Hot fix I21002 addresses the issue(s) in SAS Enterprise Case Management 3.1 as documented
in the Issue(s) Addressed section of the hot fix download page:
I21002 is a "container" hot fix that contains the following "member" hot fixes which will update the software components
as indicated.
I20002 updates SAS Enterprise Case Management Mid-Tier 3.1
I19002 updates SAS Enterprise Case Management Server 3.1
Before applying this hot fix, follow the instructions in SAS Note 35968 to
generate a SAS Deployment Registry report, then verify that the appropriate product releases are installed on your system. The
release number information in the Registry report should match the 'member' release number information provided above for the
software components installed on each machine in your deployment.
The hot fix downloaded,, includes the updates required for all components listed above on all applicable operating systems. To apply this hot fix on multiple machines, you can either save on each machine or save it in a network location that is accessible to all machines.
Do NOT extract the contents of The hot fix installation process will extract the contents as needed.
The hot fix will be applied using the SAS Deployment Manager (SDM). By default, the SDM will search in the <SASHOME>/InstallMisc/HotFixes/New directory for hot fixes to be applied, but will also prompt for a location if you have downloaded hot fixes to a different directory.
After downloading, follow the instructions for applying hot fixes in the SAS Deployment Wizard and SAS Deployment Manager 9.3: User’s Guide.
The hot fix installation process generates the log file
<!SASHOME>/InstallMisc/InstallLogs/IT_date-and-time-stamp.logfor example, IT_2011-10-31-13.18.21.log. Each attempt to apply a hot fix results in the creation of a new log file giving detailed information regarding the installation process.
Postexec log files are created after the installation is completed and identifies the files that were added, backed up, changed and removed. These log files include the ‘member’ hot fix id in the name of the file and are also written to the <!SASHOME>/InstallMisc/InstallLogs directory. There is one postexec log for each ‘member’ hot fix applied (member hot fixes are listed at the top of these instructions).
The content of this hot fix is listed in the hot fix manifest.
For each product installed, click the link to be redirected to post-installation instructions.
I20001 updates SAS Enterprise Case Management Mid-Tier 3.1
I19001 updates SAS Enterprise Case Management Server 3.1
I20001 updates SAS Enterprise Case
Management Mid-Tier 3.1
Step 1: Re-build Web Application
To complete the installation of this hotfix, you must rebuild and redeploy the Enterprise Case Management web application. If you are installing this hotfix along with others, you may need to rebuild several web applications. In order to re-build SAS web applications correctly, the Metadata Server must be running but to simplify the post-installation process you may want to verify that all the standard SAS services are started at this time. If these services are not started, you can start them in the following order:
1.1 Invoke the SAS Deployment Manager 9.3
From the SASDeploymentManager directory launch or sasdm.exe.
SAS Deployment Manager is installed in the following default location:<SASHOME>/SASDeploymentManager/9.3
1.2 Select a language in the Choose Language box
1.3 Select Rebuild Web Applications
1.4 Select Configuration Directory or Enter the Configuration Directory and Level that needs to be updated
1.5 Specify Connection Information, including the sasadm User ID and Password
1.6 Select Ent Case Mgmt Mid-Tier 3.1 as the Web Application to Rebuild
1.7 Verify the information on the Summary screen and select Start
1.8 Select Finish when the deployment is complete
This process will update the Enterprise Case Management Mid-Tier 3.1
ear in <SASCONFIGDIR>/Web/Staging.
A backup of the original ear file will be placed in: <SASCONFIGDIR>/Web/Staging/Backup
Step 2: Re-deploy Web Applications
2.1 Re-deploy the web application based on the instructions for the web application server you are using. If your SAS web application servers are not running, start them in the following order:
2.2 Clear your browser cache on all browsers that you use to access SAS Enterprise Case Management.
I19001 Updating SAS Enterprise Case
Management Server 3.1
Configuring FINCEN SAR Reports
The following instructions update ECM configuration data and stored processes related to the new FinCEN SAR reports. If your installation is not filing SAR reports, these post-installation steps are not necessary. If your installation is already configured for SAR reporting from the previous hotfix, Only step A.7 is necessary.
A.1. Back up of all files under <ECMconfig>directory.
An example of <ECMconfig> is '/sasinstall/Config/Lev1/Applications/SASCaseManagementServerCfg/3.1'.
A.2. Customize ".orig" files and copy form_template directory
Copy the files listed in the table below from the source location to the target location. Remove the extension .orig from the target file names. Then edit the target files according to the instructions in the 'Edit' column.
An example of <sashome> and <ECMconfig> are '/sasinstall/SASFoundation/9.3' and '/sasinstall/Config/Lev1/Applications/SASCaseManagementServerCfg/3.1'.
Source File |
Target File |
Edit |
<sashome>/ucmacros/casemgmtmva/ (for Unix) <sashome>/casemgmtmva/ucmacros/ (for Windows) |
<ECMconfig>/Source/ucmacros/ |
Specify ecm_webusername, ecm_webuserpass if you want to hard-code the account used
to run PROC SOAP and PROC HTTP. Review the other parameters. In particular, if the server tier is a Windows environment notice that the path for winzip is required. Winzip is required to properly generate the SAR efile. |
<sashome>/ucmacros/casemgmtmva/ (for Unix) <sashome>/casemgmtmva/ucmacros/ (for Windows) |
<ECMconfig>/Source/ucmacros/ |
Provide institutional transmitter information, required by FINCEN, for the SAR reports. |
<sashome>/sasstp/casemgmtmva/ (for Unix) <sashome>/casemgmtmva/sasstp/ (for Windows) |
<ECMconfig>/Source/sasstp/ (overwrite existing file) |
Replace "@casemgmtmvac.config.control.dir@" with the path of |
<sashome/sassstp/casemgmtmva/ (for Unix) <sashome/casemgmtmva/sasstp/ (for Windows) |
<ECMconfig>/Source/sasstp/ |
Replace "@casemgmtmvac.config.control.dir@" with the path of |
<sashome>/misc/casemgmtmva/sample/form_template (for Unix) <sashome>/casemgmtmva/sasmisc/sample/form_template (for Windows) |
<ECMconfig>/Source/form_template |
Replace all form_template files
with the new versions. Review PROC SOAP timeout parameter in ecm_soap_config.xml. The current setting is 1 minute. |
A.3. Import New Stored Process
A.4. Configure Stored Process Server to Run System Commands
The new FinCEN efile process requires reports to be zipped together. In order to execute the zip command, the XCMD option must be enabled for the SAS Stored Process Server so that the SYSTEM function can be used. To allow the XCMD option:
A.5. Run New SAR Form Configuration Scripts
The next step is to run two SAS scripts that load configuration data for the new FinCEN SAR form. The scripts assume that the original 3.1 form configuration scripts have already been run. If you are uncertain if those scripts have been run, check the results of the PROC SQL query listed below. If the returned value is greater than 0, has already been run. If the returned value is 0, run That file contains the configuration data that is shared by the old SAR-DI and the new SAR forms.
The SAS scripts can be found here on Windows:
and here on Unix:
Here is the PROC SQL code to check if form configuration data has already been loaded:
proc sql; select count(*) from ecm_db.generic_data_udf_def where udf_table_nm = 'X_INSTITUTION'; quit;
In summary, the steps to complete are:
A.6. Clear Cache
Logon to the ECM web application as an administrator. Run Clear Cache under the 'Administration' tab.
A.7. Upload UI definitions
Note: the new version of party-cus-01.xml will overwrite the existing version. If you have customized that UI definition file, you may need to merge your own changes into the new document. In that case, download the file from the server and compare it with the new file before uploading.
A.8. Upload
A new version of is included with this hotfix. If your has been customized, compare it with the new version of in <sashome>/casemgmtmva/sasmisc/sample/properties (Windows) or <sashome>/misc/casemgmtmva/sample/properties (Unix). Incorporate any differences into the new
Configuring FINCEN CTR Reports
The following instructions update ECM configuration data and stored processes related to the new FinCEN CTR reports. If your installation is not filing CTR reports, these post-installation steps are not necessary. Some steps may also be skipped if your installation has already configured SAR for e-filing by following the steps in Section A.
B.1. Back up of all files under <ECMconfig>directory.
An example of <ECMconfig> is '/sasinstall/Config/Lev1/Applications/SASCaseManagementServerCfg/3.1'.
B.2. Customize ".orig" files and copy form_template directory
Copy the files listed in the table below from the source location to the target location. Remove the extension .orig from the target file names. Then edit the target files according to the instructions in the 'Edit' column.
An example of <sashome> and <ECMconfig> are '/sasinstall/SASFoundation/9.3' and '/sasinstall/Config/Lev1/Applications/SASCaseManagementServerCfg/3.1'.
Source File |
Target File |
Edit |
<sashome>/ucmacros/casemgmtmva/ (for Unix) <sashome>/casemgmtmva/ucmacros/ (for Windows) |
<ECMconfig>/Source/ucmacros/ |
Provide institutional transmitter information, required by FINCEN, for the CTR reports. (This step is needed only if ECM 3.1 has not been configured for SAR e-filing) |
<sashome>/misc/casemgmtmva/sample/form_template (for Unix) <sashome>/casemgmtmva/sasmisc/sample/form_template (for Windows) |
<ECMconfig>/Source/form_template |
Replace all form_template files
with the new versions. |
B.3. Import New Stored Process (This step is needed only if ECM 3.1 has not been configured for SAR e-filing)
B.4. Run New CTR Form Configuration Scripts
The next step is to run three SAS scripts that load configuration data for the new FinCEN CTR form. should be run only if ECM 3.1 has not been configured for SAR e-filing. The scripts assume that the original 3.1 form configuration scripts have already been run. If you are uncertain if those scripts have been run, check the results of the PROC SQL query listed below. If the returned value is greater than 0, has already been run. If the returned value is 0, run That file contains the configuration data that is shared by the old SAR-DI and the new CTR forms.
Note: there is a typo
in the names of the configuration .csv files. Before
running the program,
please change the file <ECMconfig>/Source/form_template/ newctr-preview_section_configx.csv to
newctr-preview_section_config.csv and the file
<ECMconfig>/Source/form_template/newctr-preview_field_configx.csv to
newctr-preview_field_config.csv (i.e. remove the trailing ‘x’).
The SAS scripts can be found here on Windows:
and here on Unix:
Here is the PROC SQL code to check if form configuration data has already been loaded:
proc sql; select count(*) from ecm_db.generic_data_udf_def where udf_table_nm = 'X_INSTITUTION'; quit;
In summary, the steps to complete are:
B.5. Clear Cache
Logon to the ECM web application as an administrator. Run Clear Cache under the 'Administration' tab.
B.6. Upload UI definitions
B.7. Upload
A new version of is included with this hotfix. If your has been customized, compare it with the new version of in <sashome>/casemgmtmva/sasmisc/sample/properties (Windows) or <sashome>/misc/casemgmtmva/sample/properties (Unix). Incorporate any differences into the new
C. Manually apply this change to an existing ECM environment where SAR configuration has been executed under a previous hotfix. Do not run this step if:
· your site does not file SAR reports.
· or you have never performed the SAR configuration step
from the previous hotfix
· or your site has already changed how branches are
handled for SAR reporting and the branch location code should not be the
internal branch identifier (X_BRANCH_RK)
The steps to complete are:
sql ;
update ecm_db.form_efile_field_config
set source_field_nm='X_BRANCH_RK'
where form_config_rk=201
and form_efile_record_seq_no in
(select distinct form_efile_record_seq_no
from ecm_db.form_efile_record_config
where form_config_rk=201 and
and target_field_start_pos_no=3
and source_field_nm='ROW_NO'
%ecmrr_efile_pgm_gen( form_config_rk=201);
D. Manually add these required metadata properties to an existing ECM environment.
The steps to complete are:
1. Using SAS Management Console,
log on as an administrative user.
2. From the Plug-ins tab, select
Application Management -> Configuration Manager -> SAS ApplicationInfrastructure -> Ent
Case Mgmt Mid-Tier 3.1.
3. Right-click and select Properties.
4. On the Ent
Case Mgmt Mid-Tier 3.1 Properties popup window,
select the Advanced tab and press the Add button.
5. In the Define New Property
popup provide the following information:
o Property Name – ECM.Policy.AutoUnlockOnLogout
o Property Value - true
6. Click OK in Define
New Property window.
7. Add another property with
these values:
o Property Name – ECM.Policy.AutoUnlockStrategy
o Property Value - session
8. Click OK in Define
New Property and again on the Ent Case Mgmt Mid-Tier 3.1 Properties window.
9. Stop and Restart SASServer8
using the instructions for your web application server.