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SAS Infrastructure for Risk Management 3.4

Hot Fix Downloads for Linux for x64

* General Information about Hot Fixes

B5C001 was replaced by B5C009

B5C002 was replaced by B5C009

B5C003 was replaced by B5C009

B5C004 was replaced by B5C009

B5C005 was replaced by B5C009

B5C006 was replaced by B5C009

B5C007 was replaced by B5C009

B5C008 was replaced by B5C009

B5C009 for Linux for x64
SAS Infrastructure for Risk Management 3.4
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
61116 ALERT - After you upgrade from SAS® Infrastructure for Risk Management 3.3 to 3.4, subflows are read from the wrong federated area B5C001
62487 SAS® Infrastructure for Risk Management 3.4 contains enhancements to dynamic libnames B5C001
63453 You cannot edit values in SAS® Infrastructure for Risk Management dynamic macrovariable data sets B5C001
61430 When you attempt to back up modified inputs for instances, an error might occur and the backup copy is not saved B5C001
63458 A SAS® Infrastructure for Risk Management backup script fails with "ERROR: An invalid number was found in buffer..." B5C001
61354 Non-legal entities are not supported when you import or export data in SAS® Infrastructure for Risk Management B5C002
61624 ALERT - When you re-run flows that use temporary or partitioned data, have an out-of-date state, or are always-run tasks, the run might fail B5C003
61503 ALERT - New instance results that you see are the existing published results, which can be outdated or from the previously published run B5C004
61711 The default maximum number of instances held in memory is zero (0) B5C004
61715 ALERT - Incorrect input staging data is used when you create one or more flows (instances) and there are two or more base dates B5C004
61787 When you try to load task data into a subflow that has a root flow that is overridden in a higher federated area, it fails with "No URL Provided" B5C004
62363 The "Cannot download file. No url was provided" message occurs when you run job flow definitions in SAS® Infrastructure for Risk Management B5C005
62373 An " such file or directory" message occurs and data is missing when you publish an instance in SAS® Infrastructure for Risk Management B5C005
62433 Data is pulled from the incorrect federated area when there are two or more federated areas that use the same dynamic LIBNAME statement B5C005
62933 A one-time password (OTP) for a job flow instance can incorrectly be used again by a job flow instance for another user B5C008
63022 Middle-tier and server component changes for SAS® Infrastructure for Risk Management 3.4 (Revision 17w38) B5C009
63472 Only the first change is implemented when you run updates to multiple tasks (nodes) via Live ETL in SAS® Infrastructure for Risk Management B5C009
63540 A SAS® Infrastructure for Risk Management node fails with "ERROR...Caught exception in creating one-time password" B5C009
63683 A job flow instance uses incorrect input data B5C009
Released: March 06, 2019     Documentation: B5C009la.html D       Download:  
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment.
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