Installation Instructions for Hot Fix B18002


Hot fix B18002 addresses issue(s) in SAS Fraud Management Transaction Extensions 3.1 on z/OS.

  • You must have SAS Fraud Management Transaction Extensions 3.1 installed on your system before applying this hot fix. Refer to SN-35968 for instructions on how to determine which product releases you have installed.
  • Technical Support strongly suggests that you verify that you have current backups of all SAS files.
  • All currently active SAS sessions, daemons, spawners and servers must be terminated before applying this hot fix. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS The following instructions describe the steps for extracting the contents of the downloaded file, moving the files to your z/OS system and installing the hot fix. Please be sure to read the 'ADDITIONAL NOTES' section for situations where additional actions may be required. Step 1: Pre-allocate the XMIT data set on MVS --------------------------------------------- Pre-allocate the XMIT data set on MVS with the following DCB information. Use a data set name such as sashlq.B18002OS.OSE.SASMACR.XMIT Organization : PS Record format : FB Record length : 80 Block size : 3120 Step 2: FTP the XMIT file to MVS -------------------------------- FTP the XMIT file into the pre-allocated XMIT data set. This can be done in one of 2 ways: Method 1) From a PC, FTP to using userid=anonymous and Once logged on, cd into the following directory: /techsup/download/hotfix/HF2/B/B18/B18002/xx/mvs/en Issue the following commands: binary get B18002os.xmit quit After downloading the file, FTP the file to the MVS system doing a BINARY upload into the pre-allocated data set created in step 1. The file may also be sent to the MVS system using the terminal emulator's file transfer program. Method 2) From MVS, FTP to using userid=anonymous and Once logged on, cd into the following directory: /techsup/download/hotfix/HF2/B/B18/B18002/xx/mvs/en Issue the following commands: binary get B18002os.xmit step1-data-set (rep quit where step1-data-set is the XMIT data set allocated in step 1. Step 3: Receive the XMIT data set --------------------------------- On MVS issue the TSO/E RECEIVE command on the uploaded XMIT data set as follows: RECEIVE INDATASET('step1-data-set') where step1-data-set is the XMIT data set allocated in step1 containing the hot fix file B18002os.xmit. The RECEIVE command will issue a prompt such as the following: INMR901I Dataset DATA.SET.NAME from USERID on NODENAME, INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' +, at this prompt enter: DA('data_set_name') NEW where 'data_set_name' is a new data set name (e.g. sashlq.B18002OS.OSE.SASMACR) that will contain the updated compiled macros that will be copied into sashlq.OSE.SASMACR. You may specify additional allocation parameters in order to control data set placement, space, etc. Step 4: Copy compiled macros data set ------------------------------------- The SAS compiled macros data set must now be copied from the RECEIVEd data set created in step 3 into the sashlq.OSE.SASMACR data set. You may copy the data set using ISPF 3.3 or a batch IEBCOPY. Note: Before copying the dataset, create a backup copy of sashlq.OSE.SASMACR. This completes the installation of hot fix B18002 on z/OS.