INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOT FIX BUNDLE 82BX08 Solaris for 32 bit support IMPORTANT NOTE(S): 1. You must have Release 8.2 (TS2M0) installed on your system before applying this hot fix. AFTER DOWNLOADING: The hot fix package that is downloaded is in compressed tar format. The name of the tar file is 82bx08s2.tar.Z. The following instructions describe the steps for installing this hot fix bundle. In this example, the directory where Release 8.2 (TS2M0) is installed is: /usr/lib/sas8 STEP 1: Assuming the compressed tar file is downloaded to the user's HOME directory, follow these procedures to install the package. $> cd /usr/lib/sas8 $> uncompress -c $HOME/82bx08s2.tar | tar -xf - STEP 2: The tar command will extract the file sas.82bx08 into the !SASROOT directory. To replace the current sas executable follow these steps (assuming you are still in the /usr/lib/sas8 directory). If the file sas.TS2M0 already exists, skip the first mv command. $> mv sas sas.TS2M0 $> mv sas.82bx08 sas The tar command will also extract the file sas.82bx08 into the !SASROOT/dbcs directory. To replace the current dbcs sas executable follow these steps (assuming you are still in the /usr/lib/sas8 directory). If the file sas.TS2M0 already exists in the dbcs directory, skip the first mv command. $> cd dbcs $> mv sas sas.TS2M0 $> mv sas.82bx08 sas $> cd .. STEP 3: Once the tar command is complete, it is necessary to edit the config file, !SASROOT/sasv8.cfg. 1. The following line must be added as the first line of the !SASROOT/sasv8.cfg: -path !SASROOT/hotfix/sasexe Do not modify any existing -PATH options in the !SASROOT/sasv8.cfg file. 2. Locate the -msg option in the config file. After the existing -msg option add the following line: -insert msg !SASROOT/hotfix/sasmsg The updated -MSG options should appear as follows: -msg !SASROOT/sasmsg -insert msg !SASROOT/hotfix/sasmsg Please be extremely careful not to modify the path in the default -MSG configuration option. 3. Locate the -sashelp option in the config file and change it as follows: The default -sashelp option in the dbcs/sasv8.cfg file appears as: -sashelp ( '!SASROOT/sascfg' '!SASROOT/sashelp' ) This should be updated to appear as: -sashelp ('!SASROOT/hotfix/sashelp' '!SASROOT/sascfg' '!SASROOT/sashelp' ) The path !SASROOT/hotfix/sashelp must appear first. Please be extremely careful not to modify existing paths in the current -sashelp configuration option. STEP 4: It is also necessary to edit the config file, !SASROOT/dbcs/sasv8.cfg. 1. The following lines must be added as the first lines of the !SASROOT/dbcs/sasv8.cfg file: -path !SASROOT/hotfix/sasexe -path !SASROOT/../hotfix/sasexe Do not modify any existing -PATH options in the !SASROOT/dbcs/sasv8.cfg file. 2. Locate the -msg option in the config file. After the existing -msg option add the following line: -insert msg !SASROOT/../hotfix/sasmsg The updated -MSG options should appear as follows: -msg !SASROOT/../sasmsg -insert msg !SASROOT/../hotfix/sasmsg Please be extremely careful not to modify the path in the default -MSG configuration option. 3. Locate the -sashelp option in the config file and change it as follows: The default -sashelp option in the dbcs/sasv8.cfg file appears as: -sashelp ( '!SASROOT/sascfg' '!SASROOT/sashelp' '!SASROOT/../sascfg' '!SASROOT/../sashelp' ) This should be updated to appear as: -sashelp ('!SASROOT/hotfix/sashelp' '!SASROOT/sascfg' '!SASROOT/sashelp' '!SASROOT/../sascfg' '!SASROOT/../hotfix/sashelp' '!SASROOT/../sashelp' ) The path !SASROOT/hotfix/sashelp must appear first. Please be extremely careful not to modify existing paths in the current -sashelp configuration option. STEP 5: Set the XLOCALEDIR environment variable to point to the locale directory installed with this hot fix: export XLOCALEDIR=sas_install_dir/dbcs/hotfix/locale i.e.: export XLOCALEDIR=/usr/lib/sas8/dbcs/hotfix/locale STEP 6: Two versions of the sasmotif and saswujms modules are provided. One version is for SAS running on Solaris 2.6 and Solaris 2.7; the second version is for SAS running on Solaris 8. In order to install the correct version, follow these steps: Solaris 2.6 and Solaris 2.7 installations: $> cd /usr/lib/sas8/dbcs/hotfix/sasexe $> ln -s sasmotif.sun6.82bx08 sasmotif $> ln -s saswujms.sun6.82bx08 saswujms Solaris 8 installations: $> cd /usr/lib/sas8/dbcs/hotfix/sasexe $> ln -s sasmotif.sun8.82bx08 sasmotif $> ln -s saswujms.sun8.82bx08 saswujms STEP 7: Change the ownership (using the chown command) and permissions (using the chmod command) on the files in the !SASROOT/dbcs/hotfix/sasexe directory to match the ownership and permissions on the files in the !SASROOT/dbcs/sasexe directory. Also, change the ownership and permissions on the files in the !SASROOT/hotfix/sasexe directory to match the ownership and permissions on the files in the !SASROOT/sasexe directory. STEP 8: The tar command will extract the files sastcpd.82bx08 and sasauth.82bx08 into the !SASROOT/utilities/bin directory. To replace the current sastcpd and sasauth executables follow these steps (assuming you are still in the /usr/lib/sas8 directory). If the file sastcpd.TS2M0 or sasauth.TS2M0 already exists, skip the first mv command. $> cd utilities/bin $> chown myuserid sastcpd $> chown myuserid sasauth [where myuserid is a non-root userid] $> chmod 755 sastcpd $> chmod 755 sasauth $> mv sastcpd sastcpd.TS2M0 $> mv sasauth sasauth.TS2M0 $> mv sastcpd.82bx08 sastcpd $> mv sasauth.82bx08 sasauth STEP 9: In order to authenticate a client’s identity and check the client’s authority to access resources, some setup is required by the root account. This setup changes the setuid permissions of file in !SASROOT/utilities/bin to root. This can be accomplished by executing the following commands: $> su root $> cd !SASROOT/utilities/bin $> chown root sastcpd $> chown root sasauth $> chmod 4755 sastcpd $> chmod 4755 sasauth $> exit STEP 10: Last, the new sas executable must be patched with the directory location of the SAS installation. This can be accomplished through the "sassetup" installation menus by following these options (assuming you are still in the /usr/lib/sas8 directory): $> ./sassetup SAS System Installation Setup Welcome to SAS Setup, a menu driven application used to install and maintain the SAS System. SAS Setup is fully documented in the installation instructions included in your installation package. Online copies of the enclosures can be found in the doc directory on the installation media, or in !SASROOT/doc once the system is installed. Some conventions used throughout SAS Setup are: * indicates the default menu selection [ ] indicates the default prompt or menu choice ( ) indicates a menu item is not selectable H, H#, #H displays help for a menu or prompt G goback to a previous menu or prompt Q quits SAS Setup at any point Press to continue... SAS Setup Primary Menu ---------------------- * 1. Load Software from Media 2. Run Setup Utilities 3. Quit SAS Setup ------------------------------- g: Goback q: Quit h: Help ------------------------------- Action ? [1] 2 Run Setup Utilities ------------------- * 1. Perform SAS System Configuration 2. Perform Product Specific Configuration 3. List Previously Installed Products ------------------------------- g: Goback q: Quit h: Help ------------------------------- Action ? [1] 1 SAS System Configuration ------------------------ * 1. Create New Config Files 2. Patch the SAS Executable Image 3. Apply SETINIT to Authorize the SAS System 4. Update SAS Registry Information 5. Run Installation Tests 6. Uncompress Map Data Sets 7. Create the SAS online Help Indices 8. Configure User Authorization 9. Update Default Language Setting ------------------------------- g: Goback q: Quit h: Help ------------------------------- Action ? [1] 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ The SAS executable in the following directory is being patched. /usr/lib/sas8/dbcs Patching is complete. _______________________________________________________________________________ The SAS executable in the following directory is being patched. /usr/lib/sas8 Patching is complete. _______________________________________________________________________________ SAS System Configuration ------------------------ 1. Create New Config Files 2. Patch the SAS Executable Image * 3. Apply SETINIT to Authorize the SAS System 4. Update SAS Registry Information 5. Run Installation Tests 6. Uncompress Map Data Sets 7. Create the SAS online Help Indices 8. Configure User Authorization 9. Update Default Language Setting ------------------------------- g: Goback q: Quit h: Help ------------------------------- Action ? [3] q Do you want to exit the SAS installation? [N] y Exiting SAS Setup... This completes the installation of hot fix 82BX08 on Solaris.