======================================================================== Customer Installation ======================================================================== 0. Warning: It is suggested that you upload files to 'copies' of the libraries being updated, or a backup of some type should be provided for the libraries being updated. 1. Using the following information and UN1475, obatin the files from FTP.SAS.COM: FTP Directory: /techsup/download/SASC/download FTP Fileid : un1704.cics.aresobj.xmit <== ftp_fileid un1704.readme Notes : Fileid : prefix.CICS.ARESOBJ <== sasc.file (i.e. prefix.LINKLIB, prefix.MACLIBC(STDLIB) ) File Type : Full PDS with one member, L$C#RES 2. If the file type is 'full pds', then allocate the final sasc.file dataset based on the following information (which was obtained via ISPF 3.4, option S): Organization : PO Record format: FB Record length: 80 Block size : 3120 Total blocks : 20 3. FTP From MVS: upload FTP file from FTP.SAS.COM ==> locsite recfm=fb lrecl=80 blksize=3120 pri=500 sec=100 ==> binary <-- Very Important!!!! ==> get ftp_fileid 'your.receive.ftp' (replace ==> quit 4. Using TSO RECEIVE command convert the FTP sequential file into the original prefix.pds library. You will be prompted by tso-receive for the output dataset name. ==> RECEIVE inds('your.receive.ftp') PROMPT: da('your.sasc.pdsfile')