Installation Instructions for Hot Fix D8N003
Windows for x64
Hot fix D8N003 addresses the issue(s) in SAS Management Console 9.4_M6 on Windows for x64 as documented
in the Issue(s) Addressed section of the hot fix download page:
The hot fix downloaded,, contains the updated files required to address
the documented issues.
Do NOT extract the contents of The hot fix installation process will extract
the contents as needed.
You must have SAS Management Console 9.4_M6 installed on your system before applying this hot fix.
Refer to SN-35968 for instructions on how to determine which product releases you have installed.
Files delivered in this hot fix will be backed up during the installation process.
However, it is good general practice to back up your system before applying updates
to software.
If you previously installed Hotfix D8N001 you must follow the steps in "ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION STEPS" below. This can be done before or
after installing this hotfix, D8N003. Hotfix D8N001 was only available for download from February 18, 2019 - February 26, 2019.
You must have Administrator Privileges on your CLIENT or SERVER machine.
All currently active SAS sessions, daemons, spawners and servers must be terminated
before applying this hot fix.
- This hot fix should be installed using the same userid who performed the initial
software installation.
CONFIGURATION: No automatic configuration scripting is included for this hot fix. If you have previously configured software installed,
the SAS Deployment Manager may present a screen where you will see "Apply SAS Hot Fixes" and "Configure SAS Hot Fixes" options.
On this screen, you must ensure that the "Configure SAS Hot Fix" option is *not* selected. If this option is automatically
selected, please de-select it prior to proceeding with the SAS Deployment Manager Screens. Failure to do so could have unintended
consequences when applying this hot fix.
The D8N003 hot fix for SAS Management Console 9.4_M6 will be installed using the SAS Deployment Manager.
By default, the SAS Deployment Manager will search in the <SASHOME>\InstallMisc\HotFixes\New directory for hot
fixes to be applied, but will also prompt for a location if you have downloaded hot fixes to a different
After downloading, follow the instructions for applying hot fixes in the
SAS Deployment Wizard and SAS Deployment Manager 9.4: User's Guide.
Please review the CONFIGURATION Important Note above concerning proper selection of the "Configure SAS Hot Fix" option in the SAS Deployment Manager.
The content of this hot fix is listed in the hot fix manifest.
Distributed In-Process Services
To surface updates provided in this hotfix for issue described in 63894
the following applies:
“SAS Distributed In-Process Services Scheduling Server “ is not selected by default as a Scheduler Console action.
The panel will have a combo box of available schedulers, with no default setting so a selection must be made in the combo box.
A login opportunity will be offered.
Although the Scheduler Console is a part of SASMC, they are NOT meant to be used simultaneously.
ie.,actions in SASMC Scheduler Manager Plugin and actions in the concurrently open Scheduler Console.
Whenever a change is made in the SAS Scheduler Manager Plugin, you are required to
Right click Schedule Manager Plugin -> Clear Scheduler Connections which will trigger a refresh of the flow definitions inside of the Scheduler Console.
Without this refresh, behavior can become unpredictable due to the fact the Scheduler Console was not designed for concurrent/simultaneous (seeabove) usage with the Schedule Manager Plugin
Restore "sasmc.ini" from Backup
This step ONLY applies if you previously installed Hotfix D8N001.
Hotfix D8N001 was only available for download from February 18, 2019 - February 26, 2019.
If you do not have a folder named mgmtconsole_h6i_9.4_M6_HFD8N001 then you do not need to take further action.
Copy the original sasmc.ini file
This step can be done before or after installing this hotfix, D8N003.
NOTE: For addtional information about the steps in this section see SAS Note 63749.
This completes the installation of hot fix D8N003 on Windows for x64.
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