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#pragma title l$clsamp -- SAMP sample locale                            00000100
|                                                                     |
|              Copyright 1996 (c), SAS Institute Inc.                 |
|                Unpublished - All Rights Reserved                    |
|                                                                     |
|                     S A S / C  S A M P L E                          |
|                                                                     |
|       Name: L$CLSAMP                                                |
|                                                                     |
|   Language: C                                                       |
|                                                                     |
| EntryPoint: @DYNAMN                                                 |
|                                                                     |
| EntryType : C Linkage, reentrant                                    |
|                                                                     |
| Files Note: 'prefix' is the installation defined high level         |
|             qualifier for the SAS/C product.                        |
|                                                                     |
|    Purpose: Provide a sample SAS/C user-added locale module.        |
|                                                                     |
| MVS -                                                               |
|                                                                     |
|     Source: prefix.SAMPLE.C(L$CLSAMP)                               |
|                                                                     |
|  Comp/Link: Use proc LC370CL, with parameter RENT and ENTRY=DYN.    |
|             Output module should placed in a library that can be    |
|             located by loadm() when the setlocale() function is     |
|             executed at run time.                                   |
|                                                                     |
|    Execute: via setlocale() function                                |
|                                                                     |
| CMS -                                                               |
|                                                                     |
|     Source: SAMPLC   MACLIB (L$CLSAMP)                              |
|                                                                     |
|       Note: The following compile/link are used for executing the   |
|             module as a nucelus extension.                          |
|                                                                     |
|    Compile:                                                         |
|             global maclig lc370                                     |
|             lc370 l$clsamp ( rent sname l$clsam                     |
|                                                                     |
|       Link:                                                         |
|             clink l$clsamp                                          |
|             load clink370 ( rldsave                                 |
|             genmode l$clsamp                                        |
|                                                                     |
|    Execute: via setlocale() function                                |
|                                                                     |
|      Notes:                                                         |
|                                                                     |
|   When setlocale() is issued the first four characters of the       |
|   locale name are appended to L$CL to form the module name to be    |
|   loaded by loadm(), for example 'SAMP' is appended create a        |
|   module name of L$CLSAMP.                                          |
|                                                                     |
|   This is SAMP locale value module table to provide a skeleton      |  0000770
|   example to modify for a particular locale.  For those locales     |  0000780
|   requiring double byte character support, see the DBCS locale      |  0000790
|   (L$DLDBEX) for setting up a double byte locale LC_CTYPE and       |
|   LC_COLLATE.                                                       |
|                                                                     |  0000760
|   Any addressess of functions or table not specified with a category|  0000760
|   will use the "C" locale equivalent function or table.             |  0000760
|                                                                     |  0000760
|   If a whole category is not specified and the locale is requested  |  0000760
|   for that category via setlocale,effectivly the "C" locale is used.|  0000760
|   though the locale string returned will contain the locale's name  |  0000760
|                                                                     |
|                                                                     |
|                                                                     |
#include <stddef.h>                                                     00004100
#include <locale.h>                                                     00004200
#include <localeu.h>                                                    00004300
#include <dynam.h>                                                      00004400
#include <stdlib.h>                                                     00004410
#include <signal.h>                                                     00004411
#include <errno.h>                                                      00004420
#include <stdio.h>                                                     00004430
#include <string.h>                                                     00004440
#include <time.h>                                                       00004440
#eject                                                                  00005400
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------   00005500
 *                                                                      00005510
 * ENTRY:      <=== _dynamn (externally visible) needs to be compiled   00005600
 *                  with sname l$clsam                                  00005700
 *                                                                      00005701
 *                                                                      00005710
 * USAGE:      <=== Prototype call: _dynamn (dynamically loaded with    00005800
 *                  the loadm function from the setlocale function      00005900
 *                                                                      00005901
 *                  When the a call is made to setlocale e.g.:          00005902
 *                  ptr = setlocale(LC_ALL,"SAMP");                     00005903
 *                                                                      00005904
 *                  The following code is executed within setlocale     00005905
 *                  code to load L$CLSAMP:                              00005906
 *                                                                      00005908
 *                  .                                                   00005909
 *                  .                                                   00005910
 *                  .                                                   00005911
 *                  loadm(L$CLSAMP,&fp)                                 00005914
 *                  fncptr = (char *** ) (*fp)();                       00005915
 *                  .                                                   00005916
 *                  .                                                   00005917
 *                  .                                                   00005918
 *                                                                      00005919
 *                                                                      00006000
 *                                                                      00006200
 *                                                                      00006300
 * ARGUMENTS:  <=== None                                                00006400
 *                                                                      00006500
 *                                                                      00006600
 * RETURNS:    <=== A pointer to an arrary of pointers                  00006700
 *                                                                      00006701
 * static const void *lc_all_samp [5]      = {                          00006710
 *     &collate,                        collate pointer                 00006720
 *     &ctype,                          ctype pointer                   00006730
 *     &monetary                        monetary pointer                00006740
 *     &numeric                         numeric pointer                 00006750
 *     &time                            time format pointer             00006760
 *     }                                                                00006770
 *                                                                      00006800
 *                                                                      00006900
 *                                                                      00007000
 * END                                                                  00007100
 *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/   00007200
/*                 COLLATION category                                 */

static const unsigned char sbcs_collate_table_samp [256]  = {

 /*                                                                   */
 /*    Note if a collation table is specified i.e. its address        */
 /*    is non-zero and a locale strxfrm function is not coded and     */
 /*    the locale is not a multibyte (double byte) locale, then       */
 /*    the collation array must have 256 elements that translate      */
 /*    any chars 8-bit representation to its proper place in the      */
 /*    locale's collating sequence.                                   */
 /*                                                                   */

       0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,   /* 00-0f */
       0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,

       0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,   /* 0x10-1f */
       0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f,

       0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27,   /*0x20-0x2f*/
       0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f,

       0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37,   /*0x30-0x3f*/
       0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f,

       0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47,   /*0x40-0x4f*/
       0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f,

       0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57,   /*0x50-0x5f*/
       0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f,

       0x60, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67,   /*0x60-0x6f*/
       0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f,

       0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77,   /*0x70-0x7f*/
       0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f,

       0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87,   /*0x80-0x8f*/
       0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f,

       0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97,   /*0x90-0x9f*/
       0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f,

       0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7,   /*0xa0-0xaf*/
       0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf,

       0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7,   /*0xb0-0xbf*/
       0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf,

       0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7,   /*0xc0-0xcf*/
       0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf,

       0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0xd7,   /*0xd0-0xdf*/
       0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf,

       0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7,   /*0xe0-0xef*/
       0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef,

       0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7,   /*0xf0-0xff*/
       0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff};

#define SBCS 0
#define DBCS 1
static const struct _lc_collate lc_collate_samp  = {

      SBCS,                     /* single byte character mode         */
      &sbcs_collate_table_samp, /* collation table address            */
      0,                        /* strcoll collation function address */
      0                         /* strxfrm transform function address */
                                /* see L$CLDBCS for DBCS example of   */
                                /* strcoll and strxfrm functions      */


/*                 CTYPE     category                                 */

#define U 1 /* upper case */
#define L 2 /* lower case */
#define N 4 /* number */
#define W 8 /* white space */
#define P 16 /* punctuation */
#define S 32 /* blank */
#define AX 64 /* alpha extender */
#define X 128 /* hexadecimal */

static const unsigned char lc_ctab_samp [513]  =
 /*                                                                   */
 /* The character type table array, if coded, must contain 513 single */
 /* char elements. The first element is the EOF representation (-1 or */
 /* 0xff) followed by 256 elements that contain the char types for    */
 /* any 8-bit character  returned by functions    isalpha, isnumeric, */
 /* et al.  The next 256 elements contain the mappings for the        */
 /* tolower/toupper string transformation functions                   */
 /*                                                                   */

0,       /* -1 = EOF */
0,       /* 00 = nul */
0,       /* 01 = soh */
0,       /* 02 = stx */
0,       /* 03 = etx */
0,       /* 04 = sel */
W,       /* 05 = ht */
0,       /* 06 = rnl */
0,       /* 07 = del */
0,       /* 08 = ge */
0,       /* 09 = sps */
0,       /* 0a = rpt */
W,       /* 0B = vt */
W,       /* 0C = ff */
W,       /* 0D = cr */
0,       /* 0E = so */
0,       /* 0F = si */
0,       /* 10 = dle */
0,       /* 11 = dcl */
0,       /* 12 = dc2 */
0,       /* 13 = dc3 */
0,       /* 14 = res */
W,       /* 15 = nl */
0,       /* 16 = bs */
0,       /* 17 = poc */
0,       /* 18 = can */
0,       /* 19 = em */
0,       /* 1A = ubs */
0,       /* 1B = cu1 */
0,       /* 1C = ifs */
0,       /* 1D = igs */
0,       /* 1E = irs */
0,       /* 1F = ius */
0,       /* 20 = ds */
0,       /* 21 = sos */
0,       /* 22 = fs */
0,       /* 23 = wus */
0,       /* 24 = byp */
0,       /* 25 = lf */
0,       /* 26 = etb */
0,       /* 27 = esc */
0,       /* 28 = sa */
0,       /* 29 = sfe */
0,       /* 2A = sm */
0,       /* 2B = csp */
0,       /* 2C = mfa */
0,       /* 2D = enq */
0,       /* 2E = ack */
0,       /* 2F = bel */
0,       /* 30 */
0,       /* 31 */
0,       /* 32 = syn */
0,       /* 33 = ir */
0,       /* 34 = pp */
0,       /* 35 = trn */
0,       /* 36 = nbs */
0,       /* 37 = eot */
0,       /* 38 = sbs */
0,       /* 39 = it */
0,       /* 3A = rf */
0,       /* 3B = cu3 */
0,       /* 3C = dc4 */
0,       /* 3D = nak */
0,       /* 3E */
0,       /* 3F = sub */
W|S,       /* 40 = sp */
0,       /* 41 = rsp */
0,       /* 42 */
0,       /* 43 */
0,       /* 44 */
0,       /* 45 */
0,       /* 46 */
0,       /* 47 */
0,       /* 48 */
0,       /* 49 */
0,       /* 4A = › (cent sign) */
P,       /* 4B = . */
P,       /* 4C = < */
P,       /* 4D = ( */
P,       /* 4E = + */
P,       /* 4F = | */
P,       /* 50 = & */
0,       /* 51 */
0,       /* 52 */
0,       /* 53 */
0,       /* 54 */
0,       /* 55 */
0,       /* 56 */
0,       /* 57 */
0,       /* 58 */
0,       /* 59 */
0,       /* 5A = ! (exclamation point) */
P,       /* 5B = $ */
P,       /* 5C = * */
P,       /* 5D = ) */
P,       /* 5E = ; */
P,       /* 5F = ^ (circumflex) */
P,       /* 60 = - */
P,       /* 61 = / */
0,       /* 62 */
0,       /* 63 */
0,       /* 64 */
0,       /* 65 */
0,       /* 66 */
0,       /* 67 */
0,       /* 68 */
0,       /* 69 */
0,       /* 6A = º (broken bar) */
P,       /* 6B = , */
P,       /* 6C = % */
P|AX,       /* 6D = _ */
P,       /* 6E = > */
P,       /* 6F = ? */
0,       /* 70 */
0,       /* 71 */
0,       /* 72 */
0,       /* 73 */
0,       /* 74 */
0,       /* 75 */
0,       /* 76 */
0,       /* 77 */
0,       /* 78 */
0,       /* 79 = ` (prime) */
P,       /* 7A = : */
P,       /* 7B = # */
P,       /* 7C = @ */
P,       /* 7D = ' */
P,       /* 7E = = */
P,       /* 7F = " */
0,       /* 80 */
L|X,       /* 81 = a */
L|X,       /* 82 = b */
L|X,       /* 83 = c */
L|X,       /* 84 = d */
L|X,       /* 85 = e */
L|X,       /* 86 = f */
L,       /* 87 = g */
L,       /* 88 = h */
L,       /* 89 = i */
0,       /* 8A */
0,       /* 8B */
0,       /* 8C */
0,       /* 8D */
0,       /* 8E */
0,       /* 8F */
0,       /* 90 */
L,       /* 91 = j */
L,       /* 92 = k */
L,       /* 93 = l */
L,       /* 94 = m */
L,       /* 95 = n */
L,       /* 96 = o */
L,       /* 97 = p */
L,       /* 98 = q */
L,       /* 99 = r */
0,       /* 9A */
0,       /* 9B */
0,       /* 9C */
0,       /* 9D */
0,       /* 9E */
0,       /* 9F */
0,       /* A0 */
0,       /* A1 = ~ (tilde) */
L,       /* A2 = W */
L,       /* A3 = t */
L,       /* A4 = u */
L,       /* A5 = v */
L,       /* A6 = w */
L,       /* A7 = x */
L,       /* A8 = y */
L,       /* A9 = z */
0,       /* AA */
0,       /* AB */
0,       /* AC */
0,       /* AD = [ (open bracket) */
0,       /* AE */
0,       /* AF */
0,       /* B0 */
0,       /* B1 */
0,       /* B2 */
0,       /* B3 */
0,       /* B4 */
0,       /* B5 */
0,       /* B6 */
0,       /* B7 */
0,       /* B8 */
0,       /* B9 */
0,       /* BA */
0,       /* BB */
0,       /* BC */
0,       /* BD = ] (close bracket) */
0,       /* BE */
0,       /* BF */
0,       /* C0 = { (open brace) */
U|X,       /* C1 = A */
U|X,       /* C2 = B */
U|X,       /* C3 = C */
U|X,       /* C4 = D */
U|X,       /* C5 = E */
U|X,       /* C6 = F */
U,       /* C7 = G */
U,       /* C8 = H */
U,       /* C9 = I */
0,       /* CA = shy */
0,       /* CB */
0,       /* CC */
0,       /* CD */
0,       /* CE */
0,       /* CF */
0,       /* D0 = } (close brace) */
U,       /* D1 = J */
U,       /* D2 = K */
U,       /* D3 = L */
U,       /* D4 = M */
U,       /* D5 = N */
U,       /* D6 = O */
U,       /* D7 = P */
U,       /* D8 = Q */
U,       /* D9 = R */
0,       /* DA */
0,       /* DB */
0,       /* DC */
0,       /* DD */
0,       /* DE */
0,       /* DF */
0,       /* E0 = \\ (backslash) */
0,       /* E1 = nsp */
U,       /* E2 = W */
U,       /* E3 = T */
U,       /* E4 = U */
U,       /* E5 = V */
U,       /* E6 = W */
U,       /* E7 = X */
U,       /* E8 = Y */
U,       /* E9 = Z */
0,       /* EA */
0,       /* EB */
0,       /* EC */
0,       /* ED */
0,       /* EE */
0,       /* EF */
N|X,       /* F0 = 0 */
N|X,       /* F1 = 1 */
N|X,       /* F2 = 2 */
N|X,       /* F3 = 3 */
N|X,       /* F4 = 4 */
N|X,       /* F5 = 5 */
N|X,       /* F6 = 6 */
N|X,       /* F7 = 7 */
N|X,       /* F8 = 8 */
N|X,       /* F9 = 9 */
0,       /* FA */
0,       /* FB */
0,       /* FC */
0,       /* FD */
0,       /* FE */
0,       /* FF = eo */

/* lower 257 bytes contain char types, next 256 contains the
   tolower/toupper character mappings                                 */

0x00,    /* 00 = nul */
0x01,    /* 01 = soh */
0x02,    /* 02 = stx */
0x03,    /* 03 = etx */
0x04,    /* 04 = sel */
0x05,    /* 05 = ht */
0x06,    /* 06 = rnl */
0x07,    /* 07 = del */
0x08,    /* 08 = ge */
0x09,    /* 09 = sps */
0x0a,    /* 0a = rpt */
0x0b,    /* 0B = vt */
0x0c,    /* 0C = ff */
0x0d,    /* 0D = cr */
0x0e,    /* 0E = so */
0x0f,    /* 0F = si */
0x10,    /* 10 = dle */
0x11,    /* 11 = dcl */
0x12,    /* 12 = dc2 */
0x13,    /* 13 = dc3 */
0x14,    /* 14 = res */
0x15,    /* 15 = nl */
0x16,    /* 16 = bs */
0x17,    /* 17 = poc */
0x18,    /* 18 = can */
0x19,    /* 19 = em */
0x1a,    /* 1A = ubs */
0x1b,    /* 1B = cu1 */
0x1c,    /* 1C = ifs */
0x1d,    /* 1D = igs */
0x1e,    /* 1E = irs */
0x1f,    /* 1F = ius */
0x20,    /* 20 = ds */
0x21,    /* 21 = sos */
0x22,    /* 22 = fs */
0x23,    /* 23 = wus */
0x24,    /* 24 = byp */
0x25,    /* 25 = lf */
0x26,    /* 26 = etb */
0x27,    /* 27 = esc */
0x28,    /* 28 = sa */
0x29,    /* 29 = sfe */
0x2a,    /* 2A = sm */
0x2b,    /* 2B = csp */
0x2c,    /* 2C = mfa */
0x2d,    /* 2D = enq */
0x2e,    /* 2E = ack */
0x2f,    /* 2F = bel */
0x30,    /* 30 */
0x31,    /* 31 */
0x32,    /* 32 = syn */
0x33,    /* 33 = ir */
0x34,    /* 34 = pp */
0x35,    /* 35 = trn */
0x36,    /* 36 = nbs */
0x37,    /* 37 = eot */
0x38,    /* 38 = sbs */
0x39,    /* 39 = it */
0x3a,    /* 3A = rf */
0x3b,    /* 3B = cu3 */
0x3c,    /* 3C = dc4 */
0x3d,    /* 3D = nak */
0x3e,    /* 3E */
0x3f,    /* 3F = sub */
0x40,      /* 40 = sp */
0x41,    /* 41 = rsp */
0x42,    /* 42 */
0x43,    /* 43 */
0x44,    /* 44 */
0x45,    /* 45 */
0x46,    /* 46 */
0x47,    /* 47 */
0x48,    /* 48 */
0x49,    /* 49 */
0x4a,    /* 4A = › (cent sign) */
0x4b,    /* 4B = . */
0x4c,    /* 4C = < */
0x4d,    /* 4D = ( */
0x4e,    /* 4E = + */
0x4f,    /* 4F = | */
0x50,    /* 50 = & */
0x51,    /* 51 */
0x52,    /* 52 */
0x53,    /* 53 */
0x54,    /* 54 */
0x55,    /* 55 */
0x56,    /* 56 */
0x57,    /* 57 */
0x58,    /* 58 */
0x59,    /* 59 */
0x5a,    /* 5A = ! (exclamation point) */
0x5b,    /* 5B = $ */
0x5c,    /* 5C = * */
0x5d,    /* 5D = ) */
0x5e,    /* 5E = ; */
0x5f,    /* 5F = ^ (circumflex) */
0x60,    /* 60 = - */
0x61,    /* 61 = / */
0x62,    /* 62 */
0x63,    /* 63 */
0x64,    /* 64 */
0x65,    /* 65 */
0x66,    /* 66 */
0x67,    /* 67 */
0x68,    /* 68 */
0x69,    /* 69 */
0x6a,    /* 6A = º (broken bar) */
0x6b,    /* 6B = , */
0x6c,    /* 6C = % */
0x6d,       /* 6D = _ */
0x6e,    /* 6E = > */
0x6f,    /* 6F = ? */
0x70,    /* 70 */
0x71,    /* 71 */
0x72,    /* 72 */
0x73,    /* 73 */
0x74,    /* 74 */
0x75,    /* 75 */
0x76,    /* 76 */
0x77,    /* 77 */
0x78,    /* 78 */
0x79,    /* 79 = ` (prime) */
0x7a,    /* 7A = : */
0x7b,    /* 7B = # */
0x7c,    /* 7C = @ */
0x7d,    /* 7D = ' */
0x7e,    /* 7E = = */
0x7f,    /* 7F = " */
0x80,    /* 80 */
0xc1,      /* 81 = a -> C1 = A */
0xc2,      /* 82 = b -> C2 = B */
0xc3,      /* 83 = c -> C3 = C */
0xc4,      /* 84 = d -> C4 = D */
0xc5,      /* 85 = e -> C5 = E */
0xc6,      /* 86 = f -> C6 = F */
0xc7,      /* 87 = g -> C7 = G */
0xc8,      /* 88 = h -> C8 = H */
0xc9,      /* 89 = i -> C9 = I */
0x8a,    /* 8A */
0x8b,    /* 8B */
0x8c,    /* 8C */
0x8d,    /* 8D */
0x8e,    /* 8E */
0x8f,    /* 8F */
0x90,    /* 90 */
0xd1,      /* 91 = j -> D1 = J */
0xd2,      /* 92 = k -> D2 = K */
0xd3,      /* 93 = l -> D3 = L */
0xd4,      /* 94 = m -> D4 = M */
0xd5,      /* 95 = n -> D5 = N */
0xd6,      /* 96 = o -> D6 = O */
0xd7,      /* 97 = p -> D7 = P */
0xd8,      /* 98 = q -> D8 = Q */
0xd9,      /* 99 = r -> D9 = R */
0x9a,    /* 9A */
0x9b,    /* 9B */
0x9c,    /* 9C */
0x9d,    /* 9D */
0x9e,    /* 9E */
0x9f,    /* 9F */
0xa0,    /* A0 */
0xa1,    /* A1 = ~ (tilde) */
0xe2,      /* a2 = s -> E2 = S */
0xe3,      /* a3 = t -> E3 = T */
0xe4,      /* a4 = u -> E4 = U */
0xe5,      /* a5 = v -> E5 = V */
0xe6,      /* a6 = w -> E6 = W */
0xe7,      /* a7 = x -> E7 = X */
0xe8,      /* a8 = y -> E8 = Y */
0xe9,      /* a9 = z -> E9 = Z */
0xaa,    /* AA */
0xab,    /* AB */
0xac,    /* AC */
0xad,    /* AD = [ (open bracket) */
0xae,    /* AE */
0xaf,    /* AF */
0xb0,    /* B0 */
0xb1,    /* B1 */
0xb2,    /* B2 */
0xb3,    /* B3 */
0xb4,    /* B4 */
0xb5,    /* B5 */
0xb6,    /* B6 */
0xb7,    /* B7 */
0xb8,    /* B8 */
0xb9,    /* B9 */
0xba,    /* BA */
0xbb,    /* BB */
0xbc,    /* BC */
0xbd,    /* BD = ] (close bracket) */
0xbe,    /* BE */
0xbf,    /* BF */
0xc0,    /* C0 = { (open brace) */
0x81,      /* C1 = A -> 81 = a */
0x82,      /* C2 = B -> 82 = b */
0x83,      /* C3 = C -> 83 = c */
0x84,      /* C4 = D -> 84 = d */
0x85,      /* C5 = E -> 85 = e */
0x86,      /* C6 = F -> 86 = f */
0x87,      /* C7 = G -> 87 = g */
0x88,      /* C8 = H -> 88 = h */
0x89,      /* C9 = I -> 89 = i */
0xca,    /* CA = shy */
0xcb,    /* CB */
0xcc,    /* CC */
0xcd,    /* CD */
0xce,    /* CE */
0xcf,    /* CF */
0xd0,    /* D0 = } (close brace) */
0x91,      /* D1 = J -> 91 = j */
0x92,      /* D2 = K -> 92 = k */
0x93,      /* D3 = L -> 93 = l */
0x94,      /* D4 = M -> 94 = m */
0x95,      /* D5 = N -> 95 = n */
0x96,      /* D6 = O -> 96 = o */
0x97,      /* D7 = P -> 97 = p */
0x98,      /* D8 = Q -> 98 = q */
0x99,      /* D9 = R -> 99 = r */
0xda,    /* DA */
0xdb,    /* DB */
0xdc,    /* DC */
0xdd,    /* DD */
0xde,    /* DE */
0xdf,    /* DF */
0xe0,    /* E0 = \\ (backslash) */
0xe1,    /* E1 = nsp */
0xa2,      /* E2 = S -> a2 = s */
0xa3,      /* E3 = T -> a3 = t */
0xa4,      /* E4 = U -> a4 = u */
0xa5,      /* E5 = V -> a5 = v */
0xa6,      /* E6 = W -> a6 = w */
0xa7,      /* E7 = X -> a7 = x */
0xa8,      /* E8 = Y -> a8 = y */
0xa9,      /* E9 = Z -> a9 = z */
0xea,    /* EA */
0xea,    /* EB */
0xea,    /* EC */
0xea,    /* ED */
0xea,    /* EE */
0xea,    /* EF */
0xf0,      /* F0 = 0 */
0xf1,      /* F1 = 1 */
0xf2,      /* F2 = 2 */
0xf3,      /* F3 = 3 */
0xf4,      /* F4 = 4 */
0xf5,      /* F5 = 5 */
0xf6,      /* F6 = 6 */
0xf7,      /* F7 = 7 */
0xf8,      /* F8 = 8 */
0xf9,      /* F9 = 9 */
0xfa,    /* FA */
0xfb,    /* FB */
0xfc,    /* FC */
0xfd,    /* FD */
0xfe,    /* FE */
0xff     /* FF = eo */
   }  ;

static const struct _lc_ctype lc_ctype_samp  = {
      SBCS,                     /* single byte character mode         */
      &lc_ctab_samp             /* ctype (char type) table pointer    */

/*                 NUMERIC category                                   */

const static struct _lc_numeric lc_numeric_samp = {
    ".",                          /* decimal_point                    */
    ",",                          /* thousands_sep                    */
    "\3"                          /* grouping                         */

/*                 MONETARY category                                  */

static const struct _lc_monetary lc_monetary_samp  = {
                                  /*                                  */
    "DOL",                        /* int_curr_symbol                  */
    "$",                          /* currency_symbol                  */
    ".",                          /* mon_decimal_point                */
    ",",                          /* mon_thousands_sep                */
    "\3",                         /* mon_grouping                     */
    "",                           /* positive_sign                    */
    "-",                          /* negative_sign                    */
     2,                           /* int_frac_digits                  */
     2,                           /* frac_digits                      */
     1,                           /* p_cs_precedes                    */
     0,                           /* p_sep_by_space                   */
     1,                           /* n_cs_precedes                    */
     0,                           /* n_sep_by_space                   */
     1,                           /* p_sign_posn                      */
     1                            /* n_sign_posn                      */


/*                 TIME category                                      */

char *sampdcnv (struct tm *tp);

static const struct _lc_time  lc_time_samp  = {

      0,                         /* addr of date/time conv routine    */
      &sampdcnv,                 /* addr of date conv routine         */
      0,                         /* addr of time conv routine         */
      { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue",     /* weekday name abbreviations        */
        "Wed", "Thu", "Fri",
        "Sat" },
      { "Sunday", "Monday",      /* weekday full names                */
        "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
        "Thursday", "Friday",
        "Saturday" },
      { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar",     /* month name abbreviations          */
        "Apr", "May", "Jun",
        "Jul", "Aug", "Sep",
        "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" },
      { "January", "February",   /* month full names                  */
        "March", "April",
        "May", "June",
        "July", "August",
        "September", "October",
        "November", "December" },
      "AM",                      /* locale's "AM" equivalent          */
      "PM"                       /* locale's "PM" equivalent          */

char *sampdcnv (struct tm *tp)

 /*                                                                   */
 /*   Samp date conversion routine                                    */
 /*                                                                   */
 /*   Function returns the date in the form:                          */
 /*   wkd mon dd 'yy                                                  */
 /*   e.g.  Thu Oct 10 '85                                            */
 /*                                                                   */

char *time_format;

time_format = asctime(tp);
memcpy(time_format+11," '",2);
*(time_format+15) = '\0';

return time_format;
}   /*    end sampdcnv  */

/*                 ALL category                                       */

static const void *lc_all_samp [5]      = {
    &lc_collate_samp ,           /* pointer to collate category struct*/
    &lc_ctype_samp ,             /* pointer to ctype category         */
    &lc_monetary_samp ,          /* pointer to monetary category      */
    &lc_numeric_samp ,           /* pointer to numeric samp           */
    &lc_time_samp                /* pointer to time samp              */

/*                 Return category pointers                           */

void *_dynamn() /* l$clsamp executable entry point  */
return (void *) &lc_all_samp;

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