F61007 for 64-bit Enabled HP-UX |
SAS Scalable Performance Data Server 4.53 |
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: |
41656 | ALERT - SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server WHERE constraints not honored in Viewtable window |
F61001 |
43665 | SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® not using SRVOPORT value set in rc.spds script file |
F61001 |
43943 | SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® on Windows might experience problems with performance or appear unresponsive |
F61001 |
43944 | STARJOIN performance problem caused by default value of STARSIZE memory |
F61001 |
43945 | Long table name in SQL JOIN might cause SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® to disconnect in a Windows environment |
F61001 |
43949 | Listing or exporting users in the SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® password database may return incomplete results |
F61001 |
43965 | Segmentation violation error might occur with a large number of ACL entries |
F61001 |
43966 | ALERT - Results of query against a very large SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® table might be incorrect |
F61001 |
43999 | LDAP authentication might fail when running SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® 4.52 in a Windows environment |
F61001 |
44012 | Thread initialization error generated for parallel join in SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® |
F61001 |
44863 | Parallel index creation with SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® on AIX 6.1 causes performance degradation |
F61001 |
45436 | SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® DICTIONARY tables return incorrect observation count |
F61001 |
45446 | DBIDIRECTEXEC option causes SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® table partitions to be written in the metadata path |
F61001 |
45456 | "SPDS_ERROR: Parse Failure" when using LENGTH column attribute in SQL pass-through |
F61001 |
45468 | ALERT - WHERE constraints on SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® tables are ignored when using record-level connection to the server |
F61001 |
45474 | In SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server®, truncation occurs when the length of a concatenated string exceeds 200 characters |
F61001 |
45497 | PROC SPDO CLUSTER CREATE or CLUSTER ADD might fail due to incompatible IDXSEGSIZE |
F61001 |
46097 | SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® Backup Utility generates core file when domain contains tables with zero observations |
F61001 |
48527 | "SPDS_ERROR: Error communicating to the SPD Name Server" might occur under heavy load conditions |
F61001 |
48855 | Creating a SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® cluster fails with "ERROR: Member table not compatible with other cluster members." |
F61001 |
49096 | Required DLL allows query of SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® 4.5.3 tables from an ODBC client |
F61002 |
49239 | Parallel Group By facility produces incorrect results for MIN/MAX of short key variables in SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® |
F61003 |
50395 | "SPDS_ERROR: Parse Failure" when using table alias in SQL pass-through |
F61003 |
50402 | SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server SPDSAUNQ unique append optimization incorrectly allows duplicate records |
F61003 |
51809 | ALERT - UPCASE() function might return incorrect results with national characters in SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® |
F61004 |
51810 | Sporadic failures might occur during concurrent updates in dynamic locking domain |
F61004 |
51811 | SPDSWCST=NO macro variable might not be honored in explicit pass-through |
F61004 |
52697 | Using implicit pass-through with SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server might result in data-integrity issues for table records larger than 32K |
F61004 |
52700 | Using dynamic locking with concurrent updates or queries might result in errors |
F61004 |
52786 | SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® plug-in does not allow connection to SPD Server on Windows if the server is configured for LDAP authentication |
F61004 |
52787 | SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® might become unresponsive when performing update on tables with indexes |
F61004 |
52788 | SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® spdssnet with Java connection might return incorrect results |
F61004 |
53719 | ALERT - SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server might return inconsistent results when using implicit pass-through |
F61004 |
53721 | SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server WHERE clause with a direct comparison might return incorrect rows |
F61004 |
47092 | Unable to associate a generic column ACL with SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server® tables |
F61005 |
53731 | Client session might appear unresponsive after executing a PROC SPDO step that includes a "LIST USERS;" statement |
F61005 |
55403 | Creating concurrent user-defined formats with SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server might result in missing or corrupted formats |
F61005 |
56477 | A parallel merge join fails and returns "Run function returned error: Operation aborted by software" |
F61005 |
55669 | The CONTENTS procedure might fail when you access a large SAS® SPD Server table that contains column ACLs |
F61007 |
NOTE: If you install this hot fix, you must also install hot fix F62006 for Scalable Performance Data Client 4.53 on your client machine(s). |