G77012 for Windows |
SAS Warranty Analysis 4.31 |
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: |
43872 | Job Control Table synchronize jobs do not run properly in a new SAS® Warranty Analysis 4.3 installation |
G77001 |
43873 | ALERT - SAS® Warranty Analysis report output contains repeated lookup table descriptions |
G77001 |
43939 | A Details Table analysis runs successfully but produces an error if the analysis contains a date variable without a corresponding table entry |
G77001 |
43942 | A Trend/Control graph is drawn incorrectly and breaks are seen in the output |
G77001 |
44006 | Alerts generated by an Emerging Issues Threshold analysis in SAS® Warranty Analysis might not show Display Name in list of users |
G77001 |
44065 | Incorrect label might be displayed in Multivariate Statistical Drivers output |
G77001 |
44327 | "ERROR: A variable appears twice in IN statement" message generated by SAS® Warranty Analysis text analysis |
G77001 |
44328 | Wu-Meeker critical values might decrease with the sales period |
G77001 |
44393 | Emerging Issues Ad Hoc - Analytic analysis fails when Product Build Option Code Value (PBOCODEVALUE) is '?' |
G77001 |
44394 | A Multivariate Statistical Driver analysis fails with the error 'Syntax error while parsing WHERE clause.' in macro ANL_MULTIVARIATECALC |
G77001 |
44521 | Clearing the cache on the Memory and File Cache View of the SAS® Warranty Analysis Diagnostic Client might take a long time |
G77001 |
44522 | The child analysis from Analyze Subset in SAS® Warranty Analysis might not use the correct subset |
G77001 |
44525 | Claim Rates in a Summary Tables analysis might be incorrect when more than one reporting variable is selected |
G77001 |
44527 | D64002 An analysis from an Emerging Issues drillto fails with log message "ERROR: The macro UTIL_GETFILTEREDDATA will stop executing." |
G77001 |
44645 | When first using SAS® Warranty Analysis to run an analysis, the analysis fails with the error "ERROR: User does not have appropriate authorization..." |
G77001 |
44798 | Emerging Issues Automated takes a long time to run in SAS® Warranty Analysis |
G77001 |
45651 | "BY variables not properly sorted" error messages produced by a Statistical Drivers analysis |
G77001 |
45652 | Forecasting analysis produces low claim rates in results |
G77001 |
46108 | Tooltip does not display group variable information for line plot |
G77001 |
46111 | Rungroup number in SAS® Warranty Analysis Emerging Issues parmsl files is incorrectly incremented |
G77001 |
46490 | Interaction does not work correctly for Time in Service Point of View when Exposure Type = 'Usage' |
G77001 |
43876 | ALERT - Tick marks and labels are not displayed properly when there are many values on the graph axis |
G77001 |
43938 | The on demand cache rebuild in SAS® Warranty Analysis might require a significant amount of time to complete and might result in slow performance |
G77001 |
43940 | Results from a data selection attribute (smart filter) are not a subset of the parent attribute |
G77001 |
44005 | A new analysis might not use updated options in SAS® Warranty Analysis |
G77001 |
44007 | Summary Tables analysis output does not display changes to variable formats |
G77001 |
44395 | 'Widget is disposed' exception might occur when performing an analysis in SAS® Warranty Analysis |
G77001 |
44524 | The None option is missing from the Analysis Options, Exposure Type field in the Summary Tables analysis of SAS® Warranty Analysis rich client |
G77001 |
44597 | A NullPointerException might occur when opening Tools->Lookup Values |
G77001 |
45804 | Exception error after clicking on Pareto analysis results in SAS® Warranty Analysis |
G77001 |
46107 | Issues with multi-currency in SAS® Warranty Analysis when base currency differs from local currency |
G77001 |
46322 | Commas in a lookup table description produces "the following values are invalid:" messages in SAS® Warranty Analysis |
G77001 |
44064 | Viewport functionality not applied when exporting a report as a PDF file |
G77001 |
44526 | ALERT - SAS® Warranty Analysis rich client performance might be slow when creating or editing data selections |
G77001 |
51365 | Export to CSV starts Excel but does not open the spreadsheet |
G77001 |
45092 | The label for the top bar in a Pareto analysis is not displayed correctly in SAS® Warranty Analysis when a viewport is applied |
G77002 |
46617 | "Export Table to Spreadsheet" with "Open" produces a blank screen |
G77002 |
45798 | Invalid lookup table information in parmsl.variables_base and parmsl.dataselectionattributes_base tables results in exception error |
G77003 |
46913 | The Emerging Issues workspace can be slow after viewing emerging issues and analyses |
G77003 |
47243 | The Analysis Options cache is cleared when data selections are edited |
G77004 |
47244 | The initial attempt to download a PDF from the SAS® Warranty Analysis rich client might result in an error |
G77004 |
48709 | The order of reporting variables is not correct in the Details Table analysis output |
G77005 |
49172 | A Details analysis in SAS® Warranty Analysis might fail with the log message "No variable description attached" |
G77005 |
49187 | SAS® Warranty Analysis graphics that are exported to PDF might have poor resolution |
G77005 |
49190 | Problems might occur when you use SAS® Warranty Analysis under single sign-on (SSO) architecture (Solaris, WebLogic, Apache, SiteMinder) |
G77005 |
50110 | The Export to CSV functionality opens Excel but does not open the spreadsheet |
G77006 |
51335 | Selecting "Export Table to Spreadsheet"� produces unreliable results |
G77008 |
51336 | Page breaks occur in the wrong places in the PDF output of reliability analysis reports |
G77008 |
51358 | An "Analyze in Project" data selection in SAS® Warranty Analysis Enterprise Analytic can have an incorrect date range for the claim date |
G77008 |
51376 | Disabling ShowImmatureExposure in the analysismacvars table results in incorrect output for an Exposure analysis |
G77008 |
51382 | A Details Table analysis might fail when you use a large list of imported values in the Data Selection definition |
G77008 |
51398 | The "Auto update" setting cannot be disabled after it has been enabled in SAS® Warranty Analysis reports |
G77008 |
51364 | An error occurs when you attempt to retrieve a one-time-use password for SASTRUST for use with Emerging Issues Automated in an SSL/SSO environment |
G77008 |
51367 | The SAS® Warranty Analysis thin client does not show all active filter values that are applied |
G77008 |
51368 | You cannot sort by any category other than descending date in the SAS® Warranty Analysis server |
G77008 |
51369 | Sorting preferences are not retained across sessions on the Reports tab in the SAS® Warranty Analysis thin client |
G77008 |
51399 | An analysis that uses ship-to-sale with a claim submit lag does not produce a report in SAS® Warranty Analysis |
G77009 |
52222 | Text analysis descriptive terms are not providing a clear direction of the primary and secondary drivers behind clusters in SAS® Warranty Analysis |
G77009 |
52278 | The default Statistical Drivers Reporting variables are not retained by the SAS® Warranty Analysis user interface |
G77009 |
52281 | Reliability, Summary Tables, and Trend Exposure analyses fail when Exposure Type = "�Usage"� and minsamplesizerule = "�beyond"� in SAS® Warranty Analysis |
G77009 |
52297 | "ERROR: The following columns were not found in the contributing tables: SIMILARITY_DIST" occurs after running a Details Table analysis |
G77009 |
52303 | Upper and lower control limits might be missing from a Trend/Control analysis chart that was created with SAS® Warranty Analysis |
G77009 |
52304 | Extra records might appear in Trend By Exposure output with all columns empty except the reporting variable column in SAS® Warranty Analysis |
G77009 |
52316 | Configured footnotes might not appear in SAS® Warranty Analysis output |
G77009 |
52317 | Legends might not be displayed in SAS® Warranty Analysis Trend/Control, Exposure, and Trend By Exposure analyses output |
G77009 |
52331 | The Extrapolated Cumulative Claim rate decreases in an Exposure analysis using SAS® Warranty Analysis |
G77009 |
52332 | The Trend/Control chart does not indicate special causes of variation in SAS® Warranty Analysis |
G77009 |
52333 | SAS® Warranty Analysis Text analysis does not provide an option to include or exclude a term based on the number of documents containing the term |
G77009 |
52530 | A Text analysis fails with the message "TMSORT not resolved" when diagnostic options are disabled |
G77009 |
51366 | The SAS® Warranty Analysis rich client fails to close the metadata server connection |
G77009 |
52734 | The Created Date column in SAS® Warranty Analysis Reports Workspace does not provide the date in which a report was last modified |
G77009 |
52305 | Trend/Control analysis output that is exported to PDF might not fit on a single page in SAS® Warranty Analysis |
G77009 |
52318 | SAS® Warranty Analysis jobs might fail when multiple analyses are submitted simultaneously |
G77009 |
52329 | The SAS® Warranty Analysis thin client does not have the functionality of exporting report data |
G77009 |
52478 | A security warning occurs when you access screens in the diagnostic client if SAS® Warranty Analysis is configured under SSL |
G77009 |
52519 | Your system becomes unresponsive when you retrieve job timing information using the SAS® Warranty Analysis diagnostic client |
G77009 |
53398 | A query might cause performance degradation when you run an analysis in SAS® Warranty Analysis |
G77011 |
54486 | The error "Function QUOTE requires a character expression as argument 1" occurs in SAS® Warranty Analysis results |
G77011 |
55378 | ALERT - Legends for some SAS® Warranty Analysis charts are taller after you install Hot Fix G77008 |
G77012 |
55379 | ALERT - Retrieving filtereddata from the SAS® Warranty Analysis mart is considerably slower than usual |
G77012 |
55418 | ALERT - Poor performance results from SAS® Warranty Analysis accessing the sashelp.vindex view |
G77012 |
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment. |