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|                 Copyright (c) 1995, SAS Institute Inc.              |
|                   Unpublished - All Rights Reserved                 |
|                      S A S / C   S A M P L E                        |
|                                                                     |
|         NAME: JOBDDN                                                |
|     LANGUAGE: C                                                     |
|      PURPOSE: Displays the Jobname/Stepname and all DDs associated  |
|               with a job.  In addition to the DDname, it also       |
|               displays datasetname, lrecl, blksize, and recfm.      |
| MVS -                                                               |
|      COMPILE: Use JCL in prefix.SAMPLE.AUX(JOBDDN).                 |
|         LINK: Use JCL in prefix.SAMPLE.AUX(JOBDDN).                 |
|               Use JCL in prefix.SAMPLE.AUX(JOBDDN).                 |
|        INPUT: None                                                  |
|       OUTPUT: Jobname/Stepname and all DDnames allocated to current |
|               job.  DDnames info include datasetname, lrecl,        |
|               blksize, and recfm.                                   |
| TSO - N/A                                                           |
| MVS - N/A                                                           |
|                                                                     |
|   MISC NOTES: The TIOT info is accessed directly from system        |
|               control blocks.                                       |
|                                                                     |
|               The tiotlist function will access the TIOT control    |
|               block for each DD allocated to a job.  The first      |
|               invocation will return the Jobname and Step name as   |
|               well as the first DD name.  Subsequent invocations    |
|               will return the next DD name allocated.               |
| RETURN VALUE:                                                       |
|              The tiotlist function returns a pointer to the TIOT    |
|              structure. This structure was generated by the DSECT2C |
|              utility.  A zero in the TIOELNGH field indicates that  |
|              there are no more DD entries.                          |
|     CAUTIONS:                                                       |
|              If there are no allocated datasets the result is       |
|              undefined.                                             |
|                                                                     |
|                                                                     |
|                                                                     |

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <os.h>
#include "tiot.h"

 int type = 0;
 char dsn(|46|), recfm, recfmf(|9|);
 int i, j, lrecl, blksize;
 struct TIOT *tiot=NULL;

   | Search for all DD entries for this job.  Then request info      |
   |  on each entry.                                                 |
   for (i=0;;i++) {
      tiot = tiotlist(tiot, &type);
      if (tiot->TIOELNGH == 0) break;          /* end of DD list    */

      | on first call get job and step name                          |
      if (i == 0) {
         printf("Job name=%-8.8s      Step name=%-16.16s\n",
                tiot->TIOCNJOB, tiot->TIOCSTEP);
         printf("\n\nDDname   Dataset name                       "
                "                Lrecl     Blksize   Recfm\n");

      | make sure entry is a valid DDname (ie: start with alpha)     |
      if (isalpha(*tiot->TIOEDDNM)) {          /* valid name?       */

         | get info on ddname                                        |
         osddinfo(tiot->TIOEDDNM, dsn, NULL, &recfm,&lrecl,&blksize);
         j = 0;
         strcpy(recfmf, "         ");
         if ((recfm & RECFM_F) && (recfm & RECFM_V))
            recfmf(|j++|) = 'U';
         else if (recfm & RECFM_F) recfmf(|j++|) = 'F';
         else if (recfm & RECFM_V) recfmf(|j++|) = 'V';
         if (recfm & RECFM_B) recfmf(|j++|) = 'B';
         if (recfm & RECFM_D) recfmf(|j++|) = 'D';
         if (recfm & RECFM_T) recfmf(|j++|) = 'T';
         if (recfm & RECFM_S) recfmf(|j++|) = 'S';
         if (recfm & RECFM_A) recfmf(|j++|) = 'A';
         if (recfm & RECFM_M) recfmf(|j++|) = 'M';
         if (recfm == '\0')   strcpy(recfmf, "unknown");

         | print it.                                                 |
         printf("%-8.8s %-45.45s %10d  %10d   %-9.9s\n",
                tiot->TIOEDDNM, dsn, lrecl, blksize, recfmf);




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