB 4.8 HF4 User Guide Changes
This completes the installation of hot fix M33004 on 64-bit Enabled AIX.