Installation Instructions for Hot Fix E29002

64-bit Enabled HP-UX

Hot fix E29002 addresses the issue(s) in SAS Risk Management for Banking 3.1 on 64-bit Enabled HP-UX as documented in the Issue(s) Addressed section of the hot fix download page:

E29002 is a "container" hot fix that contains the following "member" hot fixes which will update the software components as indicated. See the Container Hot Fixes section in the Maintenance Install Tool (MIT) Usage Guide for more information about container hot fixes.

E22001 for SAS Asset and Liability Management for Banking Server 3.1
E23001 for SAS Credit Risk for Banking Server 3.1
E20003 for SAS Risk Management for Banking Server 3.1

Before applying this hot fix, follow the instructions in SAS Note 35968 to generate a SAS Deployment Registry report, then verify that the appropriate product releases are installed on your system. The software components and release numbers should match the list of software components updated by the individual hot fix installers.


  1. Files delivered in this hot fix will be backed up during the installation process. However, it is good general practice to back up your system before applying updates to software.

  2. You must have Administrator Privileges on your CLIENT or SERVER machine.

  3. All currently active SAS sessions, daemons, spawners and servers must be terminated before applying this hot fix.

  4. This hot fix should be installed using the same userid who performed the initial software installation.


This hot fix must be installed on each machine where the updated components of the product, listed above, are installed. The installation process will determine which components of SAS Risk Management for Banking 3.1 are installed on each machine, and apply the appropriate updates.

If the updated components of this product are installed on multiple operating systems, you must download the hot fix for the appropriate operating system(s) and follow the installation instructions provided to complete the deployment of this hot fix.

The installer downloaded is E29002h6.bin.

When downloading SAS 9.2 hot fix packages, you must choose to Save the hot fix to disk, then execute the install from the saved location. Attempting to install a hot fix directly from the download page results in the error documented in SAS Note 37104.

To install the hot fix:

1. Verify that the installation binary has execute permission. If it does not, use the chmod command to make it executable.

$> chmod 755 E29002h6.bin
2. Set your $DISPLAY environment variable
export DISPLAY=<your_node_name>:0
3. Execute E29002h6.bin
    For example:

This will initiate the installation wizard, which will guide you through the hot fix installation process. During the installation you will be prompted for the SASHOME location to be updated. You should provide the path to the top level SAS directory where the deploymntreg directory exists.

See the Maintenance Install Tool (MIT) Usage Guide for more details on the installation of hot fixes.

This completes the installation of E29002. You must perform any "Post-Installation Instructions" documented below to successfully complete the deployment of this hot fix.


For each product installed, click the link to be redirected to post-installation instructions.

E22001 for SAS Asset and Liability Management for Banking Server 3.1
E23001 for SAS Credit Risk for Banking Server 3.1
E20003 for SAS Risk Management for Banking Server 3.1

E22001 for SAS Asset and Liability Management for Banking Server 3.1


E23001 for SAS Credit Risk for Banking Server 3.1

Ensure that you have first completed the post-installation steps for E20001 for SAS Risk Management for Banking Server 3.1. Then, complete the following additional post-installation step.

  1. To update the Credit environment that is stored in the solution data mart, execute the code below in a SAS session. Ensure that you update the paths below so that they apply for your installation.

    %let in_file=&in_solndatamart./rd_env/credit/rmb_credit_environment/dir_contents.xpt;
    %let out_lib=&out_solndatamart./rd_env/credit/rmb_credit_environment;

    filename tempf "&in_file.";
    libname templib "&out_lib.";

    proc cimport infile=tempf library=templib; run;

    filename tempf clear;
    libname templib clear;

If users have logged in to the SAS Risk Management for Banking web application prior to applying this hot fix, then an additional post-installation step is required.

For each SAS Risk Management for Banking user who has logged in to the web application do the following:

  1. To update the project_dim data set in the in the user data mart, execute the code below in a SAS session. Ensure that you update the paths below so that they apply for your installation. It is recommended that you create a backup copy of the project_dim data set before you execute the code below.

    libname rd_rpt "SASCONFIG/Lev1/AppData/SASRiskManagementForBanking/3.1/data/userdata/<username>/reportmart";

    %let TMPRRR=rd_rpt;

    proc sql;
    update rd_rpt.project_dim
    set PROJECT_ID_DESC = tranwrd( PROJECT_ID_DESC, "Acturarial", "Actuarial" )
    where upcase(SOURCE_SYSTEM_CD)= "RMB_CRA";

E20003 for SAS Risk Management for Banking Server 3.1

After the hot fix has been installed, you will need to manually re-install the Shared/Global SAS Risk Reporting Repository.

To do this, access the SAS Risk Reporting Repository reference guide via the URL below. If prompted - use the login and password(s) you use to access RMB user documentation.
Follow the instructions for Installing the SAS Risk Reporting Repository on page 9:

The following post-installation steps require that the Metadata Server is running. If it is not, then start the Metadata Server.

  1. Log on to SAS Management Console as a SAS administrator.
  2. Move the RISK_MEASURE_BACKTESTING stored process from the Utilities folder to the Reports folder:
    1. Navigate to the following location on the Folders tab, right-click the RISK_MEASURE_BACKTESTING stored process in the viewing pane on the right-hand side, and select Copy.

      SAS Folders → System → Applications → SAS Risk Management for Banking → SAS Risk Management for Banking Server 3.1 → Utilities

    2. Navigate to the following location on the Folders tab, select Reports, right-click, and select Paste:

      SAS Folders → System → Applications → SAS Risk Management for Banking → SAS Risk Management for Banking Server 3.1 → Reports

    3. Navigate back to the Utilities folder, right-click the RISK_MEASURE_BACKTESTING stored process, and select Delete.
  3. To update the Base environment that is stored in the solution data mart, execute the code below in a SAS session. Ensure that you update the paths below so that they apply for your installation.

    %let in_solndatamart=SASROOT/rmbcomnsvr/sasmisc/solution_data_mart;
    %let out_solndatamart=SASCONFIG/Lev1/AppData/SASRiskManagementForBanking/3.1/indata;
    %let in_file=&in_solndatamart./rd_env/base/rmb_base_environment/dir_contents.xpt;
    %let out_lib=&out_solndatamart./rd_env/base/rmb_base_environment;

    filename tempf "&in_file.";
    libname templib "&out_lib.";

    proc cimport infile=tempf library=templib; run;

    filename tempf clear;
    libname templib clear;

If users have logged in to the SAS Risk Management for Banking web application prior to applying this hot fix, then an additional post-installation step step is required.

For each SAS Risk Management for Banking user who has logged in to the web application do the following:

  1. To update the conf_reenrichment data set in the in the user system data folder, execute the code below in a SAS session. Ensure that you update the paths below so that they apply for your installation. It is recommended that you create a backup copy of the conf_reenrichment data set before you execute the code below.

    libname sys_dat "SASCONFIG/Lev1/AppData/SASRiskManagementForBanking/3.1/data/userdata/<username>/system_data";

    data sys_dat.conf_reenrichment;
       set sys_dat.conf_reenrichment;

This completes the installation of hot fix E29002 on 64-bit Enabled HP-UX.