Installation Instructions for Hot Fix I40004

Windows for x64

Hot fix I40004 addresses the issue(s) in SAS Merchandise Intelligence 4.2_M3 on 64-bit Enabled AIX as documented in:

Problem Note 47849:  Past Promotions view might incorrectly include promotions outside of the product scope of the selected promotion
Problem Note 47891:  Bill-back and off-invoice amounts might be calculated incorrectly when promotion contains resolved costs
Problem Note 47992:  Expected Change (%) values for Revenue ($), Margin ($), and Sales Units in the Promotion List view might be incorrect
Problem Note 48745:  The error "BY variables are not properly sorted on data set WORK.TMP_RPP_VEH_EXP" occurs during a vehicle export
Problem Note 48909:   Expected Margin ($) and Expected Margin (%) might be incorrect when there is a resolved cost that is greater than the regular cost in the promotion
Problem Note 49111:   Promotion List view filters might not include promotions that contain products that exist outside the candidate scope
Problem Note 49155:   Forecasts might change abruptly from week to week due to invalid promotion support effects in the demand model

I40004 is a "container" hot fix that contains the following "member" hot fixes which will update the software components as indicated. See the Container Hot Fixes section in the Maintenance Install Tool (MIT) Usage Guide for more information about container hot fixes.

I42002 for SAS Merchandise Intelligence Client 4.2_M3
I45002 for SAS Merchandise Intelligence Mid-Tier 4.2_M3
I44002 for SAS Merchandise Intelligence Plug-in for SAS Management Console 4.2_M3
J01002 for SAS Merchandise Intelligence Server 4.2_M2
I43002 for SAS Merchandise Solutions Configuration Workbench 4.2_M3
I93003 for SAS Promotion Optimization 4.2_M2

Before applying this hot fix, follow the instructions in SAS Note 35968 to generate a SAS Deployment Registry report, then verify that the appropriate product releases are installed on your system. The software components and release numbers should match the list of software components updated by the individual hot fix installers.


  1. You must have SAS Merchandise Intelligence 4.2_M3 installed on your system before applying this hot fix. Refer to SN-35968 for instructions on how to determine which product releases you have installed.

  2. At a minimum, back up your system:
    a.    For SAS, refer to the SAS 9.2 maintenance release documentation about back up tasks:

    b.    For SAS Merchandise Intelligence, backup the MI data mart and database.
    Technical Support strongly suggests that you back up all of your files. You should always try to include the current date in the name of the backup file created to distinguish between versions of backup files. By doing this, you will maintain a history of the file, which will be helpful when multiple iterations of a maintenance release have been applied to the same file. For example:
           where 02232009 is the date when the maintenance release is applied. The extension must be appended after the .jar extension, as it appears above.

  3. You must have Administrator Privileges on your CLIENT or SERVER machine.

  4. All currently active SAS sessions, daemons, spawners and servers must be terminated before applying this hot fix:

  5. This hot fix should be installed using the same userid who performed the initial software installation.

  6. You must deploy the hot fix in the following timeframe


SAS Merchandise Intelligence Client 4.2_M3

Please perform below step on all SAS Merchandise Intelligence Client machines before installing Merchandise Intelligence client pieces for hotfix.

Make a backup of the file config.ini, then delete config.ini from following client installation directory:


SAS Merchandise Solutions Configuration Workbench 4.2_M3

Please perform below step on all SAS Merchandise Solutions Configuration Workbench machines before installing Merchandise Solutions Configuration Workbench pieces for hotfix.

Make a backup of the file config.ini, then delete config.ini from following client installation directory:



This hot fix must be installed on each machine where the updated components of the product, listed above, are installed. The installation process will determine which components of SAS Merchandise Intelligence 4.2_M3 are installed on each machine, and apply the appropriate updates.

If the updated components of this product are installed on multiple operating systems, you must download the hot fix for the appropriate operating system(s) and follow the installation instructions provided to complete the deployment of this hot fix.

The installer downloaded is I40004wn.exe.

When downloading SAS 9.2 hot fix packages, you must choose to Save the hot fix to disk, then execute the install from the saved location. Attempting to install a hot fix directly from the download page results in the error documented in SAS Note 37104.

This will initiate the installation wizard, which will guide you through the hot fix installation process.

Note: If your Windows operating system is Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008, it may be necessary to "right-click" I40004wn.exe and select "Run as administrator".

See the Maintenance Install Tool (MIT) Usage Guide for more details on the installation of hot fixes.

The content of this hot fix is listed in the hot fix manifest.

This completes the installation of I40004. You must perform any "Post-Installation Instructions" documented below to successfully complete the deployment of this hot fix.


For each product installed, click the link to be redirected to post-installation instructions.

I42002 for SAS Merchandise Intelligence Client 4.2_M3
I45002 for SAS Merchandise Intelligence Mid-Tier 4.2_M3
I44002 for SAS Merchandise Intelligence Plug-in for SAS Management Console 4.2_M3
J01002 for SAS Merchandise Intelligence Server 4.2_M2
I43002 for SAS Merchandise Solutions Configuration Workbench 4.2_M3
I93003 for SAS Promotion Optimization 4.2_M2

I42002 for SAS Merchandise Intelligence Client 4.2_M3

The installation of the hot fix to the SAS Merchandise Intelligence Client assumes that the client is installed in

C:\Program Files\SAS\
If the client is installed in a location other than C:\Program Files\SAS, the file
must be manually modified. All occurences of
C:\Program Files\SAS\
must be changed the location to where the client is installed. You should confirm that the SASVersionedJarRepository paths are correct for your installation.

I45002 for SAS Merchandise Intelligence Mid-Tier 4.2_M3

Updates to the SAS Merchandise Intelligence Mid-Tier provided in this hot fix require that the Web Application be rebuilt and redeployed.

If this component is installed on Windows, follow the steps below to rebuild and redeploy the web application:

Note: The metadata server must be up and running before the web application is re-built.

Re-build Web Application

In order for this step to execute correctly, the Metadata Server must be running.

1. Invoke the SAS Deployment Manager 9.2

From the SASDeploymentManager directory launch config.exe.
SAS Deployment Manager is installed in the following default location:


2. Select a language in the Choose Language box

3. Select Rebuild Web Applications

4. Select Configuration Directory or Enter the Configuration Directory and Level that needs to be updated

5. Specify Connection Information, including the sasadm User ID and Password

6. Select SAS Merchandise Intelligence Mid-Tier 4.2 as the Web Application to Rebuild

7. Verify the information on the Summary screen and select Start

8. Select Finish when the deployment is complete

This process will update the SAS Merchandise Intelligence Mid-Tier 4.2 ear in

A backup of the original ear file will be placed in the directory

Re-deploy Web Application

1. Re-deploy the SAS Merchandise Intelligence Mid-Tier 4.2 web application (only). Details are provided at

Note: Select sas.miserver4.2.ear when re-deploying the web application.
2. Stop and restart the Web application server.
Note for WebLogic: If the SAS Merchandise Intelligence Mid-Tier is not started automatically after following the instructions in the link above, you will need to manually start it from the WebLogic Admin Console.

Alternative Method: The SAS Merchandise Intelligence Mid-Tier can be re-deployed to WebLogic using the following steps. The equivalent steps for WebSphere are documented in the Replace the entire application method in the detailed document link above.

1. Ensure all the services are running, including WebLogic Admin Console and Managed Server, i.e. SASServer1.

2. Login to WebLogic Admin Console.

3. Click on Lock and Edit.

4. Select the sas.miserver4.2 ear and click on the Update button.

5. Accept the default path and click on OK.

6. Click on the Activate changes button.

The web application server does not need to be restarted after using the alternative method. The Activate changes step will restart the SAS Merchandise Intelligence Mid-Tier internally.

I44002 for SAS Merchandise Intelligence Plug-in for SAS Management Console 4.2_M3


J01002 for SAS Merchandise Intelligence Server 4.2_M2


I43002 for SAS Merchandise Solutions Configuration Workbench 4.2_M3

The installation of the hot fix to the SAS Merchandise Solutions Configuration Workbench assumes that the client is installed in

C:\Program Files\SAS\
If the client is installed in a location other than C:\Program Files\SAS, the file
must be manually modified. All occurences of
C:\Program Files\SAS\
must be changed the location to where the Configuration Workbench is installed. You should confirm that the SASVersionedJarRepository paths are correct for your installation.

I93003 for SAS Promotion Optimization 4.2_M2


After completing all of the post-install sections above, run your weekly ETL and back-end jobs.

This completes the installation of hot fix I40004 on Windows for x64.