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|                 COPYRIGHT (C) 1995, SAS INSTITUTE INC.             |
|                   UNPUBLISHED - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED                |
|                      S A S / C   S A M P L E                       |
|                                                                    |
|                                                                    |
|         NAME: STAT                                                 |
|     LANGUAGE: C                                                    |
|      PURPOSE: Demonstrate CMSSTAT function                   .     |
|   CMS -                                                            |
|      COMPILE: LC370 STAT                                           |
|         LINK: CLINK STAT (GENMOD STAT                              |
| INPUT/OUTPUT: stdin/stdout                                         |
|        USAGE: The "no-blanks" format of the fileid must be used    |
|               with this example so the input can be interpreted    |
|               from the command line correctly.  For example:       |
|                  stat cms:profile.exec.a                           |
|                  stat ddn:ddname(member)                           |
|               See CMSSTAT documentation and Appendix B for fileid  |
|               format.                                              |
| SYSTEM NOTES: CMS only                                             |
|                                                                    |
#include <cmsstat.h>
#define UNDEF1 0xFFFF
#define UNDEF2 0xFF

   int argc;
   char **argv;
   struct cmsstat fileinfo;
   int rc;
   if (argc <= 1) return -1;      /* File not specified.            */
   rc = cmsstat(*argv,&fileinfo);
   if (rc != 0) return rc;

   /* Fileid or dsn                                                 */
   if (fileinfo.st_type & S_OS)
      printf(" %s ",fileinfo.st_fid.dsn);
   if (strlen(fileinfo.st_fid.file.name) != 0)
      printf(" %s ",fileinfo.st_fid.file.name);
   if (strlen(fileinfo.st_fid.file.type) != 0)
      printf("  %s ",fileinfo.st_fid.file.type);
   if (strlen(fileinfo.st_fid.file.mode) != 0)
      printf(" %s ",fileinfo.st_fid.file.mode);

   /* Member name                                                   */
   if (strlen(fileinfo.st_mem) != 0)
      printf(" member(%s) ",fileinfo.st_mem);

   /* Disk label                                                    */
   if (strlen(fileinfo.st_dlabl) != 0)
      printf("on %s ",fileinfo.st_dlabl);

   /* Device virtual address                                        */
   if (fileinfo.st_vaddr != UNDEF1)
      printf("at virtual address %X \n",fileinfo.st_vaddr);

   /* Last modified date on file                                    */
   if (fileinfo.st_mtime != -1)
      printf("   Last modified on  %s",ctime(&fileinfo.st_mtime));

   /* Type flags                                                    */
   if (fileinfo.st_type & S_DUM)
      printf("   File is a dummy \n");
   if (fileinfo.st_type & S_DISK)
      printf("   File is a disk file \n");
   if (fileinfo.st_type & S_OS)
      printf("   File is on an OS disk \n");
   if (fileinfo.st_type & S_XED)
      printf("   File is in XEDIT storage \n");
   if (fileinfo.st_type & S_LIB)
      printf("   File is a member in a library \n");
   if (fileinfo.st_type & S_TAPE)
      printf("   File is a tape \n");
   if (fileinfo.st_type & S_UR)
      printf("   File is a unit record device  \n");
   if (fileinfo.st_type & S_TERM)
      printf("   File is a terminal  \n");
      if (fileinfo.st_type & S_3270)
         printf("   Terminal is 3270 type \n");
      if (fileinfo.st_type & S_OSFORMAT)
         printf("   File is in OS format \n");

   /* Access flags                                                  */
   if (fileinfo.st_flags == S_RW)
      printf("   Read/write access \n");
   else if (fileinfo.st_flags & S_WO)
      printf("   Write only access \n");
   else if (fileinfo.st_flags & S_RWX)
      printf("   Read/write extension access \n");
   else if (fileinfo.st_flags & S_RO)
      printf("   Read only access \n");
      printf("   Read only extension access \n");

   /* Number of records or terminal height                          */
   if (fileinfo.st_norecs != -1)
      if (fileinfo.st_type & S_TERM)
         printf("   Terminal height %d \n",fileinfo.st_norecs);
         printf("   Number of records  %d \n",fileinfo.st_norecs);

   /* RECFM                                                         */
   if (fileinfo.st_recfm !=UNDEF2)
      printf("   RECFM   %c \n",fileinfo.st_recfm);

   /* LRECL or terminal width                                       */
   if (fileinfo.st_lrecl != UNDEF1)
      if (fileinfo.st_type & S_TERM)
         printf("   Terminal width %d \n",fileinfo.st_lrecl);
      printf("   LRECL   %d \n",fileinfo.st_lrecl);

   /* BLKSIZE                                                       */
   if (fileinfo.st_bksiz != UNDEF1)
      printf("   BLKSIZE   %d \n",fileinfo.st_bksiz);

   /* Number of disk data blocks                                    */
   if (fileinfo.st_dblks != -1)
      printf("   Number of disk data blocks  %d \n",fileinfo.st_dblks);

   /* Minidisk blocksize                                            */
   if (fileinfo.st_dbksz != -1)
      printf("   Minidisk blksize %d \n",fileinfo.st_dbksz);

return rc;

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