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Hot Fix Downloads for z/OS
General Information about Hot Fixes
F98002 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
45259 | ALERT - Data might be missing from PROC REPORT output in non-Listing ODS destinations when the PAGE option is specified | F98002 | |||||
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F98003 was replaced by F98009 |
F98004 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
45291 | Performing a drag-and-drop operation within a SAS/AF® Version 6 Organizational Chart object might cause a read-access violation | F98004 | |||||
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F98006 was replaced by F98073 |
F98009 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
45431 | Markers might not be aligned with lower or upper limits on graphs generated with the VLINE statement of PROC SGPLOT or PROC SGPANEL | F98003 | |||||
45438 | Attribute map specifications might be ignored by the VLINE statement in PROC SGPLOT or PROC SGPANEL | F98003 | |||||
45544 | Grouped line plots generated with PROC SGPLOT or PROC SGPANEL might contain only one plot line | F98009 | |||||
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F98010 was replaced by F98083 |
F98011 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
45160 | The message: NOTE: Invalid argument to function FINANCE at line nnn column x. might occur when using the FINANCE function to calculate the XIRR | F98011 | |||||
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F98012 was replaced by F98083 |
F98014 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
45482 | The SAS® Stored Process Server might stop functioning if a SAS® Stored Process does not clear a SAS/SHARE® engine libref | F98014 | |||||
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F98017 was replaced by F98073 |
F98018 was replaced by F98073 |
F98021 was replaced by F98083 |
F98022 was replaced by F98065 |
F98025 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
45362 | Intermittent errors reported in client session running a DISPLAY LIBRARY _ALL_ statement to a SAS/SHARE® Server | F98025 | |||||
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F98026 was replaced by F98063 |
F98032 was replaced by F98067 |
F98034 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
45501 | Information maps with incorrectly truncated data item names cannot be opened in SAS® Enterprise Guide® and the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office | F98034 | |||||
46806 | Authorization error might occur when opening an information map table in SAS® Enterprise Guide® or the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office | F98034 | |||||
NOTE: You must also install hot fix H28002 to fully implement the fix for the issue described in 46806. | |||||||
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F98036 was replaced by F98065 |
F98040 was replaced by F98081 |
F98041 was replaced by F98083 |
F98044 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
42667 | Empty results from a non empty crossjoin query might result in slow performance from the SAS® OLAP Server | F98044 | |||||
NOTE: You must also install hot fixes H13002 to fully implement the fixes for the issues addressed in this hot fix. | |||||||
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F98045 was replaced by F98065 |
F98047 was replaced by F98073 |
F98049 was replaced by F98075 |
F98050 was replaced by F98081 |
F98051 was replaced by F98081 |
F98053 was replaced by F98083 |
F98055 was replaced by F98073 |
F98056 was replaced by F98083 |
F98060 was replaced by F98081 |
F98061 was replaced by F98065 |
F98062 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
46731 | SAS® 9.3 terminates unexpectedly when you clear the Output window | F98062 | |||||
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F98063 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
46318 | "ERROR: Invalid Operation. ERROR: Termination due to Floating Point Exception" | F98026 | |||||
50730 | "WARNING: FMPFMT: outbuf too small" might appear unexpectedly when you run SAS/AF® applications that have been migrated to SAS® 9.2 or later | F98063 | |||||
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F98065 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
42737 | ALERT - Incorrect results occur in implicit pass-through when you use CALCULATED keyword on GROUP BY statement | F98022 | |||||
45689 | The SAS® Stored Process Server might stop functioning properly if you cancel a request that is running PROC SQL code | F98022 | |||||
46781 | Implicit pass-through processing generates incorrect code when you use the INNER JOIN syntax | F98036 | |||||
46787 | ALERT - Using ANSI INNER JOIN syntax might result in the query being processed in SAS® | F98036 | |||||
47047 | Implicit pass-through returns incorrect results when used with SAS/ACCESS® software | F98036 | |||||
47294 | Customized metadata column descriptions might be lost when you read data from a database management system (DBMS) table with the META LIBNAME engine | F98045 | |||||
50703 | ALERT - An incorrect number of rows are returned from the Extract transformation | F98061 | |||||
50787 | ALERT - Incorrect results might occur when you are using DB2 temporary tables in a z/OS operating environment | F98065 | |||||
NOTE: If you install this hot fix and are not running on z/OS 64-bit, you must also install hot fixes F98081 and F98075 for Base SAS 9.3_M1. | |||||||
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F98066 was replaced by F98081 |
F98067 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
46702 | ALERT - "ERROR: Cannot find a library containing subroutine <subroutine>" when loading FCMP functions | F98032 | |||||
52162 | The Score node fails to complete or completes only after much more time than normal | F98067 | |||||
NOTE: If you install this hot fix, you must also install hot fix H14003 for SAS Threaded Kernel 9.3 M1. | |||||||
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F98068 was replaced by F98083 |
F98071 was replaced by F98083 |
F98072 was replaced by F98083 |
F98073 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
45363 | ALERT - Sorting a SAS® data set using IBM DFSORT as the host sort utility might cause the last byte of the data set to be replaced with x'00' | F98006 | |||||
45596 | In SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.2 and 4.3, SAS libraries that are z/OS GDGs cannot be seen in the server list under Bound Libraries | F98017 | |||||
45711 | An intermittent abend or loop can occur due to a race condition | F98017 | |||||
44847 | A system abend 0C7 occurs in SAS® 9.3 when members of a PDS with nonstandard ISPF statistics are processed | F98018 | |||||
47287 | Errors occur if you replace members of a UNIX file system library in SAS® 9.3 (TS1M1) on the z/OS operating system | F98047 | |||||
49146 | Using the SASFILE statement for large data sets might produce an error | F98055 | |||||
45059 | The message "ERROR: SVC99 error rc=4, reason=02D6" occurs in SAS® 9.2 when the UNIT value is not valid | F98073 | |||||
NOTE: If you install this hot fix and need the fix documented in SAS Note 49146, you must also install hot fix F98083 for Base SAS 9.3_M1. NOTE: This hot fix is available for z/OS operating system. Customers running on Windows and Unix operating systems must apply hot fix F98074. | |||||||
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F98075 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
47898 | The CREATE TABLE command spawns multiple connections when you use SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Teradata with UTILCONN_TRANSIENT=YES in a LIBNAME statement | F98049 | |||||
54153 | The ACCESS=READONLY LIBNAME option is ignored when the DBIDIRECTEXEC system option is used | F98075 | |||||
NOTE: If you install this hot fix, you must also install hot fix F98065 for Base SAS 9.3_M1. | |||||||
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F98077 was replaced by F98083 |
F98079 was replaced by F98083 |
F98080 was replaced by F98083 |
F98081 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
41093 | An error occurs and you cannot access an Oracle table when you use a schema name or a user ID that contains a dollar sign ($) | F98040 | |||||
46408 | Access to third party database tables via the META libname engine fails when the userid contains special characters | F98040 | |||||
47294 | Customized metadata column descriptions might be lost when you read data from a database management system (DBMS) table with the META LIBNAME engine | F98040 | |||||
48941 | The METALIB procedure produces a segmentation violation error when you update SAS® metadata for a Sybase IQ table | F98050 | |||||
48885 | An out-of-memory error message might occur when you run a Base SAS® procedure that supports in-database processing while accessing a Teradata table | F98051 | |||||
43097 | The error "No available engine session manager slots" occurs when you access Teradata tables with the META LIBNAME engine | F98060 | |||||
49607 | The maximum number of database connections is exceeded when you access databases that are registered in metadata | F98060 | |||||
50788 | A segmentation violation occurs when you are running the MEANS procedure with the Metadata LIBNAME Engine and SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Teradata | F98066 | |||||
50503 | A table in the Metadata Library Engine library might not close after you access it with an SQL view that is created from an SQL procedure step | F98070 | |||||
50373 | The META LIBNAME engine enforces permissions incorrectly when you add a new row to a table | F98076 | |||||
53961 | A "Write permission" error occurs when you attempt to update a table using the SQL procedure | F98076 | |||||
56563 | Running a PROC SQL query against a database table might result in a Segmentation Violation | F98081 | |||||
NOTE: If you install this hot fix, you must also install hot fix F98065 for Base SAS 9.3_M1. | |||||||
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F98082 was replaced by F98083 |
F98083 for z/OS | |||||||
Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
45646 | ARM_STOP always returns GOOD transaction status. | F98010 | |||||
44652 | Concatenating catalog filerefs in the SASAUTOS option causes errors | F98012 | |||||
46156 | Read Access Violation in ALM Credit Firmware and Market | F98021 | |||||
49146 | Using the SASFILE statement for large data sets might produce an error | F98053 | |||||
49389 | Tick mark values might overlap on graphs produced by the ODS Graphics Designer or Graph Template Language | F98053 | |||||
50584 | Syntax error is generated within PROC SQL when a query is inside a macro | F98056 | |||||
51701 | ALERT - When you run SAS® Foundation, non-allocated memory might be overwritten | F98068 | |||||
53066 | The SAS/SHARE® server terminates when it encounters a semaphore-switch handling error | F98072 | |||||
52698 | A user 1319 abend occurs in a SAS/SHARE® server | F98077 | |||||
54909 | SAS® Drug Development 4.3.2 - Application of J37005 and I22022 Hotfixes results in XLSX files not being picked up in Job Manifest in the Repository | F98079 | |||||
54723 | Large user-defined formats might cause an insufficient memory message and a message about insufficient contiguous storage | F98080 | |||||
NOTE: If you install this hot fix and need the fix documented in SAS Note 49146, you must also install hot fix F98074 for Base SAS 9.3_M1. If you install this hot fix and need the fix documented in SAS Note 49389, you must also install hot fixes F98054 for Base SAS 9.3_M1 and H28004 for Base SAS JAR Files 9.3_M1. | |||||||
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T21001 was replaced by T21008 |
T21002 was replaced by T21008 |
T21003 was replaced by T21008 |
T21004 was replaced by T21008 |
T21005 was replaced by T21008 |
T21006 was replaced by T21008 |
T21007 was replaced by T21008 |
T21008 for z/OS | |||||||
SAS/Secure SSL 9.3_M1 hot fix for Base SAS 9.3_M1 | |||||||
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: | ||||||
54374 | ALERT - Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) capability in SAS® Foundation products is susceptible to the POODLE security vulnerability | T21001 | |||||
53245 | ALERT - OpenSSL security vulnerabilities (05 Jun 2014) exist in SAS/SECURE software | T21001 | |||||
55767 | ALERT - OpenSSL security vulnerabilities (19 Mar 2015) exist in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) capability in SAS® Foundation products | T21002 | |||||
56385 | ALERT - OpenSSL security vulnerabilities (11 Jun 2015 and 9 Jul 2015) exist in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) capability in SAS® Foundation products | T21004 | |||||
57686 | OpenSSL security vulnerabilities (4 Dec 2015) exist in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) capability in SAS® Foundation products | T21005 | |||||
58391 | OpenSSL version 1.0.2h is available for SAS® 9.3 and 9.4 on UNIX and z/OS | T21006 | |||||
58785 | ALERT - The HTTP procedure generates an exception error | T21006 | |||||
59244 | OpenSSL vulnerabilities exist in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) capability in SAS® Foundation products (OpenSSL advisories through 26 September 2016) | T21007 | |||||
61700 | OpenSSL vulnerabilities exist in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) capability in SAS® Foundation products (OpenSSL advisories through 02 November 2017) | T21008 | |||||
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IMPORTANT: Please contact SAS Technical Support for information on accessing this hot fix and reference SAS Note 61700 | |||||||
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment. |
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