SAS Institute. The Power to Know

SAS Scalable Performance Data Server 4.53

Hot Fix Downloads for 64-bit Enabled AIX

* General Information about Hot Fixes

F61001 was replaced by F61007

F61002 was replaced by F61007

F61003 was replaced by F61007

F61004 was replaced by F61007

F61005 was replaced by F61007

F61006 was replaced by F61007

F61007 for 64-bit Enabled AIX
SAS Scalable Performance Data Server 4.53
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
41656 ALERT - SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server WHERE constraints not honored in Viewtable window F61001
43665 SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® not using SRVOPORT value set in rc.spds script file F61001
43943 SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® on Windows might experience problems with performance or appear unresponsive F61001
43944 STARJOIN performance problem caused by default value of STARSIZE memory F61001
43945 Long table name in SQL JOIN might cause SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® to disconnect in a Windows environment F61001
43949 Listing or exporting users in the SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® password database may return incomplete results F61001
43965 Segmentation violation error might occur with a large number of ACL entries F61001
43966 ALERT - Results of query against a very large SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® table might be incorrect F61001
43999 LDAP authentication might fail when running SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® 4.52 in a Windows environment F61001
44012 Thread initialization error generated for parallel join in SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® F61001
44863 Parallel index creation with SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® on AIX 6.1 causes performance degradation F61001
45436 SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® DICTIONARY tables return incorrect observation count F61001
45446 DBIDIRECTEXEC option causes SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® table partitions to be written in the metadata path F61001
45456 "SPDS_ERROR: Parse Failure" when using LENGTH column attribute in SQL pass-through F61001
45468 ALERT - WHERE constraints on SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® tables are ignored when using record-level connection to the server F61001
45474 In SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server®, truncation occurs when the length of a concatenated string exceeds 200 characters F61001
45497 PROC SPDO CLUSTER CREATE or CLUSTER ADD might fail due to incompatible IDXSEGSIZE F61001
46097 SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® Backup Utility generates core file when domain contains tables with zero observations F61001
48527 "SPDS_ERROR: Error communicating to the SPD Name Server" might occur under heavy load conditions F61001
48855 Creating a SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® cluster fails with "ERROR: Member table not compatible with other cluster members." F61001
49096 Required DLL allows query of SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® 4.5.3 tables from an ODBC client F61002
49239 Parallel Group By facility produces incorrect results for MIN/MAX of short key variables in SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® F61003
50395 "SPDS_ERROR: Parse Failure" when using table alias in SQL pass-through F61003
50402 SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server SPDSAUNQ unique append optimization incorrectly allows duplicate records F61003
51809 ALERT - UPCASE() function might return incorrect results with national characters in SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® F61004
51810 Sporadic failures might occur during concurrent updates in dynamic locking domain F61004
51811 SPDSWCST=NO macro variable might not be honored in explicit pass-through F61004
52697 Using implicit pass-through with SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server might result in data-integrity issues for table records larger than 32K F61004
52700 Using dynamic locking with concurrent updates or queries might result in errors F61004
52786 SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® plug-in does not allow connection to SPD Server on Windows if the server is configured for LDAP authentication F61004
52787 SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® might become unresponsive when performing update on tables with indexes F61004
52788 SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® spdssnet with Java connection might return incorrect results F61004
53719 ALERT - SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server might return inconsistent results when using implicit pass-through F61004
53721 SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server WHERE clause with a direct comparison might return incorrect rows F61004
47092 Unable to associate a generic column ACL with SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® tables F61005
53731 Client session might appear unresponsive after executing a PROC SPDO step that includes a "LIST USERS;" statement F61005
55403 Creating concurrent user-defined formats with SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server might result in missing or corrupted formats F61005
56477 A parallel merge join fails and returns "Run function returned error: Operation aborted by software" F61005
55669 The CONTENTS procedure might fail when you access a large SAS® SPD Server table that contains column ACLs F61007
NOTE: If you install this hot fix, you must also install hot fix F62006 for Scalable Performance Data Client 4.53 on your client machine(s).
Released: May 04, 2015     Documentation: F61007r6.html       Download:  
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F62001 was replaced by F62006

F62002 was replaced by F62006

F62003 was replaced by F62006

F62004 was replaced by F62006

F62005 was replaced by F62006

F62006 for 64-bit Enabled AIX
SAS Scalable Performance Data Client 4.53 hot fix for SAS Scalable Performance Data Server 4.53
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
45456 "SPDS_ERROR: Parse Failure" when using LENGTH column attribute in SQL pass-through F62001
45495 "Read Access Violation" error occurs when running PROC CONTENTS on SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® cluster with a large number of members F62001
48528 &SYSERR macro variable returns a value of 0 when PROC SPDO TRUNCATE fails F62001
50396 &SYSERR macro variable returns a value of 0 when a warning message occurs F62002
51811 SPDSWCST=NO macro variable might not be honored in explicit pass-through F62003
51823 &SYSRC macro variable returns a value of 0 when PROC SPDO SPDSCMD fails F62003
54300 The error "Segmentation Violation in Task [FSEDIT]" might occur when multiple users edit the same SPD Server table and the option LOCKING=YES is used F62005
55670 The &SYSERR macro variable returns a value of 0 when you use the DATASETS procedure with a DELETE statement to delete a SAS® SPD Server table F62006
NOTE: If you install this hot fix, you must also install hot fix F61007 for Scalable Performance Data Server 4.53 on your server machine(s).
Released: May 04, 2015     Documentation: F62006r6.html       Download:  
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