Hot fix G62001 addresses the issue(s) in SAS Financial Crimes Monitor Server 2.3 on Linux for x64 as documented
in the Issue(s) Addressed section of the hot fix download page:
The hot fix downloaded,, contains the updated files required to address
the documented issues.
Do NOT extract the contents of The hot fix installation process will extract
the contents as needed.
After downloading, follow the instructions provided in the SAS Deployment Wizard/SAS Deployment Manager 9.3: User’s Guide; see the Applying Hot Fixes for Windows and UNIX section in Chapter 5 -- SAS Deployment Manager Tasks to complete the installation of the hot fix.
The content of this hot fix is listed in the hot fix manifest.
After installing the ICF, you will need to make modifications to the and files located in the SAS configuration directory. Please back up both of those files before proceeding with the post-install steps. You will also need to run a database script if you are using IBM DB2 Database.
The configuration directory is located in one of the following directories, depending on the operating environment.
UNIX Specifics <SASConfig>/Lev1/Applications/SASFinancialCrimesMonitor2.3 Windows Specifics <SASConfig>\Lev1\Applications\SASFinancialCrimesMonitor2.3
UNIX Specifics <SASConfig>/Lev1/Applications/SASFinancialCrimesMonitor2.3/ Windows Specifics <SASConfig>\Lev1\Applications\SASFinancialCrimesMonitor2.3\
%global FCM_DEBUG FCM_INTRADAYONLY FCM_LICENSE_CHECK FCM_ERRORHANDLINGDISABLED FCM_RUNDATE FCM_RUNPRJ FCM_SCENARIO FCM_ARRAYDIM FCM_SLIB_NM; %let FCM_SLIB_NM = FCM_SLIB; %let FCM_INTRADAYONLY = %sysget(INTRADAY); %let DateTime = %sysfunc(inputn(%sysget(RUNDATE), DateTime19.)); data _null_; if (&DateTime = '') then CALL SYMPUT('DateTime', input(put( date() ,date7.) || ':00:00:00', datetime.)); run; %let FCM_RUNDATE = %sysfunc( putn(&DateTime, DATETIME19.)); %let FCM_RUNPRJ = %sysget(PROJECT); %sysfunc(ifc( (&FCM_RUNPRJ ^= ), /* logical expression */ , /* if populated leave as is */ data _null_; CALL SYMPUT('FCM_RUNPRJ', 'ALL'); /* if blank set to ALL */ run;, data _null_; /* if missing set to ALL */ CALL SYMPUT('FCM_RUNPRJ', 'ALL'); run; ) );
%sysfunc(ifc(%sysfunc(exist(stage._successfully_run)) , , data stage._successfully_run; set FCM.FCM_PROJECT (obs=0 keep=PROJECT_SK); run; , ) );
%include viewlib( );
%include ucmaclib(;
UNIX <SASHome>/SASFoundation/9.3/misc/fincrmmva/config/ to <SASConfig>/Lev1/Applications/SASFinancialCrimesMonitor2.3\ Windows <SASHome>\SASFoundation\9.3\fincrmmva\misc\config\ to <SASConfig>\Lev1\Applications\SASFinancialCrimesMonitor2.3\
UNIX Specifics !SASROOT\fincrmmva\sasmisc\dbmc\ddl\ Windows Specifics !SASROOT/misc/fincrmmva/dbmc/ddl/
This completes the installation of hot fix G62001 on Linux for x64.