Installation Instructions for Hot Fix A25003

Windows for x64

Hot fix A25003 addresses the issue(s) in SAS Fair Banking 4.1 on Windows for x64 as documented in the Issue(s) Addressed section of the hot fix download page:

This hot fix contains updates to the following software components:

SAS Fair Banking Mid-Tier 4.1
SAS Fair Banking Server 4.1

Before applying this hot fix, follow the instructions in SAS Note 35968 to generate a SAS Deployment Registry report, then verify that the appropriate product releases are installed on your system. The software components and release numbers should match the list of software components updated by the individual hot fix installers.


  1. Files delivered in this hot fix will be backed up during the installation process. However, it is good general practice to back up your system before applying updates to software.

  2. You must have Administrator Privileges on your CLIENT or SERVER machine.

  3. All currently active SAS sessions, daemons, spawners and servers must be terminated before applying this hot fix.

  4. This hot fix should be installed using the same userid who performed the initial software installation.


The installer downloaded is A25003x6.exe.
  1. Copy A25003x6.exe to each Windows for x64 machine on which SAS Fair Banking 4.1 components are installed.
  2. Execute A25003x6.exe

This will initiate the installation wizard, which will guide you through the hot fix installation process. The installation process will determine which components of SAS Fair Banking 4.1 are installed on the machine, and apply the appropriate updates.

If components of this product are installed on multiple operating systems, you must download the hot fix for the appropriate operating system(s) and follow the installation instructions provided to complete the deployment of this hot fix.

See the Maintenance Installation Tool (MIT) documentation for more details on the installation of hot fixes.

This completes the installation of A25003. Please perform any "Post-Installation Instructions" documented below to successfully complete the deployment of this hot fix.


For each product installed, click the link to be redirected to post-installation instructions.

SAS Fair Banking Mid-Tier 4.1
SAS Fair Banking Server 4.1

SAS Fair Banking Mid-Tier 4.1

This hot fix requires post-installation steps that will update the web application deployed to your application server.

Step 1: Re-build Web Applications

In order for this step to execute correctly, the Metadata Server must be running.

1.1 Invoke the SAS Deployment Manager 9.2

From the SASDeploymentManager directory launch config.exe. The default installation path for the SAS Deployment Manager is

C:\Program Files\SAS\SASDeploymentManager\9.2

1.2 Select a language in the Choose Language box

1.3 Select Rebuild Web Applications

1.4 Select Configuration Directory or Enter the Configuration Directory and Level that needs to be updated

1.5 Specify Connection Information, including the sasadm User ID and Password

1.6 Select SAS Fair Banking 4.1 as the Web Application to Rebuild

1.7 Verify the information on the Summary screen and select Start

1.8 Select Finish when the deployment is complete

This process will update the SAS Fair Banking ear in <SASCONFIGDIR>Web\Staging.
A backup of the original ear file will be placed in the directory below:

Step 2: Upgrade customized (CDS Only)

If you have a customized file, add the following line to your will not have access to this record after it is saved based off your group
    permissions. You therefore cannot save this record.
Then replace the same file in in <SASCONFIGDIR>\Web\Staging.

Step 3: Re-deploy Web Applications

3.1 Re-deploy the web applications based on the instructions in SAS Web Application Administration Guide, Chapter 8, for the web application server you are using.

Step 4: Enhance workflow definition (CDS Only)
This step can be skipped if A25002 was previously applied

For the problem described in SAS Note 36892 , additional validation is added to make sure that the users are only saving the CDS records which they have the permission to access. This user permission validation test is always executed when the user tries to save a CDS record. However, if this validation needs to be done at the screen level, follow the steps below to enhance the workflows.

4.1 Refer to SAS Fair Banking 4.1 Administrator's Guide, Chapter 2: Workflow Administration to download the current workflow definition files using the “Download the workflow” icon in Actions in the Community Development section of the Administration tab

4.2 Add the following code to the workflow definition files.

<validation test="IsRecordAccessible()">
    You will not have access to this record after it is saved based
    off your group permissions. You therefore cannot continue.
    For example, in the sample loans.xml, the section for screen-level validations for GE0010 & GE0015 may look like this:
<!-- Screen-level validations -->
<validation test="not empty(SOURCE_SYSTEM_CD)">
<errmsg>Source system not found for the specified region and application ID.</errmsg>
<validation test="IsRecordAccessible()">
    You will not have access to this record after it is saved based
    off your group permissions. You therefore cannot continue.
4.3 Refer to SAS Fair Banking 4.1 Administrator's Guide, Chapter 2: Workflow Administration to upload the modified workflow definition files.

SAS Fair Banking Server 4.1

HMDA/CRA Install only
This step can be skipped if A25002 was previously applied

1.       Back up the existing Fair Banking solution

2.       Copy <sasroot>\hmdamva\sashelp\*.*  to <rootpath>\global\custom\parameter

3.       Copy <sasroot>\hmdamva\sasmisc\data_model\l_yyyys\* to <rootpath>\global\install\ddl\sas

4.       Copy <sasroot>\hmdamva\sasmisc\data_model\l_ext\* to <rootpath>\global\install\ddl\sas

5.       Copy <sasroot>\hmdamva\sasmisc\setup\* to <rootpath>\global\install\setup

6.       Copy <sasroot>\hmdamva\sasstp\ to  <rootpath>\global\control

7.       Start up Fair Banking SAS environment and run the following codes.

      %inc "&rootpath\global\install\setup\"; 

%sfb_rate_job_driver ;

           %inc "&rootpath\global\install\setup\"; 



8.       If HMDA data has been loaded before the hotfix is installed, run the following macro for the current submission year. 




9.       Verify the installation.

a.       L_SYS.L_FORMAT_CNTL should have a record with FOR_COLUMN=’FIXED_MORTGAGE_FLG’

b.      L_SYS.L_COUNTY_CODE should not have records with county_desc contains ‘(CA)’.

c.       CNTL.JOB_LIST should have a record with MACRO_CALL=’sfb_rate_job_driver’

d.      L_EXT.EXT_RATE_ARM and L_EXT.EXT_RATE_FIXED should have a lot of records.



g.       Columns FIXED_MORTGAGE_FLG and LOAN_TERM_FIXED_FOR_ARM are added to the current year HMDA correction spreadsheets in <rootpath>\ C:\sas\SFBEntBI\Lev1\Applications\SASFairBanking\4.1\web_imart\error_download\hmda if the spreadsheets exist.


Enhance CDS geocoding (CDS only)

The problem described in SAS Note 38307 , requires a customized Dataflux service job that can geocode a street address spanning 2 lines.
Follow the steps below to switch to your customized job.

Copy your customized DataFlux service job to:
<DATAFLUXHOME>/DIS/8.1/svc_job (rename the file to include the .dmc extension).

Modify the following line in   <SASCONFIGDIR>/Lev1/Applications/SASFairBanking/4.1/global/control/

    call symputx('dfservice','SASFairBanking_AddressVerify_Geocoding');

to replace 'SASFairBanking_AddressVerify_Geocoding’ with your new service job name.

Restart all SAS services.


Update the CDS data model

Start up SAS Fair Banking and run the following codes.

proc sql;
alter table cds.cds_record_geo_alloc
add STATEWIDE_ALLOCATION_FLG CHAR(1) label='Statewide allocation flag';
insert into cds.cds_allocation_type values ('MX' 'Multiple assessment area and Statewide' 5);
Restart all SAS services.

This completes the installation of hot fix A25003 on Windows for x64.