AFTER DOWNLOADING: This hotfix requires you to "slip-stream" some updated files into your original setup files. So if you haven't done so already, please find the original ABM 6.3.1 CD and copy its entire content to a shared/local folder somewhere. Here are the files you need to update on your ABM 6.3.1 Setup Folder: #1 sas.abcm.ServerDiagnostics.dll goes to "SetupServer\Program Files\SAS\Activity-Based Management Solution\Enterprise Server\Diagnostics" #2 sas.abcm.Components.dll sas.abcm.Import.dll go to "SetupServer\Program Files\SAS\Activity-Based Management Solution\Enterprise Server\SasSolutions\ABM\services\bin" #3 sas.abcm.DbSetup.exe goes to "SetupServer\Program Files\SAS\Activity-Based Management Solution\Enterprise Server\bin" #4 Model_Create.sql goes to "SetupServer\Program Files\SAS\Activity-Based Management Solution\Enterprise Server\Database\Oracle" --------- Now when you install ABM Server from this setup folder, the updated hotfix files will automatically be applied to your server.