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|                                                                     |
|              Copyright 1996 (c), SAS Institute Inc.                 |
|                Unpublished - All Rights Reserved                    |
|                                                                     |
|                     S A S / C  S A M P L E                          |
|                                                                     |
|       Name: ISPFEXIT                                                |
|                                                                     |
|   Language: C                                                       |
|                                                                     |
| EntryPoint: CUSERXT                                                 |
|                                                                     |
| EntryType : INDEP                                                   |
|                                                                     |
| Files Note: 'prefix' is the installation defined high level         |
|             qualifier for the SAS/C product.                        |
|                                                                     |
|    Purpose: Demonstrate calls from ISPF to a user provided exit.    |
|                                                                     |
| MVS - Compile/Link   : submit prefix.SAMPLE.AUX(ISPFEXTJ)           |
|       Execution      : See SAS Programmers Report:                  |
|                                                                     |
| CMS - Not applicable.                                               |
|                                                                     |
|      Notes:                                                         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                                     |

#include <string.h>
#include "osispf.h"

|  The cuserxt routine accepts input directly from ISPF via formal   |
|  parms.  All parms are pointers to areas in memory.                |
|  This exit simply changes the user specified data each time,       |
|  without having a practical use (outside of demonstration)         |
|                                                                    |
|  See ISPF Dialog Management Services for explanation of            |
|   of parameters and their use (under VDEFINE service)              |
cuserxt( udata,
         spfdatap )
 char *udata;
 int *srvcode;
 char *namestr;
 int *deflen;
 char *defarea;
 int *spfdlen;
 char **spfdatap;

   |  Check for type of request from ISPF                            |
   if (*srvcode) {     /* request for write to variable             */

      |  See if user sent in an empty field                          |
      if (*spfdlen) {

         |  Check length of field.  An abend will occur if memory    |
         |  is overrun.  This can be passed as user data from the    |
         |  calling program (where exit is established)              |
         |                                                           |
         |  After changing field the remainder should be blanked.    |
         if (*spfdlen < 40) {
            memcpy(defarea, *spfdatap, *spfdlen);
            memcpy(defarea+*spfdlen, "-->SAS/C<--", 11);
            memcpy(defarea+*spfdlen+11, *spfdatap, *spfdlen);
            *deflen = (*spfdlen * 2) + 11;
            if (*deflen < 40)
               memset(defarea+*deflen, ' ', 40-*deflen);
         else {
            memcpy(defarea, "too long", 8);
            *deflen = 8;
            memset(defarea+*deflen, ' ', 40-*deflen);

      | No input.  Be sure not to use the defarea pointer.           |
      else {
         memcpy(defarea, "SAS/C", 5);
         *deflen = 5;
         memset(defarea+*deflen, ' ', 40-*deflen);

   |  Transfer the data from input to output area.                   |
   else {              /* request for read from variable            */
      *spfdatap = defarea;
      *spfdlen = *deflen;


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