Installation Instructions for Hot Fix F25001

64-bit Enabled AIX

Hot fix F25001 addresses the issue(s) in SAS Fraud Management 3.2M1 on 64-bit Enabled AIX.

This hot fix contains updates to the following software components:

F26001 - SAS Fraud Management Mid-Tier 3.2M1
F27001 - SAS Fraud Management Alert Generation Server 3.2M1
F28001 - SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine 3.2M1
F29001 - SAS Fraud Management Reporting History DB Maintenance Macros 3.2M1
F32001 - SAS Fraud Management System of Record DB Maintenance Macros 3.2M1
F34001 - SAS Fraud Management Transaction Extensions 3.2M1
F31001 - SAS Fraud Management Reporting History ETL Server Macros 3.2M1
F30001 - SAS Fraud Management Operational Reports 3.2M1
rpthist_db2_hotfix_3.2.1.1 - RH updates
sor_db2_hotfix_3.2.1.1 - SOR updates

Before applying this hot fix, follow the instructions in SAS Note 35968 to generate a SAS Deployment Registry report, then verify that the appropriate product releases are installed on your system. The software components and release numbers should match the list of software components updated by the individual hot fix installers.


  1. Files delivered in this hot fix will be backed up during the installation process. However, it is good general practice to back up your system before applying updates to software.

  2. You must have Administrator Privileges on your CLIENT or SERVER machine.

  3. All currently active SAS sessions, daemons, spawners and servers must be terminated before applying this hot fix.

  4. This hot fix should be installed using the same userid who performed the initial software installation.

  5. ECM Integration Queue
    A new ECM integration queue will be required to use this functionality. If one is not provided to the application, then the ECM integration message will not be sent when confirmed fraud alerts are saved. The queue configuration will be managed inside the WebSphere Deployment Manager and the MQ queue manager. Persistence and expiry settings are managed outside of SAS Fraud Management. These values must be based on average message size and queue depth and how quickly the consumer of the information can process the contents of the message before removing them from the queue. SSL communication between WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere MQ is a supported configuration with the SAS Fraud Management web application. These security settings are managed in the WebSphere Console.

  6. Work Manager
    The work manager will provide the container managed threads. The maximum number of threads in the thread pool depends on the average number of confirmed fraud alerts per day and the average number of fraudulent transactions per alert that are serialized to XML. Any changes to the thread pool are managed through the WebSphere console.

  7. See the Addendum to Installation Notes for details on the sequence of steps necessary to configure the Server tier.


  1. The F25001r6.bin download is a compressed tar file. Copy F25001r6.bin to each 64-bit Enabled AIX machine on which SAS Fraud Management 3.2M1 components are installed.
    Uncompress the tar file with this command:
    $> cd ~
    $> tar -xf F25001r6.tar

    This will extract these components to the user's F25001 subdirectory:

  2. Copy F26001r6.bin to each machine where SAS Fraud Management Mid-Tier 3.2M1 is installed.

  3. Copy F27001r6.bin to each machine where SAS Fraud Management Alert Generation Server 3.2M1 is installed.

  4. Copy F28001r6.bin to each machine where SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine 3.2M1 is installed.

  5. Copy F29001r6.bin to each machine where SAS Fraud Management Reporting History DB Maintenance Macros 3.2M1 is installed.

  6. Copy F30001r6.bin to each machine where SAS Fraud Management Operational Reports 3.2M1 is installed.

  7. Copy F31001r6.bin to each machine where SAS Fraud Management Reporting History ETL Server Macros 3.2M1 is installed.

  8. Copy F32001r6.bin to each machine where SAS Fraud Management System of Record DB Maintenance Macros 3.2M1 is installed.

  9. Copy F34001r6.bin to each machine where SAS Fraud Management Transaction Extensions 3.2M1 is installed.

  10. Copy rpthist_db2_hotfix_3.2.1.1.tar to each machine.

  11. Copy sor_db2_hotfix_3.2.1.1.tar to each machine.

  12. Follow the INSTALLATION instructions for each individual hot fix to complete the deployment of this hot fix.
    SAS Fraud Management Mid-Tier 3.2M1: Installation Instructions for Hot Fix F26001

    SAS Fraud Management Alert Generation Server 3.2M1: Installation Instructions for Hot Fix F27001

    SAS Fraud Management Scoring Engine 3.2M1: Installation Instructions for Hot Fix F28001

    SAS Fraud Management Reporting History DB Maintenance Macros 3.2M1: Installation Instructions for Hot Fix F29001

    SAS Fraud Management Operational Reports 3.2M1: Installation Instructions for Hot Fix F30001

    SAS Fraud Management Reporting History ETL Server Macros 3.2M1: Installation Instructions for Hot Fix F31001

    SAS Fraud Management System of Record DB Maintenance Macros 3.2M1: Installation Instructions for Hot Fix F32001

    SAS Fraud Management Transaction Extensions 3.2M1: Installation Instructions for Hot Fix F34001

    RH updates: Installation Instructions for RH updates

    SOR updates: Installation Instructions for SOR updates


  1. The Alert Generation Server configuration for Fraud Management 3.2M1 is missing the workspace server configuration. See SN-44275 for details regarding a workaround for existing installations.

  2. As the RH batch user, copy the file frx_job.xml from SAS_ROOT/misc/fsmrh/data to SASFMCP_IMPLEMENT_HOME/rh/dbloader/data/sas . Then run batch job 1010 to reload the FRX_JOB table ( -j 1010 -d RH).

  3. This hot fix contains a new RH ETL job 4000. This should be scheduled to run weekly/monthly to process any FRH_RULE_FIRE_FACT table records left unloaded by a failed RH ETL transaction recovery job.

  4. Execute script to convert the FRX_LST_PULL_KEY.RHX_LST_KEY from a CMX_TRAN_ID value to the associated record’s CMX_CREATE_TIMESTAMP value. Jobs 3001 - 3039 will no longer use the CMX_TRAN_ID as a basis for finding records in the SOR which need to be loaded to the RH.

  5. The OMR operational report object User Variable Values needs to be replaced for each configured implementation using the SAS Management Console UI. Please contact your SAS System Engineer for assistance. The SAS package to be imported into
    Products->SAS Fraud Management Operational Reports->Fraud Mgmt Oper Rpt Svr 3.2 <implementation name>->Data Source->Stored Process folder
    is located at

  6. To update the web application deployed to your application server:

    Step 1: Re-build Web Applications

    In order for this step to execute correctly, the Metadata Server must be running.

    1.1 Set the DISPLAY environment variable, for example

    $ export DISPLAY=<displayname>:0

    1.2 Invoke the SAS Deployment Manager 9.2

    From the SASDeploymentManager directory execute, for example

    $ cd <SASHOME>/SASDeploymentManager/9.2
    $ ./

    1.3 Select a language in the Choose Language box

    1.4 Select Rebuild Web Applications

    1.5 Select Configuration Directory or Enter the Configuration Directory and Level that needs to be updated

    1.6 Specify Connection Information, including the sasadm User ID and Password

    1.7 Select SAS Fraud Management Mid-Tier as the Web Application to Rebuild

    1.8 Verify the information on the Summary screen and select Start

    1.9 Select Finish when the deployment is complete

    This process will update the Fraud Management ear in <CONFIGDIR>/Lev1/Web/Staging. A backup of the original ear file will be placed in the Backup directory.

    Step 2: Re-deploy Web Applications

    2.1 Re-deploy the web applications based on the instructions in SAS Web Application Administration Guide, Chapter 8, for the web application server you are using.

This completes the installation of hot fix F25001 on 64-bit Enabled AIX.