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SAS Visual Analytics 7.51

Hot Fix Downloads for Windows for x64

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I9T011 was replaced by I9T013

I9T012 was replaced by I9T013

I9T013 for Windows for x64
SAS Visual Analytics 7.51
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
65688 Data items are sorted in an unexpected order in Microsoft Excel when exporting crosstab data from SAS® Report Viewer I9T001
66327 The SAS® Visual Analytics waterfall object sort order is incorrect if it contains lattice rows I9T001
66419 SAS® Visual Data Builder does not prompt for host credentials when necessary I9T001
66471 SAS® Visual Analytics report distributions are not received and the history indicates that they completed with a nonzero exit code I9T001
66808 SAS® Visual Analytics geo map backgrounds might fail to render when printed to a PDF file I9T001
66910 A copied SAS® Visual Analytics report link returns a 404 error when custom context root names are in use I9T001
66924 The SAS® Visual Analytics Viewer might stop responding when loading a report I9T001
64805 Promoted SAS® Visual Analytics reports fail to open in SAS® Visual Analytics Viewer 7.5 and SAS® Report Viewer 8.3 I9T001
66746 A collection that includes metadata folders unexpectedly displays “No data” in SAS® Home I9T001
68279 An export of a crosstab element inside a SAS® Visual Analytics report might fail with an error while generating data I9T001
66524 SAS® Visual Data Builder uses the wrong SAS® Application Server for previewing and scheduling I9T001
66979 The message "QueryColumn is rootName is missing or incorrect" occurs when you try to edit the LASR star schema prefix in SAS® Visual Data Builder 7.5 I9T001
61053 SAS® Web Application Server might stop working when adding many categories to a crosstab or list table in SAS® Visual Analytics I9T002
61261 External links that include a number sign (#) might not work in the modern version of SAS® Visual Analytics Viewer I9T002
65579 Repair Report dialog box in SAS® Visual Analytics appears to mix up replacement columns when the dialog box scrolls in order to display many columns I9T002
65893 Custom sorts are sorted incorrectly when they are used in a hierarchy in SAS® Visual Analytics Designer I9T002
66456 SAS® Visual Analytics reports might return "REPORT CORRUPTED ... Could not resolve entity ..." when you duplicate controls I9T002
66655 Loading data sources in SAS® Visual Analytics fails with "The request could not be completed successfully due to a server error" I9T002
66813 A SAS® Visual Analytics report can become corrupted if you duplicate prompts within a prompt container I9T002
66859 "Cannot find the requested data source" might occur when you migrate explorations from SAS® Visual Analytics 7.1 to SAS® Visual Analytics 7.5 I9T002
66886 The Import Data dialog box in SAS® Visual Analytics displays the error "The application was unable to retrieve the list of licensed importers" I9T002
66927 Distributing a SAS® Visual Analytics report fails with "Could not perform operation e" I9T002
67000 The HTML Commons component in SAS® 9.4 Web Infrastructure Platform is affected by the JQuery vulnerability that is described in CVE-2020-11022 I9T002
67001 The "Data labels" option in geo map objects might be automatically enabled when you edit reports in SAS® Visual Analytics 7.5 I9T002
67216 Advanced filters in SAS® Visual Analytics do not display more than 1,000 categorical values I9T002
67307 List controls within prompt containers appear to overlap when viewed in Edit mode in SAS® Visual Analytics I9T002
67330 The SAS® Visual Analytics Transport Service contains a broken access control vulnerability I9T002
67334 Hierarchies do not collapse correctly in crosstabs in SAS® Visual Analytics Viewer mode I9T002
67509 The Print button in the Print to PDF dialog box in SAS® Visual Analytics is not enabled even though objects are selected I9T002
67525 Printing from SAS® Visual Analytics might fail with "TransportWarning::UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST The attempted request is not supported on the server" I9T002
67592 Exporting data from SAS® Visual Analytics to Microsoft Excel might fail for certain locales I9T002
67331 The SAS® Visual Analytics Hub discloses a database error I9T002
66762 Button bar control objects might unexpectedly increase in size when you switch through pages in SAS® Visual Analytics Report Viewer I9T002
66878 Text input controls in prompt containers might become small and unusable in the SAS® Visual Analytics Report Viewer I9T002
67390 SAS® Visual Data Builder queries that use joined tables fail with "Column xxxx could not be found in the table/view" I9T002
67504 Exporting CSV files from SAS® Visual Data Builder might generate a file without quotation marks I9T002
67540 SAS® Visual Data Builder allows unauthorized users to execute arbitrary SAS® code I9T002
65978 Google Chrome 83+ does not allow download from web content and data-driven content objects in SAS® Visual Analytics reports I9T003
66600 Sankey diagrams have display issues after you upgrade to SAS® Visual Analytics 7.5 and later I9T003
67591 Data values do not use the expected format in a SAS® Visual Analytics report I9T003
67595 SAS® Visual Analytics 7.51 audit records for CREATE and SAVE actions incorrectly capture the folder name instead of report name I9T003
67799 Opening a SAS® Visual Analytics report link using a middle mouse button click causes an error, "Cannot read property...", to appear in the browser tab I9T003
67798 You are unable to add a path filter to a path analysis in SAS® Visual Analytics I9T003
67978 The "Loaded" column in SAS® Environment Manager Administration might return an incorrect loaded time I9T003
64489 SAS® Visual Analytics displays "An error occurred" when aggregated measures that use Boolean operators are added to an object I9T003
67843 Promoted SAS® Visual Data Builder queries that include dependent queries fail to open I9T003
62659 List controls unexpectedly do not have scroll bars in SAS® Visual Analytics Viewer and SAS® Visual Analytics on SAS® Viya® I9T004
67187 Custom sort orders are not correctly exported to Microsoft Excel from SAS® Visual Analytics Viewer I9T004
67919 SAS® Visual Analytics Viewer ignores custom sorting when the category is expanded in a hierarchy I9T004
68047 The custom sort might not be honored when you print SAS® Visual Analytics cross tables that are based on a hierarchy to PDF I9T004
68083 The number of items in the SAS® Visual Analytics Viewer Recents list cannot be adjusted I9T004
68088 A SAS® Visual Analytics crosstab that includes a custom sort either fails to render results or renders results slowly I9T004
68124 SAS® Visual Analytics reports might return "Unresolvable entities for scope ... Could not resolve entity" after you duplicate pages with page links I9T004
68127 You might not be able to select a LASR library when you import a local file via SAS® Visual Analytics Designer I9T004
68164 Duplicating and then deleting prompt containers might cause SAS® Visual Analytics reports to become corrupted I9T004
68216 An advanced filter with multiple values for numeric parameters is not listed on the Filters tab in SAS® Visual Analytics I9T004
68225 SAS® Visual Analytics reports might become corrupted and return the message "Unresolvable entities for scope..." I9T004
68242 SAS® Visual Data Builder generates extraneous .sas files on the file system for scheduled jobs I9T004
65854 SAS® Visual Analytics contains a cross-site scripting vulnerability in the report-designer component I9T004
68060 SAS® Visual Data Builder generates incorrect SQL procedure code for scheduled queries I9T004
67687 Printing from SAS® Visual Analytics might fail with the message "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError ... version 'GLIBC_2.12' not found" on SUSE 11 systems I9T004
68210 Extra space is displayed around objects after you switch between report pages in the SAS® Visual Analytics Viewer I9T004
68227 Large crosstabs take longer to render in SAS® Report Viewer than in SAS® Visual Analytics Designer I9T004
67115 SAS® Visual Data Builder attempts to create scheduled jobs in the wrong deployment directory I9T004
67135 The “Last Day of the Month” option is not available when you schedule distributions in SAS® Visual Analytics 7.5 I9T004
68226 Audit records are not extracted in SAS® Visual Analytics Administration and Reporting 7.5 and 7.51 I9T004
67691 You might not be able to add aggregated columns that come from a query in SAS® Visual Data Builder I9T004
64223 SAS® Visual Analytics reports become corrupted after a data item used for a data source mapping is deleted I9T005
66964 The “Data Source Mappings” option might be unavailable when you create report links for gauge report objects in SAS® Visual Analytics I9T005
67130 DATETIME data items with the DTDATE9 format might generate problems in direct filters in SAS® Visual Analytics I9T005
67178 The HTML Commons component in SAS® Viya® 3.5 is affected by the JQuery vulnerabilities described in CVE-2020-11022 and CVE-2020-11023 I9T005
68342 SAS® Visual Analytics might not use the browser locale when exporting data to Microsoft Excel I9T005
68454 Deleting data items or data sources can cause a SAS® Visual Analytics report to become corrupted I9T005
68248 SAS® Visual Analytics fails to maximize tables correctly I9T005
68443 Promoting SAS® Visual Data Builder queries returns the error "Failed to get source/target id mapping for dependent queries" I9T005
68650 SAS® Visual Analytics applications might not start after you apply Hot Fix I9T005 I9T006
67044 The crosstab totals row does not execute page links and report links in SAS® Visual Analytics Designer 7.5 I9T007
68758 SAS® Visual Data Builder might provide unauthorized access to query code I9T007
68961 SAS® Visual Analytics report-level prompts might not filter properly on multi-page reports when a prompted parameter is used in a data-source filter I9T007
69136 The HTML Commons component in SAS® 9.4 Web Infrastructure Platform contains a cross-site scripting vulnerability I9T007
68478 Adding a link that contains a SAS® Stored Process URL in SAS® Visual Analytics Hub might return "Parameter Error not a valid stored..." I9T007
66535 You might intermittently see the error "RangeError: Maximum call stack exceeded..." when viewing a SAS® Visual Analytics report I9T007
67862 SAS® Graph Builder contains a cross-site scripting vulnerability I9T007
60261 An arbitrary redirection vulnerability has been identified in SAS® Visual Analytics I9T008
69045 Cross-site scripting (XSS) and an arbitrary redirection vulnerability have been identified in SAS® Visual Analytics with iOS devices I9T009
69270 Tool tips and Network links in SAS® Visual Analytics Network Analytics report objects might display incorrect values I9T010
69726 SAS® Visual Analytics Viewer does not correctly filter lines in a custom bar-line chart with a group role I9T011
70444 SAS® Visual Data Builder queries continue to run at scheduled times after being unscheduled I9T012
Released: July 19, 2024     Documentation: I9T013x6.html D       Download:  
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment.
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