| NAME: LOAD.H                                                       |
| LANGUAGE: C                                                        |
| PURPOSE: Provide minimal C versions of the LOAD and DELETE macros. |
| USAGE:            _  PROTOTYPE CALL                                |
|              rc = LOAD(name,ep,size);                              |
|     -ARG-    -DCL---------    -DESCRIPTION-                        |
|     name     char *           Name of the module to load           |
|     ep       __asm (*)()      entry point address where loaded     |
|     size     int              size of loaded module in doublewords |
|     rc       int              0 = no errors                        |
|                               otherwise error                      |
|                                                                    |
|              rc = DELETE(name);                                    |
|     -ARG-    -DCL---------    -DESCRIPTION-                        |
|     name     char *           Name of the module to delete from mem|
|     rc       int              0 = no errors                        |
|                               otherwise error                      |
|                                                                    |
#include <code.h>
#include <svc.h>
#include <genl370.h>

#define LOAD(name,ep,size)        /* LOAD Macro   -- SVC 8           */\
  (_ldregs(R0,name),              /*    L    R0,NAME                 */\
  SR(1,1),                        /*    SR   1,1  Show DCB not given */\
  _ossvc(8),                      /*    SVC  8                       */\
  (int)_stregs(R0+R1+R15,ep,size))/*    ST   R0,EP                   */\
                                  /*    ST   R1,SIZE                 */\
                                  /*    ST   R15,RC                  */

#define DELETE(name)              /* DELETE Macro -- SVC 9           */\
  (_ldregs(R0,name),              /*    L    R0,NAME                 */\
  _ossvc(9),                      /*    SVC  9                       */\
  (int) _stregs(R15))             /*    ST   15,RC                   */