Problem: Running a data job with a monitor node that references a rule of type "group" requires an Entity Resolution license. This patch eliminates the requirement for an Entity Resolution license for Monitor. Prerequisite Software: Data Management Server 2.1 SP2 (2.1.2) To install the patch: 1. Change directory to the root directory of the Data Management Server installation. This is the directory named 'dmserver' created during installation. For example, if you installed DMS in /opt/dataflux, run this command: cd /opt/dataflux/dmserver 2. Stop the server if it is running. Run the command: ./bin/dmsadmin stop 3. (AIX only) Run this command: ./bin/uncache_libs or ask your sysadmin to run the slibclean command on the system. 4. Run this command: gzip -d -c PATH_TO/dmserver-fix17518-PLATFORM.tar.gz | tar xvf - replacing PATH_TO with the correct path to the patch file and PLATFORM with the the platform name (linux, sol64, etc.). 5. If you stopped the server in step one, restart it. Run the command: ./bin/dmsadmin stop The following files will be installed or updated by this patch: lib/ lib/