Hot fix F98009 addresses the issue(s) in Base SAS 9.3_M1 on z/OS as documented in the Issue(s) Addressed section of the hot fix download page: IMPORTANT NOTES 1. You must have Base SAS 9.3_M1 installed on your system before applying this hot fix. Refer to Usage Note 35968 for instructions on how to determine which product releases you have installed. 2. All currently active SAS sessions, daemons, spawners and servers must be terminated before applying this hot fix. 3. The hot fix installer has a graphical user interface that requires the use of an X11 server. If an X11 server is not available at your site, the silent installation process described below may be used. 4. SAS Hot Fixes are installed into new datasets after which they can be promoted to your production libraries. Several new datasets will be created in this process. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The following instructions describe the steps for downloading the hot fix, moving the hot fix to Unix System Services (USS) on your z/OS system and installing the hot fix from USS. STEP 1: FTP TO A UNIX FILE SYSTEM DIRECTORY ON z/OS This can be done in one of three ways: Option 1) Download hot fix to your PC. When downloading a SAS 9.3 hot fix, you must choose to "save" the hot fix. After downloading the file to the PC, FTP the file to your working directory in USS by issuing the following commands: NOTE: It is recommended to FTP the file(s ) to the default USS directory <SASHOME>/InstallMisc/HotFixes/New. If this USS directory does not exist on your system, you should create it before beginning the FTP process. binary put /uss_directory/ quit Option 2) From z/OS, FTP to using userid=anonymous and Once you are logged on, "cd" to the following directory: /techsup/download/hotfix/HF2/F/F98/F98009/xx/mvs Issue the following commands to place the ZIP file in your working directory in USS: binary get /uss_directory/ quit Option 3) From z/OS, submit a batch job to FTP to using using userid=anonymous and See sample JCL: //FTPFIX EXEC PGM=FTP //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=D //FTPOUT DD SYSOUT=D //SYSIN DD * (exit anonymous binary cd /techsup/download/hotfix/HF2/F/F98/F98009/xx/mvs get /uss_directory/ (repl quit /* STEP 2: VERIFY EXECUTE PERMISSION ON THE INSTALLATION BINARY 1. "cd" to the working directory in USS where you copied 2. Issue a ls -l to view the permissions. If you do NOT see: -rwxr-x--x then you will need to change the permissions. 3. Use the chmod command to make executable: chmod a+x 4. Issue a ls -l again to confirm that has execute permission. You should now see: -rwxr-x--x STEP 3: LOCATE SASHOME AND BACK UP THE SAS DEPLOYMENT REGISTRY It is recommended that you back up the deploymntreg directory prior to installing the hot fix. You can "cd" to your <SASHOME> and issue a command: cp -rf deploymntreg <backup_file_name> STEP 4: LAUNCH THE HOT FIX You can install hot fixes using a launcher script. This is especially useful for line mode installation. The default directory of the launcher script, sashf.rexx, is located in <SASHOME>/SASDeploymentManager/9.3. If you are installing a 64-bit hot fix, sashf.rexx must be followed with a command line option, -z64. Example: sashf.rexx -z64 Note: If your hot fixes are not in the default location, mentioned above, then you must indicate where the hot fix(es) you wish to install are located, using the -hotfixdir command line option described below. Command Line Options for the Launcher Script The following command line options may be used with the launcher script: -silent -headless By default, hot fix installation requires an X11 server. If an X11 server is not available, these options must be provided. Example sashf.rexx -silent -headless -hotfixdir By default, the launcher script will look for the hot fixes in <SASHOME>/InstallMisc/HotFixes/New. -hotfixdir allows you to specify a different directory as the default location for the hot fixes. -hotfixdir must be followed by a directory path to the hot fixes that you wish to apply. Example sashf.rexx -silent -hotfixdir /u/userid/hotfix Note: If you are installing multiple hot fixes on a z/OS machine, all hot fixes will be installed to a set of staging hot fix libraries incorporating the name of the first alphanumeric value of the hot fixes. For example, if there are two hot fixes named A01 and B06, the staging name will be A01 with the contents of both A01 and B06 included in that image. -nojobsubmit The hot fix installer will not submit batch jobs to complete the application of your hot fixes. Below are some reasons for using the -nojobsubmit command line option which will allow you to edit and submit the batch jobs yourself: + Your site uses JES3 (not JES2) + Your FTP server is configured for JESINTERFACELEVEL=2 + The SAS installer ID is not authorized to use FTP + You need to make site-specific changes to the JCL or wish to review the JCL before submission + The FTP JES interface’s requirement that the jobname be the user ID performing the install suffixed with a single letter or digit is incompatible with your site’s jobname requirements If any of these conditions apply at your site, you must use the -nojobsubmit command line option. If you use the -nojobsubmit option, the list of hot fix jobs to execute will be written to member JOBINDEX in <high-level-qualifier>.< hotfix id>.INSTALL.CNTL. Submit the first job in the list and the entire set of HOTFIXn jobs will run automatically (each job submits the next job in the chain). The PROMOTE job is not run as part of this sequence. It should not be submitted until you are ready to move the staged datasets into production. Example sashf.rexx -nojobsubmit If your initial SAS 9.3 Basic installation was from cartridge you will have to launch the hot fix using Method B or D . See Usage Note 43707. -skipusercheck The hot fix installer performs a check to ensure that the user ID that performed the initial deployment is also the user ID applying the hot fixes. The -skipusercheck command line forces the hot fix installer to skip that check so that another user ID may be used. Note that the logged in user should have the same permissions as the user that performed the deployment, otherwise permission conflicts may arise. However, if permissions are set appropriately, a different user can update files installed under a different user ID. The user ID installing the hot fix must have the authority to create new data sets with the same high-level qualifier as the existing installation and modify the existing data sets. Also, if the -nojubsubmit command line option (described above) is not used, the hot fix installer automatically runs the install jobs under the original installer ID, based on data (jobcards, user ID, etc) stored in the file. Example sashf.exe -skipusercheck There are four methods for launching the hot fix script. Select the method appropriate for your environment to install this hot fix. Method A) Line mode, Installation jobs submitted automatically Invoke the Hot Fix Launcher script with the -silent -headless options. The hot fix installation jobs will be automatically submitted for execution. ./sashf.rexx -silent -headless Method B) Line mode, Installation jobs submitted manually Invoke the hot fix installation using -silent -headless mode and manually submit the hot fix jobs. ./sashf.rexx -silent -headless -nojobsubmit Method C) Graphical User Interface (GUI) mode, Installation jobs submitted automatically Invoke the hot fix installation. The hot fix jobs will be automatically submitted for execution. This method requires the use of an X11 server. An installation wizard will be initiated and will guide you through the hot fix installation process. Set your DISPLAY environment variable export DISPLAY=<your_node_name>:0 Using the Hot Fix Launcher script ./sashf.rexx Method D) Graphical User Interface (GUI) mode, Installation jobs submitted manually Invoke the hot fix installation and manually submit the hot fix jobs. This method requires the use of an X11 server. An installation wizard will be initiated and will guide you through the hot fix installation process. Set your DISPLAY environment variable export DISPLAY=<your_node_name>:0 Execute the hot fix package ./sashf.rexx -nojobsubmit A hot fix installation log will be created in the following location <!SASHOME>/InstallMisc/InstallLogs/IT_date-and-time-stamp.log for example /sas93/InstallMisc/InstallLogs/IT_2011-07-19-13.54.19.log Note: Each attempt to install a hot fix results in the creation of a new log file giving detailed information regarding the installation process. STEP 5: TESTING HOT FIXES If you want to test the hot fixes before promoting them to production, you can use the JCL, CLISTs, or REXX execs created in <high-level-qualifier>.<F98009>.PROCLIB, CLIST, or SASRX, respectively. These concatenate the staged data sets before the production data sets. STEP 6: PROMOTING HOT FIXES TO PRODUCTION Note: Before running this promote job see Problem Note 43710. A job named PROMOTE is written to the hot fix install library, for example, SAS.F98009.INSTALL.CNTL(PROMOTE). This job should be submitted when you are ready to move the staged datasets into production. The hot fix installation process for one set of hot fixes must be completed through the PROMOTE step before installing the next set of hot fixes. Note: After the hot fix(es) have been applied, they will be copied to: <SASHOME>/InstallMisc/HotFixes/Installed. You will need to manually delete any hot fixes from <SASHOME>/InstallMisc/HotFixes/New or the location where they were originally saved before apply new hot fix(es). ADDITIONAL NOTES: If the hot fix installation created '&prefix.F98009.LIBRARY' and it contains a SASHOST, SASXAL, or SASXA1 module, and if you set SAS System options by assembling the DEFAULT OPTIONS TABLE using the BAOPTS1 member of the original CNTL data set, then you must re-assemble this table after applying this hot fix. To re-assemble this table do the following: 1. Edit the BAOPTS1 member in the original CNTL data set. 2. Change the SYSLMOD DD in all three LINK EDIT steps to point to the new <high-level-qualifier>.LIBRARY 3. Rerun BAOPTS1 If the hot fix installation created a '&prefix.F98009.LIBRARY' and you run with an entry point of SASLPA then you will need to look in the unloaded library to see if any of the new modules are installed in your LPA. If so, then you will need to replace them with the new modules and refresh LPA. In the configuration guide, the modules recommended for installation in the LPA are: SASXAL SABXSPL SABXDML SABDS SABSCLL SABDBGM SABZPLH SABXGPH Please note that if you use the BNDLSUFX option, you will have to rename the modules appropriately in your LPA. For more information about the LPA bundled configuration and information about using the BNDLSUFX option, please refer to the section entitled "Installing SAS 9.3 Foundation into the LPA/ELPA" in the "Configuration Guide for SAS 9.3 Foundation for z/OS". This completes the installation of hot fix F98009 on z/OS.