Installation Instructions for Hot Fix H07001
Hot fix H07001 addresses the issue(s) in SAS Financial Crimes Monitor Server 2.3_M1 on Windows as documented
in the Issue(s) Addressed section of the hot fix download page:
The hot fix downloaded,, contains the updated files required to address
the documented issues.
Do NOT extract the contents of The hot fix installation process will extract
the contents as needed.
You must have SAS Financial Crimes Monitor Server 2.3_M1 installed on your system before applying this hot fix.
Refer to SN-35968 for instructions on how to determine which product releases you have installed.
Files delivered in this hot fix will be backed up during the installation process.
However, it is good general practice to back up your system before applying updates
to software.
You must have Administrator Privileges on your CLIENT or SERVER machine.
All currently active SAS sessions, daemons, spawners and servers must be terminated
before applying this hot fix.
- This hot fix should be installed using the same userid who performed the initial
software installation.
The H07001 hot fix for SAS Financial Crimes Monitor Server 2.3_M1 will be installed using the SAS Deployment Manager (SDM).
By default, the SDM will search in the <SASHOME>\InstallMisc\HotFixes\New directory for hot
fixes to be applied, but will also prompt for a location if you have downloaded hot fixes to a different
After downloading, follow the instructions for applying hot fixes in the
SAS Deployment Wizard and SAS Deployment Manager 9.3: User�s Guide.
The content of this hot fix is listed in the hot fix manifest.
Before we begin:
This document will be referring to several files and directories. The names that the document uses are default values.
The names of these files and directories may be different in your installation, based on how you named the files.
Make sure that the SAS services are restarted after applying the hotfix.
Make sure that the proper permissions are set on the libraries that you are working with. For example, if you are
attempting to delete a table and the table won�t delete then you probably need to set the permissions on that
table (or library) in SMC.
- Un-register Alert_summary_template is the default name that this document
uses for the dataset which mimics the alert_summary table structure.
- Open SAS Management Console as a user with unrestricted privileges.
- Navigate to Data Library Manager - Libraries - <Library that contains the alert_summary_template dataset>. For
our example, we will work with a library named "FCM Alert Template" which contains our dataset alert_summary.
- Right click on FCM Alert Template library and select Properties.
- Click on the Options tab and copy the path displayed in the �Selected Items' text box. (We will be using this path
later when we create the libname statement in step 2).
- Close the properties window.
- In the right-hand pane, right-click on the alert_summary dataset and select Delete.
- Create the Alert Summary table by modifying and executing the file.
- Navigate to ucmacro folder, which if the default installation location was used should be located at
- Open the program.
- Before the macro definition statement (%macro alert_summary_template), add a libname statement to the
location we saved in step 1D. This should be a local folder. As an example:
libname fcm_prep "<fcm_prep library location>\alert_templates";
- Uncomment the last line of the code in the file, which reads
- Edit the file. Add a file named "" to an include statement.
- Navigate to the location of the file. The default location is at
- Open the program for editing.
- Search the file for the "include" statement that contains the file.
- This "include" statement should include four sas files:,,, and Add the filename "" to the end of
this list of files.
- Submit the file and the files.
- Via an interactive SAS session, submit the program. When you submit this
program a dialog will appear asking for your connection information to the metadata server. You will need
to supply this information. There are no defaults as this information is specific to your metadata server.
- After submitting the program, submit the program.
- Re-register the alert_summary dataset in SMC.
- In the SAS Management Console, navigate to the library which contained the alert_summary dataset in
step 1 above. Our example library is "FCM ALERT Template".
- In the left-hand pane, right-click on FCM Alert Template and select �Register Tables�.
- Check the box labeled "Enable case-sensitive DBMS object names." And click Next.
- At this point you will need to provide an additional set of credentials for your metadata server. The reason
for this is that unrestricted users are not allowed to register tables within libraries.
- Highlight the ALERT_SUMMARY dataset by selecting it, and then click Next.
- Click Finish.
- Verify that ALERT_SUMMARY appears in the right-hand pane.
- Right-click on ALERT_SUMMARY and select Properties.
- Click on Authorization and add Financial Crimes DB Auth Group (with ReadMetaData and Read permissions) if not already added.
- Right-click on ALERT_SUMMARY again; Select Update Metadata, and follow the prompts.
- Close SMC.
- Run alter script.
- First, find out what DB is being used by the FCM libref. This libref is not a library that is registered in SMC.
It is instead created dynamically during the execution of the file. If you already know what type of DB is
being used for this library, then great. If not then navigate to the file (instructions for this can
be found at 3a). Open the file and search for the "libname fcm" statement. This statement will tell you
what kind of database your FCM library is using.
- Navigate to the folder where the ddl scripts are located. For example, if you used default installation locations
then they would be found at
- Choose the correct script based on the database in use for the FCM Libref.
- DB2: fcm_alter_script_db2.sql
- Microsoft SQL: fcm_alter_script_ms_sql.sql
- MySQL: fcm_alter_script_mysql.sql
- Oracle: fcm_alter_script_oracle.sql
- Execute the script against the FCM database as a user with DBA permissions in a database client or command
line. The instructions to this step are DB and installation specific so we can�t provide detailed guidance.
This completes the installation of hot fix H07001 on Windows.