)ATTR _ TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(LOW) JUST(LEFT) PAD(' ') CAPS(ON) @ TYPE(INPUT) INTENS(LOW) JUST(LEFT) PAD(' ') CAPS(ON) )BODY %------------------- TELEPHONE BOOK APPLICATION ----------------------- +SELECT AN OPTION:%==>@ZCMD % % % A+- Add new entry %F+- Refresh the table from disk % C+- Change an existing entry %K+- Remove the table from disk % D+- Delete old entry %L+- List the table % G+- Get last entry %Q+- Query the table % M+- Add/Change entry %S+- Scan table, non-unique % Z+- Blank screen entry %R+- Rescan the table, continue scan % P+- Prepare report %T+- Search on last name, unique key % B+- Browse report %V+- Save the table on disk % E+- Edit report %Y+- Destroy report % +CURRENT VALUES / ENTER SEARCH VALUES: % + LAST NAME ===>_TLNAM + + FIRST NAME ===>_TFNAM + + PHONE NUM ===>_TNUM + + LOCATION ===>_TLOC + % % + Note: Enter telephone number as XXX-NNNN )INIT .CURSOR = ZCMD &ZCMD = &OTELOPT &VAR = '(TLNAM TFNAM TNUM TLOC)' IF (&ZERRMSG ^= ' ') .MSG = &ZERRMSG &ZERRMSG = ' ' )PROC &OSEL = &ZSEL &OTELOPT = &ZCMD IF (&ZCMD = R) &ZCMD = S IF (&ZCMD ^= S) VER(&TNUM, PICT,'NNN-NNNN') VPUT (TLNAM TFNAM TNUM TLOC) SHARED )END